Chapter 60

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Standing in front of the house and staring at Lauren's car, made me feel very anxious, but scared. I was going to confront Lauren if I like it or not.

"Lauren?" I called out as I entered the house. Everything was silent, but then I heard bottles clinking together and knew Lauren was here.

"Where did you go?" I looked to my side and saw Lauren sitting in the living with a bottle in her hand and few more on the coffee table.

"I went to do some stuff." I replied. She stood up nodding her head.

"Why? Why did you leave without telling me?" I looked at her intently as she began to walk towards me.

"Look at you, Lauren. I wasn't going to tell you when you're like this!" I exclaimed throwing my hands frantically.

"Like what?"

"Drunk. You're not you. You are not the Lauren that I fell in love with." My voice cracked and tears began to trickle down the sides of my cheeks.

"Things changed. I'm never going to be that Lauren, Dani." She stated.

"Well, if you don't get your act together, I'm leaving." She took a hold of my wrist pulling me towards her. "Let. Go."

"No." Her eyes changed to a dark green. "You're not leaving me. I'm not changing for anybody. Not even you." She spat and threw the bottle on the floor hard. Shards descended around the hardwood floor and towards the carpet.

"Lauren, let go." I yanked on my arm, trying to get away from her but she only held me tighter. "Stop! You're crazy!"

Next thing I felt was dropping to the floor and an unbearable pain on my cheek. I never expected her to ever hit me. Ever. It took me awhile to process what the hell happened, but I knew.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" she screamed.

"Yo!" I heard a yell and saw Dinah rushing to my side. "What the fuck is your problem, Lauren!" She hissed.

"Everythings my promblem!" I cleched myself to Dinah not showing any signs of letting go. "Leave her alone!"

"No, your stupid Lauren!" Lauren's fist balled up and her nose flared with anger, her eyes going darker then before. "What are you gonna do? Hit me? Go ahead! Cause I'll make sure you don't have any contact with Billi and the baby!" Lauren's hands loosened up and I slowly looked up at Dinah.

"W-what?" I sniffed burying my face against Dinah's shoulder not caring if she knew or not.

"I'm sorry Dani, but I'm telling her. Dani's pregnant." I didn't look at Lauren but heard something fall to the floor and knew it was her.

"D-Dani? Is it true?" Her voice quivering. I turned my face towards her and nodded. There, she broke down hiding her face between her hands. "I'm sorry." She spoke low. "I'm so sorry."

I stayed silent as Dinah carefully drove me to the hospital just to make sure the baby was ok. I was still an a state of terror that every little thing had me jumping.

"Dani, the baby's fine. Everything seems to show great." The doctor smiled. I looked at Dinah and cried. "Just come back in two weeks for another check-up, ok?" I nodded before he left.

"Its ok." Dinah whispered taking my hand in hers and kissing my head softly. "What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"I can't be with her anymore!" I sobbed and stood up to fall into her arms. "I can't do it." Dinah rubbed my back nodding her head. "She isn't the person I fell in love with. She's a monster!" I cried.

"As much as I love you both, you can't keep this going. You need to be in good health for the baby." I held onto Dinah tighter.

Dinah thought it was best if I went to El Paso and stayed there till it was time for the baby's due date. I didn't want to go for that long, but I knew I had to. I had to get away.

A week went by and Billi was starting school at my old elementary. Ray went back home to LA with Demi, and Zayn went back to England. So, yeah I was alone but didn't mind it at all.

"Mommy!" Billi screamed as I went to pick her up from school. "I missed you!"

"I missed you to!" I laughed hugging her tightly.

Now that I'm looking at a mini Lauren, I'm not sure, but I think nobody hasn't heard from Lauren back home. Dinah said the last she had seen her, was the day of the incident. I am a bit worried, but at the same time I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that she's ok. I don't want to stress myself out.

"Its Friday! Are we going to see everybody? I missed Ray!" She exclaimed taking my hand and walking by me. From the school to the house was walking distance, so it was easy to just pick her up and walk home.

"Yup, so I need you to get ready when we get home, ok?" The little girl nodded as she jumped for joy before she went on about how her day went. She seemed to really like it here.

Getting to the airport, I was greeted by Ally, Ray, and Camila. Ray of course ran to Billi. Him, Billi, and Hani are pretty close. Its adorable.

"There's my mama to be!" Camila exclaimed before she hugged me tightly. When she pulled away, she rubbed her belly against mine with a laugh.

"Camila? I'm not that big yet." I giggled.

"So! You still have a baby in there!" I raised a brow before moving over to hug Ally.

"I missed you!" She exclaimed. "Its strange knowing you practically live over there now." I sighed pulling away and placing a hand on my stomach.

"I know. I'm still trying to get use to the climate change." I giggled.

The house was slightly different, but it felt the same. It still felt like home.

"Hey." I heard Dinah say. I turned around from looking at the living room and looked at the Polynesian that stood in the door way.

"Hi." I lightly smiled and turned back around. I kept replaying the incident with Lauren and I in my head. Where I'm standing in the middle of the light tanned carpet, near the lazy seat, is where Lauren had slapped me and I fell. Just remembering it, made me get teary eyed.

"Don't think to much, Dan." Dinah Muttered. "Come on, Normani is making hot chocolate."


A/n: Don't forget that this is fake. I would never think of Lauren in this way, but to be honest she can hit me all she wants *insert smirk*....just kidding. ANYWAYS!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! IM HAPPY AND THANKFUL FOR EACH OF YOU! Throwback for you of the girls when they did the parade.

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