Chapter 30

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"Lauren Michelle Jauregui!" We heard Mike yell as we made it inside. I took Lauren's hand and pulled her closer to me.

"Is running away still an offer?" I asked Lauren. She nodded before we ran towards the stairs, but sadly we got stop by my parents and Lauren's.

"To the living room. Now." Clara said to the both of us. Lauren and I nervously looked at each other before we turned on our heels and headed to the living room.

"Dani? Tell me why are you always in the the middle of every situation there has been since the neon lights?" My mom asked standing in front of us.

"First of all, Lauren your going to be 20 and your already having a baby? Are you even ready? I'm sorry but I don't want Zayn nowhere near the pregnancy, but I don't want you alone"

"Mike? She won't be alone though. I know Lauren and I have a really rocking relationship, but I want to be there. I mean if that's OK" I looked at my parents who just stared at me.

"Dani, that's great and very kind of you. But its not your responsibility" Clara answered giving me a gentle smile.

"So what if that's not my baby. We can think of it as Zayn doing us a favor. Look, Lauren and I once talked about having kids together way later in the future, but were just doing things out of order, and I was the one that was suppose to be having the baby" my parents raised their brows as I shrugged at them. "Help!" I whispered to Lauren who just sat there.

"Fine. OK Zayn is out of the picture, but Dani wants to stay, so she's staying." I smiled lightly at her and kissed her cheek.

"I guess we can't tell you girls anything." Mike said sternly. "What's done is done" Lauren whispered a yes before taking my hand in hers. "Can we talk?" Mike asked my parents. They nodded and walked off leaving us alone.

"We're gonna be parents!" I exclaimed. Lauren giggled kissing my cheek. My eyes widen and I snapped my head to look at her. It was the first kiss I had from her in a really long time.

"OK, so we have been talking and decided that if you girls are going to raise the baby, you girls are gonna have to talk to Phil and the girls and see what's gonna happen with the group" we nodded at my dad smiling.

"Thank you guys so much!" Lauren exclaimed jumping up to hug her parents. I followed her action and hugged my parents tightly.

"Well, I always thought Dallas was going to give us our first Grand baby, but this is ok" My smiled pulling me towards her.


"When are you going to talk to Phil?" I asked Lauren who was in the bathroom throwing up after we ate dinner.

She exited the bathroom with a bottle of Listerine and a tooth brush in her mouth. I giggled looking at her intently, waiting for her to respond.

"Well, I'm thinking about calling him tomorrow?" I nodded laying in the bed getting under the covers. "Babe?" I looked up to see her.

"Are you happy? Like to be with me and this child that is-" I stopped her crawling to the edge of the bed to sit by her.

"Lauren, I know its a really big responsibility to take in a child that is not even mine, but...I love you and that won't change. I'm going to help you take care of that baby, and it will be my child. Think of it as Zayn doing us a favor" She smiled widely at me sniffing trying not to cry.

"I love you" she leaned her forehead on top of mine before giving me an Eskimo kiss. "I was thinking about the baby's last name" she whispered.

"Ohh? What about it?"

"How do you feel about Lovato Jauregui?" I looked at her intently before leaning our lips together to kiss her.

"I love it" I whisper pulling away.


After about an hour of talking to Lauren and stay in her room. We decided to go out and bye a Christmas tree to have in her room. When we're together, we always stay in her room.

Coming back from the store, the girls and Demi waited for us in the couch.

"Where's everybody?" I asked.

"Black Friday shopping. They took Clarissa and Ray, so you don't have to worry" said Camila. I nodded helping Lauren with the box of ornaments.

"So, we have been talking" Demi started off. "Since you girls are back together and are expecting a baby..." She looked at Normani to continue.

"Well, my room is next to yours" Normani smiled looking at Lauren. "If I change rooms with Dani, and we can give Dani my room"

"Yeah! We're thinking about knocking the wall down, so its big room." Ally said joining in.

"Then, I'm moving to one of the guests rooms, so the nursery is next door to you guys!" Dinah chirped. I looked at Lauren and smiled widely. Lauren began to cry silently with tears of joy before running to hug the girls. I walked over and went to hug my sister.

"Are you being forced to do this or what?" I asked with a chuckle.

"It was actually my idea. As much as I don't want you with her, its non of my business. I'm going to have to respect your decision and be the best freaking aunt of the planet" she giggled pulling me to another hug.

"When is this going to happen?" Lauren asked.

"We called and want it as soon as possible and done before Christmas, so that means the guys going to start tomorrow!" Lauren and I smiled then doing a big group hug with the girls.


A/n: I know I haven't posted in a while. I have been away due from stress issues I have been having. I just want to thank my RP family for helping me through it, and I'm sorry that I deleted my Account. I'm making another one so, message me for the account name. As for this account, I will never ever delete it!! Love you guys!

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