Chapter 54

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When the kids left, I went into Lauren's and I restroom and threw away all the pregnancy test that I had use the last three months. I threw everything that reminded me of wanting another baby in the trash. I really wanted another child.

I went to Billi's room moments later and found a scrapbook the girls had made of her when she was born, till she hit three on her small bookshelf. I guess Lauren had placed it there.

Me now wanting another baby had a lot to do with me thinking of not being there alot for Billi. I had placed touring and working on albums before my own daughter. I had missed her first birthday, her first steps, her first christmas, and her first words. I did facetime her during that time, but it wasn't the same as actually physically being there.

I closed the scrapbook and placed it back on the bookshelf before walking to my room and laying down hiding under the mountain of blankets.

Lauren didn't stay in the room last night. She had stayed with Billi this time as she put her to bed and read to her like she did every night. She would usually come to bed right after a story, but lately she just stayed with Billi.

"I'm surprised you're not up" I heard a hoarse voice. I decided to not look, just stay under my blankets and dwell on what's been happening.

"Mhm" I hummed and turned on my side.

"Dan, come on. Get up" Lauren demanded. I huffed angrily and stuck out my arm to wave her off.

"Leave me alone" I grunted. "I just want to be alone" I mumbled and removed the blanket from my head to look at her.

"What about work?" Lauren muttered knowing all to well that it was best to let me be.

"I'm not going" I croaked. "I just...want to be in bed...alone." I sighed and let a few tears escape.

The door closed and I knew she had left the room.

"Mommy!" I heard the door slam open and I snapped up from bed to see what the whole commotion was.

In the doorway, stood Billi holding her black and baby blue backpack under her arm as she held up what looks like to be a painting she had did while she was at school.

"Look mommy!" She threw her backpack beside me as she climbed up the bed, trying to be careful not to ruin her picture.

"What do you have there, baby? How was school?" She crawled her way to me and took a seat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on top of her head.

"It was really cool today. Look!" She exclaimed and extended her arms so the whole picture was visible. It was a painting of what looks like to be me, Lauren, and Billi. "That's you! See! I did your red hair!" I laughed and kissed her cheek. "That's mom holding your hand, and that's me next to our house." She looked up at me and smiled. "Do you like it? Did I make you happy"

"I love it, baby girl. You alone make me the happiest person in the world." Her green eyes lit up as she jumped up to hug me.

"Can we hang it?" I nodded and stood her up as I jumped off the bed. I went to the first drawer by the nightstand and grabbed the thumbtacks.

"Where do you think this amazing picture should be?" I said excitedly, picking her up and balancing her on my hip.

"Mm" she looked carefully around the room.

"How about above the headboard? So we can always see the picture before we sleep?" I heard someone say beside me. I jumped slightly away and looked to find Lauren. "What do you think, Is?" I looked at her strangely at the new nickname for Billi.

"PERFECT!" she screamed. "Mom can you hang it? Mommy's holding me." She handed Lauren the picture and thumb tacks.

Lauren did as told and climbed up on the bed and hanged the picture. Billi and I stared at her making sure it was straight.

"Is it good?" Lauren asked moving away from the picture so I can get a good look at it.

"Looks perfect" I answered kissing Billi on her cheek.

"Hey Is, can you give mom and me a minute?" Billi shook her head holding tightly at my shirt. "Please. After we can go watch a movie in the movie room." Billi huffed and jumped off my arms, not before planting a kiss to my cheek.

"I'll be back. Don't make my mommy more sad! Got it missy?!" I giggled at the little girl before she skipped out of the room.

"Damn, that little girl" I heard Lauren mumble.

"What do you expect? She's exactly you." I stated.

"Yeah, but I didn't think that much" She laughed. "Anyway, I wanted to know how are you feeling? I haven't seen you all day" Lauren quaked.

"The same." I mumbled. "I just want to stay in bed." I said sadly sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I know, this whole baby thing tired you out. It did with me too" I looked at Lauren.

"Its not that it tired me out. I could careless how exhausted I am. I just wanted another baby." I whimpered softly.

"I know. I wanted another to" I heard her sniff and knew she began to cry. "If its ment to be, it will happen." She placed her hands on either side of my shoulders and rested her forehead on mine. "It would have been great having a little you running around here" she giggled softly.

"Yeah. It would have been" I sighed and pulled away from her laying on the bed. She climbed in after me and spooned me.

"For now, let's just focus on Isabel. Let's do family things" I turned around so I was facing her. Our nose lightly touching each other of how close we were.

"Like what?"

"Well, its Fall. Let's go pumpkin patching, or to the corn maze. Let's go to Michael's and buy paint, so we can decorate a pumpkin." I watched as a small visible smile found its way to her lips. "Then maybe later, when Billi is asleep, we turn on the fireplace in the backyard and just snuggle on the swing set. We need more Lani time." She pouted.

"OK. I guess we can. Let me get Billi ready." She shook her head and kissed me before jumping off.

"I'll get her ready. You just make sure you have something warm. Its chili out today" a smile crept its way to my lip as I nodded. "Be back" she yelled as she walked out of the room.

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