Chapter 62

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"Don't be nervous!" Dinah exclaimed quietly as we sat on our seats on the airline.

"I can't help it." I mumbled bouncing my leg up and down rapidly. "Who knows what she'll do when she sees us."

"Look mommy! We're landing!" Isabel exclaimed jumping up and down on her seat. "I can't wait to see mom!" I looked at Dinah sadly and let out a small sigh.

"You excited to see mom, little Billi?" She asked her.

"Very! I miss her!" Isabel exclaimed.

Getting to the airport, we were greeted by Mike and Taylor. Billi got so happy, that she raced to hug her aunt Tay.

"How's my little girl!" Taylor squealed. Twirling her around in her arm. "I missed you!"

"I missed you to!" Billi shouted.

"Hi girls." Mike Smiled bringing Dinah then I into his embrace. "How was the flight?"

"I didn't sleep much." Dinah said looking at me with a glare. I returned a shrug and sighed.

"How is she?" I asked as we made it inside the Jauregui residence.

"She's been a mess. We tried helping her." I nodded biting the inside of my cheek. "She's asleep in her room. If you want to try and get her up, go for it."

"Yeah, I'm gonna try. Billi, behave." I said sternly as possible.

I walked up the stairs slowly and towards Lauren's door. I couldn't open the door just yet. I was getting nervous and scared.

"Lauren?" I whispered as I opened the door slowly and stuck my head inside to look around. It was literally pitch black inside. I couldn't see a thing.

I took out my phone turning on the flashlight, looking at the ground hoping to not fall. I went to her window and opened the blinds letting the sunshine bright into her room.

"Ugh! Babe!" I heard but it wasn't Lauren. I looked over to her bed to see Lauren asleep with some girl next to her. "Laurrrrennn! Turn off the light."

As much as I wanted to cry, I wasn't. I clenched my jaw and walked over to where the mystery girl laid. I grabbed an empty beer bottle and grabbed the trash can by the bed. I forcibly threw the bottle into the trash making a loud bang. The girl and Lauren sat up instantly, looking around the room in a panic. Something came over me and I somehow hit the girl with the trash can.

"You can't turn off the sun, dumbass!" I sassed throwing the trash can to the side. She rubbed at her forehead and looked at me like she was ready to attack.

"Dani?" I averted my eyes from the girl to Lauren. She looked at me carefully as she stood up wrapping herself in a thin blanket. "Are you ok? The baby ok?"

"I haven't heard shit about you in weeks. I have been worried sick. Billi misses her mom. She's worried about you to. So, no. I'm not fucking ok." She looked down at her feet.

"Who the fuck is she?" The mystery girl piped up.

"If you know what's good for you, shut the hell up." I glared. "I'm her wife. Soon to be ex." Lauren looked at me instantly walking towards me which I backed away.

"Dan, don't." Her voice quaked.

"She's your wife!?" The girl asked disgusted. "Why haven't you mentioned that you are married?"

"Don't worry. As soon as I get my hands on the divorce papers, you can keep her all you want." I hissed. "Get in the shower, get dressed and meet me downstairs." I demanded before walking out the room and slamming the door shut.

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