63. Nikshanam (Part 3)

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"Guess what! Guess what!" Devika's voice echoed through the door as she burst into Nishita's room, catching her friend off guard.

Nishita swiveled around, eyes narrowing at the sudden intrusion. "Where did you land?"

Devika's grin widened as she played into the suspense. "Take a wild guess!"

With a nonchalant shrug, Nishita replied, "You've kept your job hunt under wraps, Viki. It could range from Google to the Chai Tapri for all I know." She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation.

"Mumbai, Aadai by Selvi... the renowned designer with outlets all across India." Devika chuckled with excitement. "I applied for both designing and accounting roles, ended up snagging the junior designer position!"

Nishita couldn't help but smile at Devika's enthusiasm. "Looks like those hobby certificates of yours finally paid off."

Nodding, Devika still buzzed with energy. "Yep, it's sort of a hybrid role. But I'm thinking of applying to some part-time accounting jobs too. Gotta stack up some cash to survive in Mumbai."

Nishita agreed. "Definitely a smart move." After a brief pause, she hesitated before speaking up. "Hey, can I give you some advice?"

Devika flopped onto Nishita's bed, grinning. "Since when have I ever turned down your unsolicited wisdom? Shoot."

"Last night, Jagdish mentioned a vacancy in Kant's apartment... for a flatmate," Nishita said tentatively. "It might be easier for you to share a place rather than rent separately."

Devika's reaction was swift and decisive. "Absolutely fucking not. I am not staying with him."

"Why not?"

"Just... no," Devika replied firmly, shutting down the conversation.

Nishita persisted, trying to reason with her friend. "But his place is empty, and having Jagdish as a mutual friend could be helpful."

Devika shook her head adamantly. "I said no. Fucking let's drop it."

"But why?"

"I don't know! God, stop probing like you're my Saas!" Devika snapped, a hint of frustration creeping into her tone.

Despite the tension, Nishita couldn't help but chuckle at Devika's outburst. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But you know I'm always here if you need me, right?"

Devika's expression softened, and she nodded appreciatively. "Hmm..."

Her excitement about her new job seemed to fill the room, bouncing off the walls with palpable energy. She couldn't contain her joy, and every word she spoke carried a contagious enthusiasm that pulled Nishita into her orbit.

As Devika settled onto the bed, her eyes sparkled with dreams of the bustling city awaiting her. "I can't wait to be in Mumbai," she gushed. "It's like stepping into a whole new universe of creativity and opportunity. And hey, you'll be there too. Guess I won't have to sweet-talk your husband into accepting me as part of your dowry."

"Oh, hush! There's no talk of dowry in this century." Despite the jest, Nishita couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride for her friend. "You're going to rock it, Viki. I do not doubt that."

In the midst of Devika's exuberant victory lap, an odd sensation lingered in the air, sparked by the mere mention of Chandrakant and his suspiciously vacant abode. Nishita couldn't quite shake the feeling that there was an entire Mahabharata hidden beneath Devika's adamant refusal to even entertain the idea of bunking with him. Despite her friend's attempts to bat away the topic with quips or flippant remarks, Nishita's finely tuned intuition buzzed with the certainty that there was a deeper layer to Devika's reluctance.

Despite the warm glow of success surrounding them, Nishita felt a pang of concern gnawing at her. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Devika was keeping something from her, something she wasn't ready to confront.

"When's your first day on the job?" Nishita inquired.

Devika proudly displayed her email. "Just a fortnight after your big day. Pretty perfect timing, right?" She enveloped Nishita in a tight hug. "I'll crash at home for about a week until I find my own spot. Hope I won't be cramping your newlywed style too much, being kabab mein haddi." She winked playfully.

"Nah, you'll be fine... But I might have to check with Jagdish. His place seemed suspiciously pristine to be adjusted for guests," Nishita shrugged.

Devika let out a chuckle.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, Nishita made a mental note to circle back to the subject later, when the moment felt right. She knew Devika well enough to know that pushing too hard would only push her away. So she bided her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to broach the subject gently, with the care and understanding that their friendship deserved.

But for now, she let herself get swept up in Devika's infectious excitement, reveling in the shared joy of a new chapter unfolding before them. In the end, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as they always had—side by side, through thick and thin.



I'm just amazed at how adept Chandrakant and Devika are at concealing things... I mean, if I respond with a simple 'Hmm.' instead of an enthusiastic 'Haan.' during a chat, my friends can instantly tell that something's up. Am I the only one incapable of maintaining a poker face and subtle expressions?

And... 'Aadai by Selvi' is intertwined with one of the narratives in this series; it's a textile enterprise managed by Satya's closest friend's mother. You'll uncover more about it in Satya's tale... and also in Alisha's story!

"Baadal Pe Paon Hain" perfectly sums up Devika's soaring excitement for her first job!

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