Chapter 50

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Once everything is all set up and verified, I see how many people are already online two hundred and sixteen. Wow, color me impressed. I just wonder if Savannah is one of these people online. I just wouldn't know as everyone is under usernames so what her username is I don't know.

My username is White.Wolf_Knight. Seems quite fitting for me really if you think about it. How protective I get when it comes to my friends, my family, my teammates, and how protective I seem to get when it comes to Savannah. Speaking of Savannah, I seem to become all alpha male when she's in the picture, it's like I'm claiming her. But I am willing to jump in and save her at any moment when she needs it.

Looking at who is online right now I see a few names that catch my eye. Shocker2U, bubbly_snowflake, MeetMeInBerkeley, fantastic.shoppingaddic, Moonlit.Warrior, Green_Autumn, and Fairytale_Dream.

I sit in my room for two hours talking to a couple of people. I discover Moonlit.Warrior is from Red Lodge, Montana, and is in line for a baseball scholarship. So that's something we have in common. We both love sports and are both in line for a scholarship. This guy is someone I could really get on with I believe.

But the person behind the username Fairytale_Dream has strongly caught my attention. This person is not giving much away to me. All I know is that this person is female, passionate, family orientated, has no siblings, it's only her and her father, loves reading, loves music, and goes to the same school as I do.

I could go on and on about this person but there's not enough time in the day and I've got to speak to my sister. I promised to keep in touch with her as I think we could become friends and with her being in the same school I might be able to spot her out. I log out of the chatroom and shut down my laptop just as my sister knocks on my bedroom door.

"It's time to talk now bro. I've given you enough time to do what you had to do now it's twin time." She walks into my room and takes a seat on the edge of my bed as I turn around and face her.

I lean forward on my chair, resting my forearms on my thighs, "I don't know where to start from Jen as I don't know what she has told you."

"Chase, she rang and told me that you were an asshole. I met her during my break on the promenade so she could tell me what happened. She only stayed long enough to tell me about her trip and how much fun she had and when she was talking to her dad about that dipshit Kyle in private you barged in and interrupted her conversation with him."

"All of that is semi-true Jen but if I may could I correct one change?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I didn't barge in on their conversation, I knocked on Mr. Blakemore's office door and because they didn't hear me, I knocked and knocked and knocked until I thought they tuned the outside world out and if I went back to Dad with that file still in hand, he would have ripped me a new asshole."

Jen nods at my comment, I see the smirk on her face, and I know she loved my statement of Dad ripping me a new asshole. "True carry on."

"So, I made a business decision and walked in on their conversation. Just as I was about to apologize and excuse myself Savannah was talking about that guy. I instantly saw red and wanted to rip him a new asshole."

"Trust me, Chase, with what Savannah has said to me about him I would have been there right beside you."

"I wouldn't have let you, Jen."

"Why not?"

"Because after Savannah ran out of the building, I spoke with her dad about him, and I will not give him the chance to look at you. How he was with Savannah he's lucky he's in another state. Mr. Blakemore was telling me how he hinted to him that he had a shotgun to hand if he ever came anywhere near her again."

"That's why I love that man."

"So, Jen now you see I did nothing wrong. I am simply doing what was suggested to me by her dad. If she can't get over something I am innocent with then I'm sorry Jen, I give up."

"No, Chase no you can't give up on her."

"Jen, I'm sorry but I've made up my mind we can't keep playing this back-and-forth game. It's not fair on me and it's not fair on her."

"I can't change your mind on this can I?"

I shake my head at her, "Sorry Jen but no this is it I'm done."

Jen nods, "I understand, you're making a huge mistake, but I understand." Jen stands up and starts walking towards my bedroom door, "Well anyway Mom has called up saying it's time to go set up the table for dinner."

"I'll be right down." Jen leaves my room as I think about what I just said. Do I want to give it up with Savannah? Honestly, I don't know, I care for her deeply yes, I want what's best for her of course, but can I continue with the constant back-and-forth? No, I can't. But I will be there for her as a friend. That's the best I can offer right now.

Sitting at the dinner table it feels like everyone is on edge and the table is falling into awkward silence. I feel like I'm responsible for it. I nudge Jen's leg under the table for her to start a conversation as this silent eating is driving me crazy. Jen looks at me and I give her a look for her to say something, anything to break the silence.

She puts her fork down after taking a bite out of our chicken parmesan, "So Dad how are things at the office?"

"Things are going as smoothly as they can business-wise sweetheart, but I heard there was a disturbance on one of my floors and I do not appreciate what happened," Dad looks at me "Whatever it was, better be corrected soon as because I will not have a disturbance like that at work again." With him still looking at me with his fork in his hand he points it at me. "Do you understand Chase?"

I nod my head looking at Dad wanting the floor to swallow me whole, "Yes sir I understand it won't happen again."

"Make sure it doesn't as I don't want that man and his daughter to leave, they are too valuable not just to the company but to this family too."

"I understand Dad as Savannah is important to me, to Jen, to both of us," and I couldn't be speaking further from the truth. There is something about her that I cannot for the love of me stay away from and it will break me if it does come to that.

"Anyway, Daddy let's move on to more positive discussions."

"Like what princess?"

"Our New Year's 18th birthday party."

Trust my sister to turn a lecture on me into something fun and worth celebrating. Yes, Jen and I are as they say the new year's babies. I was born on the stroke of midnight and Jen one minute and a half later.

We always have these grand parties on New Year's Eve to bring in the new year's and to celebrate our birthdays as well as how our dad says the day our family was complete. What Jen has in mind this year for a theme I have no clue as how we have done it since I can remember is I make the guestlist for my guests and she covers the rest. I'm just grateful she makes it equal between the pair of us, and not all about her especially when we weren't as close anymore. It's how she's always been, and I love her more for making is about us and not just one of us.

In all honest I thought she might go into party planning instead of having dreams and ambitions to become a lawyer and work alongside me when Dad retires, and we run the company together. I couldn't be prouder of her than I already am. With planning the school dance and our birthday party I don't know how she does it.

Once dinner was finished and Jen and I cleared the table, I went back to my room to see if Fairytale_Dream is still online so I can get to know this mystery person better. If not, then I will have to try and make things right between me and Savannah as it's the least I can do. Somehow.

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