Chapter 27

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Lauren POV-

"So, what did you need to tell me" Zayn asked as he sat down by me in the sand.

"Well, I went to the hospital early this morning. I feel I have the right to tell you this. But I want you to know that what I tell you, doesn't mean I want anything with you" he nodded raising a brow. "I don't know how to tell you, but I'm a month and a weeks or so along"

"A month and a week along of what?" I mentally faced palmed my forehead and breathed in deeply.

"I'm pregnant" I said nervously. He raised a brow looking from my stomach to my eyes.

"How?" I gave him a 'really' look before punching his arm.

"You know how!"

"I know, but I would figure I would use protection. Right?" I shrugged shaky my head.

"Well, you don't have anything to worry about. So lucky you. I have to worry about this baby that I don't know how to take care of, but I'll figure it out. My body is going to change, my hormones are going to go crazy. I have morning sickness like crazy already. I have to worry about telling Phil and my parents" he grabbed my arms and looked at me straight in the eye.

"You, and I repeat you, are not going to say anything to Dani. At least not now, but even if you don't want anything to do with me, I would still like to be apart of my kids life also." He gently released me patting my leg.

"We can't tell anybody about this. The only person that knows is Ally. Look Zayn, I want you to be in the kids life, but its best if nobody finds out that its yours. Everybody will go crazy, and I know we're not ready for that" He gave it a few minutes, and agreed. Silence then fell between us and that felt uncomfortable.

"Do you want Ice cream?" I giggled a bit but nodded. "Do you need help getting up?"

"I'm a month along, not nine. I think I can get up. Thank you, though" He chuckled but still grabbed my hand to hoist me up.


"Do you mind if I ask when is  your next appointment? You know for the baby. I would like to go. If that's OK?" I smiled lightly at Zayn as he walked me up to the door of the house.

"I'll call and tell you when. I have to make an appointment first." He nodded with a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks Lauren. For telling me" I nodded and patted his shoulder. He waved and walked to his car and drove off.

Instead of going inside, I sat on the porch looking around at my surroundings. Everything is going to change. I won't be looking after just myself anymore. I will now be looking after a baby.

"Dani's coming home later on? Do want to go to the movies?" I looked up and saw Ally looking down at me with her sweater in hand. "Or, we can walk around stores and see what I can get for my future 'Nephew' or 'Niece'" she whispered. I giggled.

This past month, I have been thinking a lot about Dani. I know I said I would forget her, but its hard. Its hard to forget about someone you love so much. Someone you wanted to spend your life with. I think before I lose her for good this time, when she finds out that I'm carrying Zayn's baby, I think I should stay home, and see her.

"As much as I would like to Ally, I think I want to stay today." I shrugged. She nodded bending down to kiss my head.

"Ok then. If you need anything, don't hesitate to text me, OK?" I nodded.


When Dani had gotten home, I was in my room watching a movie, drinking this smoothie that Ally had made me. She's being really cautious of what I eat, and I'm not really liking it. I feel like I haven't eaten in days and I just want to dig into the refrigerator. You know what? Screw Ally, I'm getting me some pickles, and chili powder and anything else I can find! (A/n: I have a few friends that said they craved pickles with lemon and chili powder while they were pregnant, so I thought I'd add that in there)

"Aunty Lolo! I have a lot to talk to you!" I looked back and seen Ray walking towards me with an angry looking face. He then stopped and tilted his head to the side. He opened his arms wide open and asked me to carry him. I sat him on the counter not wanting to hurt myself.

"What's up little man?" I asked. His mood changed pretty fast.

"Why did you hurt Aunty Dani? She loves you. You love her. I like when you two are together. It makes me really happy" He played with the strings of my sweater and rested his head on my shoulder as he talked. "This is supposed to be secret. I can't tell nobody. I trust you, right?" I nodded holding out my pinky. "Daddy say his sick. And I might have to be with you guys for a little while-"

"Evan? Your dad?" He nodded. "What's wrong?"

"I'm only five" he said holding up is hand. "I don't know what it is" he shrugged. I kissed his forehead cupping his little tiny face.

"Everything will be OK. I promise. There's going to be a lot of changes I can tell you that." He nodded wrapping his little arms around my neck.


A/n: Decided to post on a Saturday! Lol. I have a lot of homework to do :/
Anyways! I was suppose to update the day Lauren called out a 'fan' on twitter to rant, but decided not to. Guys I actually got a shirt with that tweet!! Lol betterleftunsaidd thank you so much for it!!!!!
-What do you guys think with happen in the next Chapter?

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