Chapter 68

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Lauren tapped her finger tips harshly at the steering wheel as she drove crazy. Drivers in front of us decided to drive slow today.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Lauren exclaimed turning the wheel and passing the drivers left and right. She looked back and noticed that I was glaring at her from the mirror. As much as I wanted her to hurry up, I didn't want to die either.

"Calm down, please." I pleaded trying my best not to groan out in pain.

"I'm calm." She said softly. "I just want you to get to the hospital." She smiled and looked back at the road muttering at the drivers.

After getting to the hospital safely, and having nurses setting me up in a room, the girls, the kids, and Lauren walked in happily to see me. My parents and sisters trailing not far behind.

"Hey bud, how are you feeling?" My mom asked resting her hand on my head. She gazed her hand along my hair smiling like no tomorrow.

"Just tired for now. He's not ready to come." I smiled looking over to find familiar green eyes staring at me. "Hey you." I giggled softly.

"Hello beautiful." Lauren seemed like she wanted to cry with the sound of her voice, but she had a strong happy face that told me she was just excited. "Someone wants to talk to you." I nodded and watched as she picked up Billi and sat her down next to me.

"Is my brother coming?" She asked rubbing lightly at my stomach. She smiled widely resting her head on my belly.

"He's coming soon, mamas. He's taking his time." Lauren giggled rubbing on my side.

"I can't wait to see him!" Normani exclaimed jumping slightly at her excitement.

"I know! Another little Dani and Lauren running around!" Dinah rejoiced.

Soon, Lauren's parents were here and it was time to have the baby. My sisters took Billi, so the only ones left in the room was my mom, Lauren's mom, and Lauren herself.

"I love you." She whispered as her lips met my cheek. She pulled away slightly, and whispered, "I love you." Again her lips found their way to my cheek and I couldn't help but smile despite in how much pain I was in. "I'm gonna be Here the whole time. Holding your hand and waiting to see our baby boy." I closed my eyes and felt my face tug a small smile.

"Ok Dani, get ready to push." I heard and shook my head. "Come on. Don't you want to see your baby? Push." I did as told trying so hard not to scream out in pain. This, by far is the worst pain I have ever encountered physically.

After a few tries, I heard a baby cry And Lauren began to sob with a big smile. She rushed to the doctors side and then rushed back to me cupping my cheeks, repeatingly to kiss the top of my head.

"He's beautiful, Dani. I got to cut the cord!" She exclaimed happily. "look! They're bringing him now." They wrapped the small fragile frame in a blanket and rested the baby on my chest so I can look at him.

"He is beautiful" I chuckled tiredly and slowly closed my eyes. "Anthony." I sighed. I opened my eyes slowly to look at Lauren who smiled widely. She seemed to like the name.

"That's perfect." She leaned towards me and rested her lips on my for head.


"Can I see him?" Billi asked jumping up and Down as Lauren walked in and opened the door so Isabel can see me. "Mommy!" Billi yelled and took off running towards my bed. "I missed you! Are you OK?"

"Yes, baby. I'm OK." I smiled and motioned my dad to pick up Billi and set her beside me. "This is your baby brother Anthony. Anthony, this is your big sister Isabel." Billi smiled widely like I never seen before.

"Can I- can I hold him?" Billi looked up at me with her big green eyes. She was clearly happy and excited.

"Of course."

Lauren walked behind Billi and positioned her arms properly so she would be able to hold him. I laid the small little baby in Billi's arms and smiled at my now three favorite people in the entire world.


"Your turn." I said sleepily patting Lauren's arms which were around my waist. This was probably the fourth time tonight that Anthony woke up crying. I lost count.

"No. No. I already had my turn." I began to groan loudly turning over so I was facing her. I was to tired to get up. "Fine." She whined. "Its four in the morning, Dani!" I slowly opened my eyes and watched as Lauren climbed off the bed.

"I love you!" I yelled as she excited our room and to the nursery which was also Billi's room. A minute later she entered with a Sleepy crying Billi and laid her by me.

"I deal with Tony. You Deal with Billi." Lauren said before leaving the room again.

"Who woke you up?" I pouted sitting up and placing Billi onto my laps. I did the impossible to stay awake.

"Tony!" She groaned. "Why does he cry so much? Doesn't he like sleep? I love sleep." I giggled softly rocking her back and forth.

"He's probably hungry." Lauren walked in with Anthony in her arms and sat in bed. "What happened?"

"I had to change his diper. He's sleepy to, but he can't sleep." She sighed bouncing him lightly in her arms. It was the only way to get him to stop crying.

"Why don't you sing, mom? Remember when I was smaller? I liked when both of you sang to me." Billi smiled up at Lauren showing her toothy smile. Lauren giggled softly as Billi was missing her bottom tooth that fell out at the hospital.

"Well, what do you suggest beautiful?" She said over to me.

"How about 'Everlasting Love'. Its been awhile since I've heard you and the girls sing it." Lauren began to smile hugely as she looked down at Tony and over to Billi.

"Are you ready little man?" Lauren rested her lips on his forehead for about three seconds and then began to sing.

Right when she was going to the Chorus, Billi was fast asleep, curled up on my leg. Lauren and I looked at Tony and notice he was asleep to.

"I guess this is our new thing. Sing them to sleep. You're singing next time." I giggled and nodded sliding Billi properly on the bed and laying beside her. Lauren followed laying Tony beside Billi and she laid herself by him.

"I can definitely get use to this."I sighed in contentment resting my head on my palm so I can look over at Lauren.

"Me too." She smiled. "I just can't go back to sleep." She groaned. "Let's get the kids to their room and go downstairs." I nodded and picked up a Sleeping Billi, following Lauren.

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