146. Kshama (Part 1)

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Jagdish rasped, a pathetic whisper escaping his lips. Each inhale scraped against his raw throat, a futile struggle for something as basic as air. Even lifting his eyelids felt like dragging them through the sand. Panic clawed at the edges of his muddled mind. What had happened? Why was this so excruciating? Why was it so difficult to perform basic functions? Wasn't breathing a fundamental necessity for survival? Why did it now feel like an insurmountable task, as if death itself was looming over him?

A sharp pain jolted through his chest, forcing his eyes to flutter open in shock.

Then, it all came crashing back to him. The horrific car crash slammed back into him—the deafening screech of metal, the sickening crunch of impact, the glittering rain of glass... But most hauntingly, his love's terrified scream echoed in the hollow chambers of his mind. The memory was vivid and overwhelming, flooding his senses with a surge of panic and despair.


He inhaled loudly, his body convulsing with the effort. He jerked suddenly, the agony and fear coursing through him like electric currents. His mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of the accident, the moments leading up to it, and the aftermath.


A voice, familiar and laced with barely suppressed panic, cut through the haze clouding his mind. It was his mother. He turned his head. Her eyes, red-rimmed and hollowed with worry, mirrored the exhaustion etched on her face. Days, it seemed, had passed since she last slept.

His gaze darted around the room, taking in the concerned faces hovering nearby. Chandrakant, Unni, Subhadra—all stood vigil, their features etched with worry. Subhadra held his hand with a fierce grip, her touch almost painful as it tried to anchor him amidst the tremors wracking his body.

But his eyes scanned frantically across the room, searching for a different face, a different form. Panic, a cold serpent, coiled around his heart. Nishita. She wasn't there. His love, his reason for fighting through the crushing pain, was nowhere to be seen.

His whole body jolted and he screamed, "NISHITA!"

He had to know if she was safe. He had to find her. His voice, raw and ragged from disuse, ripped through the sterile air. "NISHITA!" he roared, the single word a hopeless plea echoing off the walls.

Chandrakant lurched forward, his powerful bulk a wall against Jagdish's sudden thrashing. Despite his worry, his muscles tensed instinctively, trying to contain his friend's frantic movements. But Jagdish was a wild storm in a frail vessel, his struggles fueled by desperation. Chandrakant grunted with effort, his grip firm but gentle, trying to find a balance between control and compassion.


Tears welled in his blurred vision, a silent scream reflecting the anguish tearing through him.

"Sher... Beta, calm down..."

His mother's voice trembled like a flickering candle flame, a desperate attempt to cling to hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Yet, her voice barely registered in his mind, consumed by a singular, agonizing question. Nishita.

"AAA!" Jagdish screamed.

"Jagdish!" Chandrakant yelled, his voice commanding and urgent. "Calm down, now! Nishita's safe, you hear me?" The words were a hammer blow, shattering Jagdish's panicked focus. Chandrakant's grip tightened, his eyes locked onto Jagdish's with a fierce intensity. "Listen to me, Jagdish! Nishita is safe. You need to fucking calm down!"


"She's... safe... That's all you need to know now." Chandrakant's eyes were clear and Jagdish trusted him with his life.

Exhaustion slammed into Jagdish like a tidal wave. The surge of frantic energy that had fueled his search for Nishita evaporated, leaving him drained and heavy. He slumped back against the pillows, eyes fluttering closed.


Chandrakant, his face etched with relief, adjusted the blanket over Jagdish's prone form. As he turned to leave, a frail grip on his arm stopped him. Jagdish, his eyes still closed, held on weakly.

His breath hitched, a surge of emotion welling up within him. He turned back, and the sight of Jagdish's ravaged face—a stark contrast to the charming man he knew—brought tears stinging to his eyes. Unable to hold back the tide of feeling, he sank into the chair beside the bed, his own body wracked with silent sobs.

The sight of his closest friend, reduced to such a vegetative state, was a brutal echo of a past he desperately tried to bury. The memory of his brother, his final gasping breaths, slammed into him with a renewed intensity. The thought of losing Jagdish, another brother in all but blood, was a torment he couldn't bear. Grief, a weight in his chest, tightened his grip on Jagdish's hand. It was a silent plea, a desperate request for his friend to fight, to hold on to the fragile thread of life that still bound them.



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