Chapter 1

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Nobody was rarely at the house anymore. The house which we all bought together, to stay together. But we didn't stay together that often. The girls will be traveling to promote their first debut album, Demi is going on a world tour and working on somethings, and Val went to become an actress. Well she's still on Pretty Little Liars, but She also became a model. But I, stood behind, alone in the house writing and staying mostly in our home studio with my own personal manger/producer, Kevin, or I'm at rehearsals getting ready for my first tour, or just being with my friends.

"You did really well today!" Kevin yelled as he threw the softball. I try to play whenever I have free time. I can never stop loving this sport. "By the end of the year, or maybe less" he smirked. "Your second album will be released!" He exclaimed.

That's right! After the neon lights tour, Phil who is my main manger (the head boss), decided to send me to the studio and work with writers, so I can actually have my own album. Which they didn't help much, considering i had alot of songs written down. They just read and checked it. So I just needed help producing them. 'Yours Trurly' my first actual album, was a big hit. Its still going pretty good now.

"That's great!" I exclaimed. "So how are we going to do this on the road again?" I asked throwing the softball back at him. He caught it, then placed his hands on his hips. "You alright?" I asked with a slight giggle.

"Just a bit tired. But I'll be fine. What we'll do is, take some of the equipment on the road, and try to record when you're on a break on the bus, or a hotel" I nodded taking off my glove.

"Ok then. We should get inside. Zayn is coming over" I smiled. He raised a brow and nodded walking over to put his glove on the shelf.

"I'll leave you to your man" he smirked. I rolled my eyes, sitting on the couch, with my knees to my chest. "Tell him I said hi. Ricky and I are going to have Dinner at Pat's parents" I nodded shooing him away with my hand. Pat was his wife, and Ricky was his son. He has another son name Brandon, but he was in the navy traveling the world.

"Will do. I'll see you tomorrow! This time I want pancakes!" I yelled as half of his body was already out the door.

"I know, I promised" then he shut the door. After a few minutes, the door bell rung and I jumped to my feet excitedly to go get it.

Zayn is my friend, well I think we are. Everybody thinks were together, and sometimes I think we are too. I guess its the way we act towards eachother. We met at an award show backstage, as one of the camera men wanted a picture of me and One Direction together. After the picture was taken, the five amazing boys and I talked non stop during and after the awards. But I stayed close to Zayn, and found out Harry and Camila are together.

"Oh. Its you" I said like whatever and opened the door wider. I walked over to the couch and slumped down turning on the television with the remote.

"Oh, yeah!" She said sarcastically. "That's one way to greet your sisters!" I rolled my eyes and flipped through the channels. 

"Yeah! And your best friend!" Yelled Ricky. I rolled my eyes with a smile, lightly punching his shoulder as he sat next to me.

Ricky Lopez. A guy I met a month or two ago after the Neon Lights tour. I  had started working on my first album when he dropped off food for his dad. Which was Kevin. We are pretty close. I can tell him absolutely everything and anything, and he knows everything about me. We have alot of things in common, and one of them being we both have a big crush on Chris Evans, who plays Captain America. 

"Whatever, Demi. Aren't you supposed to be, I don't know, traveling! And Dallas, aren't you supposed to be at a beauty contest?" I turned around from the couch, and looked at Demi bringing in some groceries. Dallas sat in the stool and helped Demi with the other bags. Maddie just sat next to me on the other side of Ricky, glued to her phone. "and I thought you were supposed to meet up with your dad" Ricky Shrugged.

"Shit! Forgot! I'll just see you tomorrow?" I nodded before he hugged me tightly, and left in a hurry.

"well, Yeah, but I decided to leave some food here for you, considering your not leaving just yet" Demi said after Ricky closed the door. She pulled fruits, salad boxes, and other items from the brown paper bag.

"Are you waiting on Zayn?" Dallas asked walking over to me. She sat down next to me and shines her bright smile.

"Yup! He should be here by now" As if on cue, the door bell rung and this time, I didn't go get it. Demi had beat me to it.

"Little Zayn-y!" I heard. I flinched at Demi's lame nickname for him. She of course being that sister, she hated Zayn and I being together. She did the impossible to get into Zayn's skin.

"Hello Demi" I chuckled at him as he walked into the living room.

"We'll be in my room. So no one bothers us" I said looking directly to Demi. She shrugged with a smirk and continued with the bags. "Sorry about Demi. She's just being a sister" he took my hand and led the way.

"I understand. I can be a brother with my siblings, sometimes" he chuckled.

When he opened my door, the first thing he did, was raced to my beanbag chair I had near my bed. This beanbag chair, was like a soft cloud, so anybody that came in my room, fought over to sit on it. Zayn and I fought for it a lot.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as he made himself comfortable.

"Its my turn today to sit on it. You sat on it yesterday." I made a face before laying on my stomach on my bed. He turned the beanbag around to look at me and stroked my hair.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head and relaxed in my bed. "Wanna sit with me?" I nodded and watched as Zayn's hands pulled me on top of him. He scooted a bit, and sat me on the beanbag next to him. "Did I tell you, your mom invited me to dinner?" Zayn chirped. I snapped my head at him.

"My parents, invited You?" He shook his head. "When did you see them? Did my dad try to kill you this time?" He chuckled shaking his head.

"I saw them coming out of a restaurant I was about to go into. And no, your dad was actually nicer this time" I giggled. My dad also didn't like him. He was stuck in the past and missed Lauren and I being together. I don't blame him though. Alot of other people miss 'Lani' so I have to hear it quite a lot. Nobody really know why we broke up. They just think that we argued to much, that it drove us apart.

"Good. So when's this dinner" I asked grabbing the remote and lightly pushed the Netflix button.

"They said this week before Demi leaves. They want a dinner where the whole family is together and a couple of freinds" I nodded and laid back, and rested my head on Zayn's shoulder. "Should I bring anything? I don't want to be rude" I shook my head.

"Just bring yourself. Everything else is fine" He wrapped his arm around me as he snatched the remote.


A/n: Not something you guys were expecting, huh? So, this was the first chapter. Please comment and tell me what you guys thought about it. I really would like to know if you liked it. Vote for the next chapter. I have a few chapters already written. 

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