Chapter 28

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Dani's POV-

"It was great to finally meet the Fifth Harmony girls! Like wow!" Clarissa exclaimed. "But, I still haven't met the last one" I walked up stairs and motioned her to follow.

I knocked at Lauren's door for the first time in a month. Being gone has been really good for me, and probably for her. I haven't thought about her or anything, and I know she hasn't about me, but I know I would be lying to you if I tell you that I don't miss hugging her.

"Come in!" I heard Ray! I strangely looked at Clarissa as she shrugged and motioned me to open the door. "Look aunt Dani! Lolo watching the Grinch! Its your favorite movie!"

Lauren and Ray were laying in her bed watching my favorite movie to watch during Thanksgiving and Christmas time. She smiled when she seen me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Can, we come in?" I asked.

"Sure" she paused the movie and sat up taking Ray to her lap. "What's up?"

"This is my friend Clarissa. Clarissa, this is The Lauren Jauregui" I shyly smiled.

"Wow! Its so finally nice that I got to meet you guys! Wow, your eyes are amazing. Are they your real eyes?" Clarissa asked.

"Yes!" Lauren and I said together in a duh tone. I looked at her.

"OK" Clarissa laughed. "I'm gonna be back. I have to pee" I nodded and looked at Ray. He was mad at Lauren. I guess not anymore that his so cuddled up to her.

"Wanna sit?" She asked.

"May I?" She nodded moving things from her bed and sliding them onto the floor. I giggled lightly and sat at the edge near hers and Ray's feet.

"How was Texas?" She asked making small talk.

"It was great. I missed it a lot" she nodded. "How was here?" She shrugged with a not so happy smile.

"It was whatever. Not that great" she looked back at the movie.

"I know this is weird, but do want Ice cream or something. Pizza?I'm a little hungry" I heard myself say. What is wrong with me? Why did I just say that? Maybe she doesn't think of me like that anymore.

"Are you sure?" I felt myself nod. "I guess"

"Can I go?" Ray asked With the world's biggest smile. "I'll be good?"

"Ok, put on your sweater" He ran out the room leaving Lauren and I alone.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I know sorry doesn't fix things, so I'm willing to do whatever you want till you think I have really apologized. I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway, but I did, and-" I couldn't hear anymore. I know she's sorry. I just can't help to think about her and Zayn and what they did.

"Tell me one thing. What you and Zayn did, wasn't on purpose or anything, right? To hurt me" She shook her head viciously taking my hand into hers.

"Of course not. I wouldn't do that to anybody. Especially you. I just had a few to much to drink. I'm sorry" I bit lightly at my bottom lip looking at her.

I am not going to lie. I miss Lauren like crazy now that I'm looking at her after a month and a few weeks. I just can't keep being mad at her. I just can't.

"OK" I whispered. She smiled pulling me to hug her. "Well, let's go. I'll get Ray into the Truck"

"What does this mean?" She asked before we walked out of her room. "For us?"

"It means we are taking things slow. Start out as friends and maybe, work our way up. Yeah?" She smiled with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Lauren? Dani? In the same room?" Ally asked confused as she made her way up the stairs. "Where are you guys going?" Ally raised a brow giving Lauren a curious look.

"Dani, wants to eat pizza. Is it OK if I go?" I looked between the girls. Why would Lauren ask for permission?

"Sure, you guys should bring some Pizza back for the girls when you girls are done"

"Or, we can just eat it here. Lauren and I can go pick it up?" Ally nodded. I looked at Lauren to see if it was OK with her also. She nodded with a slight smile. "OK then. See you guys in a bit" I told Ally as we walked down the steps passed her.

"Go through the other door. Not the front. I don't want Demi seeing you guys and making a fuss" She whispered as we made it at the bottom step to wait for Ray.

When Ray finally made it down the stairs putting on his sweater, we slowly and quietly made it to the back door. We walked to the front of the house, then hopped inside my truck.

The way to the pizza place was quite Minus Ray singing to the radio and Lauren humming along. I took the time to think about things and I think, I do want to give Lauren another try, but of course start slow like I told her.

"Aunt Dani? Can we get a cheese Pizza, and a bacon for Lolo, and a bar b que for you?" He said as we parked on the fist parking space we saw.

"Sure. But we also have to get pepperoni for the girls" Lauren unbuckled herself and went to the back to unbuckle Ray. She smiled at him before taking him down.

"Hold my hand!" Ray Exclaimed. Lauren held one and I held the other.

"So, is she your girl-" I cut Lauren off with a slight giggle.

"I wouldn't be talking to you if she was. She was my softball buddy. She's like another Valerie, so you don't have to worry" I took Ray and changed places with him, so I can hold Lauren's hand.

"Good" She smiled.


"Wanna eat in my room when we get home?" Lauren asked as we made our way to a booth to wait on the pizzas. Ray had taken off to the game room, so Lauren and I could talk. He seemed to really be attached to Lauren at the moment and we just here.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. "So, everybody is spending Christmas at the house. Are you and the girls leaving? Or what?" I asked.

"We decided to spend it here. My parents are coming" she said giving me an uneasy smile. She shrugged looking at the game room.

"Why don't you sound excited? Its an amazing holiday. Think of it this way, this is our first holiday together" I said convincing her to smile for me. It worked.


A/n: I'll be posting another chapter for thanksgiving!!! What do you think is going to happen?

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