Chapter 48

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Dani's POV-

"Don't" I said warningly at Billi who tried to throw her food down to the floor. She looked at me and smiled before pushing her plate down off the table. "Isabel" I whined and bent down to pick it up

"No" she said hopping off the chair and running to the bedroom to where Lauren was.

I ran after her to find her laughing and climbing her way on top of Lauren who was writing in her song book.

"No mom!" She yelled as I lifted my hands up like I was a monster. I crept slowly towards her and grabbed her tickling her sides.

"Please don't make her pee!" Lauren whined. "I only brought her so many underwears."

Since I was on break, I told Lauren I wanted to help potty train Billi, but I never thought it would be so difficult. Since she found it so easy to remove her diapers, she has been running around the hotel room without anything on and refuses to put them on. She prefers underwear. She had also peed on me last night as we are at a luau. We had to leave early. It was sad.

"Fine." I groaned and leaned foward towards Lauren to plant a soft kiss to her temple. "Don't work right now. Its a family vacay. Enjoy it while I'm here. Please?" I pouted closing her book. "Cause when we land back in LA we want have a time to ourselves"

"I'm sorry. I just had a lot of things I wanted to write down" she wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers through my red hair.

"Its ok. Let's get Billi in diapers and go. I want to take you beautifuls to Big Island. We have to take a boat over" Lauren smiled excitedly and sqeauled.

"What's on Big Island?" Billi waddled in the room and threw her empty bottle across the room.

"Remember how I told you I wanted to go hiking?" She nodded. "Well they have this beautiful waterfall, a rainforest, and this lush flower farm I want to take Billi to. Babe, your going to love it" I cupped her cheeks and kissed her, biting down slightly at her bottom lip.

"This vacation was the best thing we have ever done" Lauren giggled.

"Baba!" Billi kicked her empty bottle and threw down her pamper bag. I looked at Lauren strangely and chuckled.

"What is she doing?" I asked. "And what's a baba?"

"Her bottles empty. She's throwing a tantrum" Lauren said nonchalantly. "And baba, is her bottle." I laughed looking at our daughter who began to throw her diapers around the room.

"How are we not doing anything about her tantrum?" I smiled and looked at Lauren who rested her head on my chest and admired our little girl.

"I don't know" she sighed.

"Billi? Come here please" she looked up at us and climbed her way to the bed. She rested her head on Laurens thigh and grabbed my hand.

"Hi mamas" lauren whispered running her fingers through Isabel's long brunette hair. "Sleepy?" Billi breathed in deeply and turned her head so the sun from the window wasn't hitting her face.

"I'm guessing that's a yes" I held onto Lauren tightly and tightened my grip around Billi's hand, rubbing it softly with the pad of my thumb.

Holding my family felt perfect in every way possible. I loved them more than life itself. They ment everything to me.

"I love you both" I whispered and kissed Laurens head, lingering my lips there for awhile longer.

"What about Big Island?" I heard Lauren said in a sleepy tone.

"We can go later. Just sleep for now." I sighed and adjusted myself so Lauren and Billi where comfortable.

I had watched as Billi and Lauren slept. They slept for a good hour before Lauren began to wake up and look around the room till her beautiful green eyes met my brown ones.

"Hi" she sighed as she stretched out her arms.

"Hello. Be careful. Billi is still sleeping" I whispered pecking her forehead as she moved around to turn over.

"Oh shit" she laughed closing her eyes. "I forgot she was there" I laughed and looked down at Billi holding on to Lauren's thigh. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"She's the best thing that has ever happened to us, you know that?" I gazed my fingers along Billi's cheek and up to Lauren's thigh, and up to caress her cheek. "I know I want to take things slow, but I don't see my life anywhere without you both." Lauren Moved Billi to the side of the bed so she was safely in the center asleep.

"I feel the same way" Lauren straddled my laps intertwining our fingers together and looking at me so passionately. She tilted her head to the side and leaned into my neck leaving light kisses.

"Did you know I was scared?" I whispered trying not to moan as Lauren began to suck on my neck.

"What do mean?" She mumbled. I sighed grunting softly as she sucked harder and harder.

"When I-I met y-you. I was scared" I sighed out untwining our fingers and gliding my hands around her back. "Y-you instantly had a trance on me. I never had that happened to me. Ever" Lauren began to grind on me and my breathing began to fasten. She stopped and removed her shirt as she panted heavily.

"I knew you were special when you flooded my twitter. The lovatics posted pictures of 'Demi's 'lost' sister and I knew I had to get to know you. You instantly took my breath away. You're beautiful" A small smile crept on my face as I slowly put on her shirt.

"Lauren? Wake Billi and dress her nice. You too. I want to do something special, and you won't believe what that something is"

"What is it?" She asked nervously.

"Get ready and I'll think about telling you"


A/n: what do you think is the surprise?

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