40. Durdhara (Part 5)

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As the crackling flames of the campfire painted patterns of light and shadow on the sandy shores of Goa, the group of friends gathered around, their faces illuminated by the warm glow. The soft murmur of the waves kissing the shoreline provided a soothing backdrop to the scene, while the faint scent of salt and sea hung in the air, mingling with the smoke of the fire.

"Shravan, why not grace us with your guitar skills?" Apoorva pleaded, a playful grin lighting up her face. "You brought it along, after all. Show us what you've got!"

Nishita interjected teasingly, "Oh, what a performer we have here."

Shravan chuckled, glancing at Asmita, who blushed under his gaze. "I never said I wouldn't play. I just need someone to accompany me," he explained.

"Honestly, was I the only one who missed this obvious thing between them?" Nishita rolled her eyes dramatically.

Jagdish, well aware of Nishita's crush on Shravan, couldn't help but smirk. "Love tends to cloud our vision," he mused softly.

Nishita shot him a glare. "It wasn't love. If it were, I wouldn't be engaged to you," she retorted under her breath, annoyance evident in her tone. Jagdish couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the admission that her feelings for Shravan were merely infatuation. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

"Viki, our Indian Idol, why don't you lend Shravan a hand?" Apoorva nudged Devika, who shook her head.

"I... I...," Devika stammered, her eyes fixed on Chandrakant. Despite his troubled state, he exuded a magnetic temptation that left her breathless. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather, sorry," she lied.

"Alright, then it's settled. Mitu and I will take the stage!" Vijay announced with a grin.


Shravan sat by the fire, strumming his guitar with practiced fingers, while Asmita and Vijay joined in with their melodious voices to sing their favorite songs, their harmonies blending seamlessly with the sound of the waves. As they sang, their eyes met in shared moments of musical connection, their smiles reflecting the joy of the music they created together.

Amidst the music and laughter, Shravan stole glances at Asmita, his heart swelling with affection for the woman whose voice filled his soul with warmth. It felt surreal to witness the love of his life serenading him by the fire, her cheeks flushed with a soft pink each time their eyes met. He longed to let her know how he felt, to pour out his love in whispered words and tender gestures, but for now, he contented himself with stealing fleeting glances in her direction, each one a silent declaration of his affection.


Across the fire, Arihant sat beside Vijay, his heart fluttering with nervous anticipation at the sight of the handsome man beside him. He couldn't help but feel drawn to Vijay, his voice like music to Arihant's ears, his smile lighting up the night with its brilliance. Yet, Arihant buried his burgeoning feelings beneath a mask of casual banter, reluctant to reveal the depth of his attraction.

"He's got a good voice, huh?" Suryadev interjected, interrupting Arihant's reverie as he took a sip from his glass, gesturing towards Vijay. "These guys sure know how to have fun, unlike us old fogies just wasting away our youth. Ah, the good old days of being young."

Arihant chuckled softly. "We're not that much older than them," he remarked, shaking his head. "Just, what, seven or eight years? That's no big deal."

It was a big deal. He was aware of it, yet every time his gaze connected with Vijay's vibrant charcoal eyes, something stirred within him. When Vijay smiled at him, he quickly averted his eyes. This felt wrong—how could he allow himself to be influenced by these emotions? After all, Vijay could be a straight man. Wasn't it inappropriate to entertain such notions, to nurture such thoughts?


Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the flickering flames, Nishita and Jagdish found themselves immersed in a gentle embrace of affection and warmth.

"Thank you for including us," Nishita whispered, settling beside Jagdish, who cradled a glass of iced tea in his hand. "It's been a while since our group ventured out together."

He smiled warmly, taking a sip of his drink before replying, "You should thank Arihant; he's the mastermind behind this impromptu getaway." Peering at her over the rim of his glass, he added, "I must admit, I was uncertain if you'd agree to join us."

"Why's that?" Nishita inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"It can be a bit of a challenge to sway your parents, especially when it comes to trips," Jagdish explained, recalling the fervent negotiations his younger sister, often engaged in to secure permission for her adventures.

Nishita furrowed her brow, understanding his point. "I thought your parents were quite liberal."

"They are," Jagdish affirmed with a nod, "but Choti is a force to be reckoned with, to put it mildly."

She chuckled, sensing his reluctance to delve into his sister's antics.

Jagdish took a quick glance at her hand resting casually beside his, and he felt his heart flutter. He was tempted to reach out, to hold her hand, and to feel its comforting warmth against his heart—a symbol of enduring connection. Yet, he restrained himself, navigating his hopes and aspirations. He deeply desired her love in return, her respect, and her trust to mirror the depth of his own feelings. He understood such bonds couldn't be forced, so he was willing to wait an eternity.

Love and patience, that's all he knew about.



I don't think there could be a better chapter than this to attach "Te Amo"

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