Chapter 17

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Dani's POV-

"Don't worry, you'll do fine!" Ricky reassured me. I paced back and forth inside my dressing room, as my crew members got everything for the stage.

"Its not just that I'm nervous about the first show, I feel like something else is happening. Should I call Demi? Or the girls. What about Zayn!?" Ricky grabbed my shoulders and sat me down next to him.

"Breathe. Your sugar will drop" I breathed in slowly trying to calm myself down. I laid myself on the small couch and rested my ahead on his lap. "Now, if anything was happening, you know Demi's crew would call you or your mom. The girls would call if anything, and Zayn would call as well, and the boys would call if anything happened to him." Ricky was right. "Now, let's go get you hooked up to your earpiece"


"First show of the tour, and it was amazing!!" I heard one of my dancers yell as I finally went off stage.

"Right! It was so incredible" I exclaimed as a crew member started removing my earpiece. "Where's Ricky?" I asked Brian who came over to hug me.

"On the tour bus or something about an airport. Something about him taking an important call" I looked at him funny before power walking out the arena and down to where the buses where parked. I hope he doesn't leave me.

A car had parked right in front of me, stopping me from walking any further. I took a step back as the driver door opened and Ricky came out. He jogged to the passenger seat and opened the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He of course ignored me and smirked helping the mystery person down.

Before I can ask him again what the hell he was doing, Lauren came out of the car with a small smile. She patted Ricky's shoulder before walking over to me. Ricky nodded and got in the car driving away.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in London!" I exclaimed pulling her to my arms. I took in her sent burying my nose in her neck. She smelled like lavender. Like she had just washed her clothes, and threw it on.

"I know, but I had to see you. Its your first show" I smiled at how she remembered the date and everything. "I know I'm a little late. Something happened before I got here" I pulled away from her and looked at her concerned.

"What happened? Are you OK?" She giggled before nodding. "Then what happened?"

"Zayn happened" I looked at her confused. She took my hand and led me to my bus. "Your ex went to see me at-" I held up my hand to stop her from talking.

"Ex? The only 'ex' I have is you?" She smirked.

"Actually, Zayn came to tell me that he's giving you back to me. He realized that you still love me-" I stopped her again. How could Zayn do that. I mean, I'm kind of happy, but how could he not of told me. I haven't even heard from him since the last video chat conversation.

"He broke up with me?" I whispered not believing what I was thinking. She nodded with a smile.

"Dan? Your suppose to be happy!" She chirped. "We can finally be together" she took my hands in hers kissing them lightly.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I choked. She looked at me confused. "He can't just do that!" I wiped the tears before they fell on Lauren's hands.

"He thought it was right if he didn't see you. He couldn't see you hurt" I rubbed my temples trying to breathe. "Dan, slowly. Are you OK?" I shook my head, letting out a shaky breath.

"No. Even though this made my decision easier, it hurts to have them break up with you, and they don't tell you shit" I sobbed. Lauren pulled me closer to her and hugged me tight, stroking my red hair.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. "I can stay tonight, but I have to be back on the plane to England by midday" I nodded cuddling my nose on the crook of her smooth neck. "I can go run by the gas station that's just up the street and grab some snacks. We can watch a movie till you feel better. What do you say?" I nodded. "We can talk about us another time" she kissed my head standing up and taking me with her. "Now, you get in something comfortable, and I'll go to the store" I nodded again and kissed her cheek before going to the back of the bus.


Instead of Lauren and I being together so she can console me, We had Brian Scott, Ricky, and my other dancers around us, or in the middle of us on the couch. I felt like a parent that couldn't get to see or touch her wife. This was wrong.

"I'm going to the back" I whispered. Nobody heard me obviously, there to busy eating and watching the movie Lauren had picked out. I walked to the back, closed the door behind me, and laid on the couch.

"Hey, open the door" I heard behind the door. I stood up and opened the door to find Lauren. She brought some of the snacks she had brought and the half empty liter of Coca Cola. "Can I come in?" I nodded moving to the side.

"Well, now I only have a few hours with you. This sucks" I sat on the couch once again and pulled my knees to my chest. She sucked on her teeth and sat with me. She took my legs, and rested them on top of hers as she cuddled me to her side.

"Its fine. We can stay in here, and do whatever you want" I looked around the small room and found a book. I handed it to her, and motioned her to read it for me. "Get comfortable then"

I sunk into the couch and wrapped myself in the thin blanket lying around. I relaxed when Lauren began to read. It was something about the way she read or her voice that made me feel better. Yes, I'm still hurt about Zayn, and I will have to talk to him about it later, but right now, I could care less.


A/n: I hate myself right now guys! I know I haven't been posting. I have been stressed the fuck out, work had got me feeling like shit, and on top of that, I don't have a voice. :( I'll try and upload chapters on the weekdays. Saturday and Sundays are like my writing and homework days lol.

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