Chapter 22

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The sun had beamed through the curtains of my hotel room, and down to the floor where I had laid myself last night. The girls and I had been invited to an after party last night, and I stumbled in my room unable to make it on the bed on my own. So, I had grabbed a pillow and a blanket and watched the night sky.

I have been doing this ever since the last time I spoke to Dani. Not just the constant partying, but just sitting by the window and looking at the night sky. I could never fall asleep the way I use to. I stay up now thinking of how stupid and abusive I was to her. I know I only grabbed her wrist, but I actually bruised her. That image is still implanted in my eyelids or something, cause every time I close my eyes, her bruised wrist is there.
Though, I have been thinking, and found that Dani had made an excellent choice. We shouldn't be together. I should just try and forget her, but I know it will never happen. I just don't want her hurting because of me anymore. I love her so much, I'm willing to stay away from her. It will be tough, but she needs someone better. Someone who wouldn't hurt her.


"Isn't it just amazing to be home!" Camila yelled as she twirled around the living room and threw her luggage to the side.

I was the last to enter the house, scared to see or run into Dani, but she was still on tour. Demi was out of tour also, but decided to stay with Dani, at least that is what Ally told us.

As the girls began making dinner, I took the liberty of going upstairs to get ready to go out. I just can't stay in this house. I need to go out.

Before leaving, I had left a note on Ally's room door, and dashed out the house, hoping my friends were here. Luckily, they were waiting in front of the house.


"Lauren Jauregui from 'Fifth Harmony', was spotted walking around Hollywood last night with friends and a mystery girl. They were spotted holding hands and stealing kisses here and there. Is the Green eyed beauty Gay? And is that her Girlfriend?" I shot up and found The girls surrounding me with Dinah holding the remote. I looked around and notice I was in the living room passed out on the couch by the window.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Normani asked. I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, and grabbed the remote to rewind what I just heard.

I don't remember anything of last night, or how I got here, or who the hell this girl was. This was just wrong. The fanbase didn't know about my sexuality, and I bet right now I broke the internet.

"What? That I'm gay? You guys know that. I dated Dani?" They rolled their eyes grabbing the remote.

"No, about the girl. You were happy to see Dani like a month ago, and now your with some mystery girl getting drunk and what not. What the hell, Lauren" Dinah spat. I rubbed my head feeling nauseous. "I hope that hangover last you till tomorrow night." Dinah threw the remote to my side and ran out the room. Camila followed. Then seconds later Mani did.

"Are you gonna talk shit to me to?" I asked Ally. I sat up and rubbed my face. She walked over and sat across from me on the other couch.

"No, Dinah already did that. I'm not going to put you more down then you already are. Come on. We're going to Breakfast" I looked at Ally and watched as she extended her hand towards me. I took it and grabbed my sunglasses I had left on the coffee table

Ally took me to Denny's and bought me the grandslam or something like that. We ate in silence for the first couple minutes, till she decided to bring up last night. I told her the truth, that I have no memory of last night or who the girl was what so ever. I just wanted to go out and have fun.

"But see where 'fun' got you. It got you in all headlining news right now. What happened to Dani anyway?" I stopped chewing and took a big gulp of my orange juice.

"You know, we broke up"

"Yeah, but you guys seemed to be hanging out again. Being that cute little couple like before" I sighed deeply.

"We're never going to be that couple anymore. So, y'all can get that through your heads. What me and Dani had, is gone. I won't lie to you and tell you what we had wasn't special, cause it was. What we felt for each other is gone. Well at least for me. We're moving on and that's that." I tried so hard not to choke or quiver or cry as I told that to Ally. I wanted her to believe me.

Ally didn't say anything. I didn't know if she was mad, sad, or in shock. I don't blame her though.

That same night, I got ready without the girls knowing. They were to busy planning something for Demi and Dani's return home.


"Well, what a surprise seeing you here. Aren't you like 19?" I cringed at the voice and looked to my side as I waited for the bartender to get my drinks.

"I would say the same to you. Aren't you suppose to be in England? And I'm 20" I rolled my eyes as he sat by me.

"Exactly. Your not 21. Where's Dani?" He asked. "Surprise she's not here with you?" I looked at him once again as he brought the beer bottle to his lips.

"We're not together. We never were" he raised a brow giving me a small glare. "You're an idiot, you know that? You let her go, so she can be with me, when she never wanted to. If I were you, I would have never left her. No matter how much she didn't want to be with me I still wouldn't have let her go" he sighed.

"Why didn't she tell me" he asked before telling the bartender for two rounds of shots.

"She tried, she even came to London for the first time to talk to you, but realized you didn't want to pick up your damn phone. There was another incident, but thats nothing you should know about." He scoffed running his fingers through his hair.

"Shit" he mumbled.

"You got that right, Malik" he looked at me, then at the shots.

"Here Jauregui, let's take one" I looked at him funny before taking the shot in my hands. "For, us letting Dani go. Cheers" he raised his glass and waited for me to mimic.

"Cheers" I raised the glass, taped his lightly and then brought it to my lips. The burning sensation traveled to my throat and down my stomach, but I liked it.

"Another?" I nodded picking another one up. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" I yelled back.


"Dani and Demi are going to be home soon! Wake up Lauren" I groaned and snuggled closer to my pillow. But it was strange. My pillow smelled like some sort of Cologne.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a tattooed looking card with 'a pirates life for me' under it and notice I was laying next to someone.

"Shit" I whispered. I slowly wiggled myself off this persons hold and notice I felt a breeze. I looked down noticing there were no clothes. "Shit" I said again. I shot up and making the person next to me do the same.

"Fuck" we said together when we looked at each other.


A/n: wasn't expecting that lol!!! Anyways, what do you guys think is going to happen next? Sorry if the chapter was crappy...

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