47. Prakopa (Part 2)

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Her mouth went dry as he closed the distance between them while casually flinging his shorts, discarding them somewhere far from their reach. His movements were fluid and deliberate, exuding a natural, predatory grace, making her feel small despite her five-foot-nine stature. Moonlight reflected from his body exposing the way his muscles moved under his skin exuding a captivating aura of power.

Standing just an inch or two taller than her, he seemed to loom over her, his broad shoulders and sturdy, muscular arms adding to his imposing presence. Hell, his biceps were so well-defined, they were almost as thick as her face, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement at the sight of his raw strength.

Her gaze wandered down his rock-hard pectorals, noticing the dusting of curls and imagining how it would feel to press her body shamelessly over his rough skin. Below his navel, a thin trail of hair disappeared beneath the waistband of his boxers, drawing her eyes to his thighs, which were firm and muscular, making her own legs clench in response, her core feeling unnaturally wet.

Seriously, you are turned on by just looking at him!?

Oh, fucking shut up, just see him, he can impregnate any woman by just glancing at her! What is my weak resolve in front of him...

You are such a disgrace, Devika! Ashamed of y

Fuck off!

She admonished her conscious self and continued admiring her delectable darling.

Your darling?

Stepping back she tried to recollect her thoughts and correct herself.

What the fuck?

"Devika Ji, close your mouth." Chandrakant chuckled, cutting her conflicting thoughts and she stared at him, "You have been drooling over—" he ran his right thumb sensually over the front of his torso, forcing her eyes to glide along, "—this perfection of sexiness for far too long—" and he slowly lifted the same thumb from his body and swept over her lower lip, "—you'll be thirsty with so much of water loss from your body."

She couldn't help but moan involuntarily.

Understanding his game like a well-thumbed novel, she took a cautious step back, eyes narrowed in a sardonic glare. "And you're reveling in your naked escapades, seducing every stranger in sight."

His face, a thicket of beard, made it difficult for her to gauge if her sarcasm had hit its mark.

"Stranger?" he retorted, a quizzical arch to his brow. "Devika Ji, weren't you the one eager to share a bed with a stranger?" he clicked his tongue as he leaned closer to her in a mock salute. "Actually, the specification was to fuck me, my lady?"

Devika bit down on her cheeks, restraining herself from spitting on his face at his audacious accusation of her being a promiscuous temptress.

She hadn't coerced him; she merely seized a prospect, as she often did with almost every man she had been with—either they had initiated or it had been a mutual decision. Seduction of innocent was never her game; nor was she naive enough to be lured into a man's room. His insinuations were baseless.

Regaining her composure, she shot back, "Oh, I see. I thought our little rendezvous was more of a tango, not a kidnapping, you piece of shit."

"Ah... Absolutely, absolutely" he drawled, his tone thick with sarcasm. "So, let me get this straight... When you messaged me in the dead of night, I responded like a man without a backbone, and then you conveniently whisked me away to who-knows-where, and I, being the clueless fool, just followed along without question... It all adds up perfectly, Devika Ji." He took a step closer, his demeanor dripping with mockery. "I suppose I can't fault you for being a bit... opportunistic. After all, you were just making the most of our time together, weren't you?"




Prakopa means extreme anger, for your information -_-

Chandrakant's starting to worry me a bit. Let's see how this all plays out—it could get pretty messy.

Also, how horny is Devika to unable to see anger seeping out from Chandrakant? Lol XD

"Chalo Tumko Lekar" is a hauntingly sensuous number. I mean it feels creepy but at the same time very smutty... Am I abnormal or everyone thinks the same?

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