Chapter 39

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Lauren's POV-

"Ally? Can you watch Billi real quick?" I asked. Ally nodded and I dashed out the kitchen and up the stairs, knowing all to well that Dani was there.

"I'm not in the mood" I heard bluntly as I opened the door to Mine and Dani's room.

"Its me" I walked in and closed the door locking it in the process. I walked over to Dani and laid myself on top of her and wrapped my arms around her. "What's up baby?"

"I don't know. I think the fight with Val got me feeling moody. Then I'm arguing with Dinah. I don't want to argue with Dinah. She's the last person I would argue with." Dani sighed and moved her body so she was laying completely on me.

"I know that. Just talk to Dinah and tell her what happened. Dinah's a very understanding person, she wouldnt get mad at you" Dani shrugged movering her face so she was looking at my Breast. She smiled lightly before rest her forehead on top of them.

"Your boobs are comfortable" I heard her muffle voice.

"Well, that's what's good about having a baby. They get bigger, only because they're filled with milk" Dani shook her head like she didn't want to hear it. I laughed patting her back.

"That's intresting" she laughed picking up her head and looking at me. She leaned towards me and planted a soft kiss. "Very, very, intresting" She bit lightly at her lip, and next thing I knew her shirt was thrown across the room.

"What are you doing?" I whispered trying to hold my laughter. "The girls and Billi are downstairs" she shrugged straddling my waist and leans in to kiss my neck.

"Then we should be quite" she whispered back detaching her lips from my jaw.

I never seen Dani so eager to have sex. It had always been me pressuring her to do it, or me begging. But this was different. A side to her I never seen before and I was loving every inch of it.

Her eyes went almost black as they were filled with lust. Her hands traveled around my body trying to touch every inch. Her lips leaving pepper light kisses around my stomach and slowly moving down to the rim of my jean shorts.

"Well, Jauregui. Its my turn"

* * *

Camila's POV-

"So, what exactly is going on? I'm confused" I pouted after Dinah had left the house.

"We all don't know exactly either Mila. We'll just have to wait till they tell us" Normani shrugged taking Billi from Ally and bouncing her on her knee.

"Guys? Let's leave and let Dani and Lauren have time to themselves. The rarely get it now" we looked at Billi since she was the cause. She laughed and threw her head back. She fell on top of Normani and laughed more.

"You guys go. Sel is coming for me?" Demi almost choked on her food. Ally stood up immediately patting her back with one hand and trying to contain Ray in the other.

"Okay now, we'll see you later?" Normani asked. I nodded and gave Billi a quick kiss on her nose before hugging the girls and Ray. I went up stairs and began to get ready.

I have thought a lot about Selena after Demi had brought her up the other day. To kind of think about it, I have always thought about Selena. I just never did anything about it because I was scared.

"We're leaving now, have fun!" Demi cooed as she came into my room. "Be careful Mila" Demi said before she hugged me and walked out.


"There's a carnival downtown. Would you like to go?" Selena asked as I opened the door to her car. "Or, if you're not up for it, we can get din-"

"The carnival is fine" I giggled. "I wanna get a funnel cake" Sell laughed and drove away to the direction of downtown LA.

Getting there, Sel and I threw on our sweaters with the hoods on and some pair of glasses so fans wouldn't recognize us. I hate it, but it was so Selena and I can have a good time without the fans going crazy.

"Let's go get your funnel cake first?" I nodded and walked by her side.

As the time went, we told each other jokes and talked like we never talked before. I blame myself for being such a scardy cat.

"How are you and Harry? I heard you guys are dating" I looked at some kids riding the rollercoaster and shrugged. I haven't talked to Harry since that time he left to London. I thinks its been a year or more.

"Harry and I haven't been together for like a year" I shrugged again and looked at her with a sad smile. "It just didn't work anymore" she took my hand and pulled me towards her for a comforting hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head against her shoulder.

"Come on. You're not going to be sad around me." She dragged me towards the ride section and paid the ferris wheel guy so we can be the next to ride.

"We could have just waited in line" I said confusedly.

"We could have, but" Selena shrugged with a chuckle. She grabbed my hand took me to sit in the ferris wheel thing. I never knew what these things were called. "Feeling better?"

I never had anybody care about me the way Selena does. I mean Harry did care about me, but not as much as Selena does. He never really did anything when I was feeling sad. He just would let me be sad till he felt like it passed out of my system, while Selena is trying to make me happy.

"Yes. Thank you" I smiled enormously as I rested my head on her shoulder. She smiled down at me and took my hand entwining my fingers with hers.

When we got back to the house, she walked me to the door holding my hand and holding the big banana stuffed toy in another that she had won me.

"I had a great time. Thank you again"

"Of course. Whenever you feel like going out, call me" I nodded.

She leaned in and was about to kiss my cheek when I decided to move my face so she can kiss my lips. Her lips were everything I had imagined they would be. Soft, plump, and just plain kissable.

"I'll call you when I get home" she stated and kissed my cheek before opening the house door for me. Before going inside, I pecked her lips one more time and watched her get in her car.

She's incredible.

* * *

A/n: what do you guys think will happen next? Also check out my other stories. Please?

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