Chapter 67

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"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Billi yelled as Lauren picked her up and threw her over her shoulders.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lauren asked her walking over to me as I sat by the fake plastic tree in the living room. I was putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree as I watched them.

"Yes! Leave me alone! Mommy?!" Billi yelled and began to wiggle.

"Lauren, please put her down. I don't want her falling." Lauren giggled but did as told setting her down by me. Billi sat up properly and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Tell her to leave me alone." She whispered. I looked up at Lauren and took her hand, pulling her towards me.

"Its ok Isabel. I'm not going to hurt you or mommy. Mommy and I are ok." Billi unwrapped her arms from around me and looked at Lauren, then at me for reassurance. I nodded once and watched as a smile spread across her lips.

"I'm sorry!" Billi exclaimed. "I like when mommy and you are together. It makes me happy." She looked down at her fingers and began to play with the stings of my hoodie. "I'm sorry."

"Its OK baby. You had every right to be mad at me. I mean I would to if I was in your situation. So, I'm sorry." Lauren picked up Billi and sat her on her laps. She wrapped her arms around her tightly and snuggled her nose between the crook of her little neck.


A few days after christmas we sat around the tree, looking at Camila and Selena sadly, as I held baby Kassidy in my arms.

"Are you sure about this?" Dinah whispered softly as she looked at the turned off TV. "We've never been away from each other."

"We're getting older. We're parents now." Selena spoke up. "The house is getting smaller. Its time we just go on our own. We got an apartment down by the house. Its like a five minute drive." I slowly peeked at Lauren who rested her back on the wall near the kitchen.

"We'll come and visit. Or you guys can come over." Camila smiled with enthusiasm. "This was bound to happen."

No one said anything. It was pretty silent, minus Ray and the kids who played outside in the backyard.

"I'm going to go." Lauren huffed and grabbed her keys. "I'll be at Walmart or something." She mumbled and walked out.

"Its going to be weird." Ally sighed when the front door closed. "I mean we knew this was going to happen. We just didn't think now." I looked down and poked softly at Kassidy's nose.

"We got this place to be and stay together! How do you just want to just get up and go?" Normani ranted.

"Things change, Normani. We're older and parents." Camila sighed.

"The kids were supposed to grow up together." Demi wrapped her arms around Ally who looked sad.

"And they still are." Selena

"Look, if they want to leave. Then let them." Val stood up from the floor and hovered over Camila and Selena. "Good luck." She spat and walked out the living room with Dinah behind.

"Well, I'm gonna go outside and be with the kids." Normani then walked out. Then Demi and Ally a few moments later.

"Dan? Are you mad?" I looked up and smiled gloomy at the two girls.

"It was bound to happen. I know." I handed Selena their baby and struggled to get up. Camila noticed and helped me right up. "I'm just sad you're leaving. It won't be the same." Camila nodded and patted my shoulder before I left outside with everyone else.

"Let's just focus on the kids right now." Demi sighed and grabbed the basketball that rolled its way towards us. She bounced it back to Ray and looked at us.

"Demi? Can you take care of Billi? I'm gonna go inside and call Lauren." Demi nodded.

Getting inside I grabbed my car keys and drove up to Demi's cabin, where I suspected Lauren would be. She was. She was seated on the steps before going in the cabin, throwing pebbles.

"Hey" I shouted as I climbed down the truck. Lauren looked up and smiled small.

"Hey." She spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would be here. Wanted to see if you're OK?" She nodded and scooted to the side so I can sit by her. "Is it because Camila is leaving?"

"Yeah." She Sighed. "Cause if Camila leaves, then, one by one we're all going to go. Then it will be just you, me, Billi, and the baby in a huge house." I nodded understandingly. "I have spent basically every waking moment with you guys for so many years." She shrugged.

"It was bound to happen, Lauren. As much as I don't want to see Camila or Selena go, maybe its for the best." Lauren rested her chin on my shoulder and gazed her nose across my neck.

"I guess you're right." She snaked her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her so my forehead rested on hers. She smiled lightly and rested her lips on the corner of my mouth, leaving them there for a few seconds.

"Let's go home and watch a movie with our little princess."

A week or so went by, and as promised, Camila and Selena were out of the house with baby kassidy. We didn't even know she had even started packing, or even had this idea in her mind for awhile.

"You okay?" Lauren whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair, beginning to give me a worried expression.

We all sat in the dining room table getting ready to eat dinner. It was something we liked doing all together.

"You look like you're in pain. I just want to make sure you're OK." I hummed in response as I chewed on the noodles of the spaghetti we were eating.

"I don't know. My back pain is really intense right now." I began to breathe from my nose as the pain began to heighten. Then suddenly, my butt felt wet and I didn't want to make things a big deal since everyone seemed to be having a nice dinner chatting.

"I think my water broke." I whispered to Lauren so only she heard.

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