Chapter 6

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"Wake up beautiful" I snapped my eyes open and notice Zayn sitting by my side, with a plate of breakfast in his hands. "Val made breakfast, and I figured I'd bring you some up" I stretched my arms out and sat up yawning. I notice Zayn had left the door open. Lauren's door was wide open as well, as she sat on her bed reading as usual, but she wasn't reading. She was just holding her book as she stared in my room with a blank expression.

"Thanks. I'll just brush my teeth first" I stood up and closed the door before making my way to the bathroom. I couldn't deal with her so early. Last night hearing her voice for the first time in almost two years made me smile. "Why are you up so early?" I asked walking out when I finished my teeth.

"I don't know really. Guess I wanted to see my girlfriend early." I rolled my eyes before sitting next to him and taking the plate from the night stand. "so, what's for today?"

"What's for today is, I have to pick up Evan from the airport today." He looked at me nervously. "Don't worry. I'll talk to him. Don't forget the party is on Friday, and I need you there"

"you got it babe." He kissed my head, and stood up. "I'll see you later then? Maybe after you talk to your brother?" I nodded.

"Wait! I'll just walk you out" I grabbed his hands and walked with him down the stairs and out the door. All the girls just stared and I couldn't kiss Zayn goodbye. I just felt weird.

When I walked into the kitchen, all the girls (minus Lauren, who was upstairs), went back to eating. You can easily feel some sort of tension in the room. I looked around and notice Troian was eating at the table. I know for sure she wasn't here last night.

"Hey Troian" I said walking into the kitchen awkwardly. "What are you doing here so early?" I sat by Ally who seemed to be cutting Demi's pancakes. Damn, Demis lazy.

"Just wanted to say morning, and give Val her fav coffee in the morning" I looked at Val as she sipped at her coffee cup. "Don't worry. I'm leaving now. I have some family things to take care of" She leaned over to Val and kissed her before saying good bye. Dinah glared and stood up instantly before actually throwing her plate to the sink.

"Its a good thing we change to plastic" Mila mumbled, making Normani giggle.

"Shut up, Camila" Val growled before she left up the stairs.

"Hey guys!?" We heard an accent. We all looked at each other before walking into the living room and finding Leigh-Anne watching the TV like something interesting was on. But it was only the news. "There's a storm coming. Listen" She turned up the TV as the weather reporter was speaking.

"A really big thunder storm with heavy hail will be coming here to Los Angeles. Its suggested you stay in doors, til the storm passes. This storm looks very dangerous" The blonde reporter said. I looked at Demi who shrugged at Ally.

"What are we going to do?" Selena said hugging my side.

"They say the storm is on it's way, right?" We nodded at Demi. "Then we split up and go shopping for emergency things. Ally, Perrie, Jesy and I, will go to get each of us a flashlight and things like that. Val, Selena, and Camila, you get Medical things just in case. Normani, Dinah, and Leigh-Anne, camping supplys. Lauren, Dani, and Jade, get as much food as possible. I looked at Demi and so did everyone else. This is the worst group possible that she could have put me in.

"Demi? Are you sure about them together?" Ally whispered. But i heard her pretty clearly.

"They shouldn't worry about that now. There's a storm coming. Ok. Since Normani's group is going for similar things, you come with us. Val's group, you go with Dani's. Alright! Let's go!" I grabbed my keys and grabbed Val out so she can sit in the front.


It always amazes me how much I can care about a person. I can take a lot of shit and always see the good inside of them. I will stick with that person until the end. Looking at Lauren now and remembering what she did, made me realize, why did I even try to be that person.

"We'll be over here" Val said shaking me from my thoughts. She motioned her group to follow as I stayed behind with Lauren and Jade in the snacks section.

"Should we get some cereals?" Lauren asked, placing some chips into the shopping cart.

"If you want. They said the power might go out. So, get anything that we don't have to cook" She nodded. This was the most we have talked besides last night.

"Hey!" Jade whispered walking over to me. "Do you want to talk?" I looked at Jade then at Lauren who was still gathering food. I nodded as we walked up the isle til we were as far away from Lauren as possible. "It's been like two years since we've talked, how are you?"

"I'm good." I managed to say. I stuck my hands into my sweats and looked around. I eyed Lauren hoping she'd see me and take me away from this awkward conversation. But she stood fixed on the food, contemplating what to get.

"I just want to apologize. You never answered my text or anything, so i thought this was the best place to do it"

"Hey! We're supposed to be looking for food, not flirting or anything of what this is. There's a storm coming!" Lauren had finally looked over to us. The anger in her eyes scared me. It was like we were fighting all over again.

"Lauren, Calm down, Ok? I'm sorry" Jade said. Lauren huffed and threw a few boxes she had in her hands into the cart.

"Don't! Tell me to calm down" She snapped she began to walk towards Jade and I with speed. She looked like she was a predator, ready to dive onto her prey. She could probably kill Jade with that look in her eyes.

"Lauren" I whispered. I grabbed her hand and stopped her. "Jade? Can you give us a minute?" I looked over my shoulder and watched as Jade walked away. "Please don't do this"

"Do what!?" She yelled. "I'm not doing shit! You're the one who has a boyfriend and you're being a little whore flirting with Jade" I swallowed hard and looked down at how I was holding her hand. I softly let it fall away from my palms, and backed away. Tears began to surface and I was cursing myself not to let them fall.

"Y-yeah" I choked. I was at lost for words. Lauren has never ever swooped that low to call me names. Her cheating on me didn't feel like what I was feeling at that moment. "Yeah, I'm the whore" I whipped my tears forcefully. "Your the one that cheated. I didn't. I did everything in my power to keep us going, and you gave up. You went with Brad. And here we are almost two years later, and I finally have someone" I turned by the cart and seen all the girls standing there looking at us. "Fuck you, Lauren. Fuck You" I took out my keys and handed them to Val.

"I didn't -" I stopped Lauren from talking and walked away.

A/n: I hate writing the ending of this chapter. What did you guys think. Did Lauren mean it?

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