93. Kumud (Part 3)

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It was abrupt.

The shift was too sudden for her. One moment his gaze was neutral, the next, it smoldered with an inferno's intensity that scorched a path straight through her. There was a storm brewing in the depths of his dark brown eyes, a potent cocktail of emotions she couldn't quite decipher. Was it love, a yearning so profound it threatened to consume him entirely?

It didn't feel like mere lust; his gaze held a tenderness that transcended fleeting physical attraction. His words carried the weight of a thousand unspoken promises, and his lips seemed to pledge an intimacy far deeper than any passing fancy could ever convey.

Overwhelmed, Nishita blinked rapidly, tearing her gaze from his face. Her frantic eyes landed on the first innocuous thing she could find - the simple kurta adorning his broad frame. "Right," she blurted, voice strained. "A quick shower and comfortable clothes. That makes sense."

Jagdish's voice, laced with amusement, continued, "So, understanding the meaning is enough? You don't want me to, shall we say, put that knowledge to good use?"

The challenge in his tone sent a shiver down her spine. Before she could formulate a coherent reply, she felt him drawing closer, the heat of his body a tangible presence. Her eyes instinctively flew back to his face. "Err... Umm..."

He raised his left hand, the tips of his fingers coming to rest gently against her lips.

"Cat got your tongue, wifey?"

Surprised, she froze like a statue, letting out a gasp as his touch, feather-light yet scorching, trailed down the column of her neck, igniting a wildfire beneath his fingertips.

"I want to be a gentleman, as my Maa raised me to be, as this world sees me," He rasped, his voice thick and deeper than ever. "but there's something in you, something very vexing that keeps testing my patience."

Her throat felt like sandpaper, the dryness far exceeding the mere parched sensation on her lips. It was as if she'd been flung into the heart of a scorching summer desert, the very air itself sucking the moisture from her. He withdrew his fingers from her neck, the faintest brush of his touch, leaving an ache of a different kind, a delicious torture of desire blossoming within her.

Nishita met his gaze, her breath catching as his warm hand engulfed hers. "Nishita," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine, "I understand, my darling. Lust can be intoxicating, a primal force that demands acknowledgment. While its appeal is undeniable, I refuse to let it be the foundation of our bond."

His fingers intertwined with hers, the gentle pressure a silent promise. He lifted her hand, his lips brushing against her knuckles in a fleeting kiss. "My sweet, sweet Nishita," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion, "I want you to understand what it means to be my wife, to be cherished with the depth of love I hold for you." He paused, his gaze holding hers with unwavering intensity. "No one has ever, nor will ever, love you the way I do. And that's precisely why I need you to comprehend the immensity of my feelings before you yearn for my body, offering yours completely in a sacred union of our love."

A tremor ran through her.

It was overwhelming - this open declaration, the weight of his unspoken desire. How could he even speak of love? They barely knew each other! "But," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper, "we haven't even dated properly. We met just a few months ago..."

"Oh, my sweet, sweet Nishita, you are wrong about a lot of things." A ghost of a smile played on Jagdish's lips. "Three years, five months, and fourteen days, my darling," he corrected, his voice dropping to a husky murmur.



Exactly, 600 hundred words, ah the perfection! (Ik, many of you are going to kill me mentally XD)

Well, one of my absolute favorites, "Bolna," has arrived. If you've read "Not A Simple Engineer Boy!" you might have an idea of what this could mean for the upcoming chapters, hehe. I won't ramble on any longer. Bye!

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