Chapter 8

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"Don't you ever run away again. Your blood sugar could have dropped really low and who knows what could have happened" Demi squeezed my cheeks like a mother would do to her child. She kissed my cheeks repeatedly before hugging the daylights out of me.

We had gotten home the next morning. The girls were up watching the news, and keeping a look out for Lauren and I.

"I'm fine. Lauren actually saved me" All the girls looked at Lauren and smiled. "Thanks Lolo" she nodded at me before hugging me as well.

"Go wash up. Mom and dad are throwing us all a party later on. The flights were canceled last night due to the storm, so the family members that didn't come, are on their way right now" I nodded before leaving upstairs to shower.


"Babe? Your burning up! Are you OK" I sniffed and looked at Zayn who sat on my bed next to me as I did my hair.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting sick" I pouted. "I'll be fine. I just took some dayquil." I shrugged and turned off my curling iron.

"Val told me everything. Why did you runaway?" I chewed lightly on my bottom lip thinking about what to say.

Of course I couldn't tell Zayn about Lauren calling me that ugly word, and I couldn't dare tell him she had saved me and we basically stood in Demi's cabin till the storm passed. He would probably flip.

"Demi and I fought again" he shook his head pulling me into a hug. I buried my face between his neck and shoulder and took in his sent. I can't believe I lied to him.

Lauren passed my door and smiled lightly at me. Her green eyes brighter then usual today . I smiled back and waved before I pulled away from Zayn.

"I wish I was here last night. I could have stopped you or stayed with you." He cupped my cheeks. "You were out there all alone while the storm happened? What were you thinking?" He whispered. He rested his forehead on top of mine and lightly gazed his thump on my bottom lip.

"I was thinking I wanted to be alone. That was a bad idea" I giggled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes.

"I'm glad your OK" he whispered. I swallowed hard before I felt his lips. They were nothing compared to Lauren's. That they made me feel calm and special. I craved her lips. But something about Zayn's made me just feel some sort of way. I couldn't put my finger in it. But Lauren's kiss was best.

"We should get going" I said as I pulled away. "I don't want to have someone coming in" He nodded caressing my cheek.


"Beautiful night?" I heard.

I had walked away from the party and went to lay on the grass of my parents backyard. The house was packed with everyone. From friends to family.

"Very" I knew the voice to well. I didn't bother to look at her. "Don't the stars look really bright, tonight?" She sat by me and looked up.

"Yeah. That's unusual cause we live in the city" she giggled. "Remember when you would sleep on our bus and before you would go to my bunk you would sit on the couch and look at the sky?" I looked at my fingers and nodded. "I always thought it was strange, but I always loved that about you" I looked at her eyes. She smiled and looked back at the sky.

"Hey! Come on" I turned back to find Ricky waving at us. I looked back at Lauren and motioned her to follow.

"We should go" she stood up helping me get up to my feet. We went inside the kitchen first where it was just the soft sounds of muffled voices. We then went to the very loud living room and went our separate ways.

"I see you were with Lauren?" Ricky asked. I nodded as we sat on the couch. I looked through the sea of people and found Zayn talking to Liam and Val. He smiled and laughed and I couldn't help but smile to.

"I was. Why?" He sighed patting the side of my arm.

"Oh I don't know, maybe cause she cheated on you? Look, Dani, I know how you are. Your a forgiving person, but you usually end up getting hurt. Are you going to let Lauren back into your life so she can stomp on it again!?" I looked at Ricky then at Lauren, who laughed at probably some lame joke Camila had said.

"I know, I know. But haven't you ever had someone where you just need them in your life. I know I shouldn't, but Lauren and I were together so long. I just can't find a way to let go. I thought I did, but then I saw her, heard her speak, and she saved me, I just couldn't" I looked back at him with a small smile. "Is it wrong?"

"No. Of course not. I'm just worried you're gonna get hurt again. I understand that Lauren was the center of your universe, and if you don't want to admitted or your just denying it , she still is. Your still in love with her, Dani" Just hearing him say the truth was just like a knife going through my chest. "Why did you say yes to Zayn?" I thought about it.

"I do have feelings for him. I don't think its love, we just started dating, but I have strong feelings for him." I sighed placing my now empty water bottle on the coffee table. "I guess I just wanted to forget about Lauren" I rested my head on Ricky's shoulder. "Am I a bad person?"

"No. Your human. Your feeling what humans feel. But you just have to figure out who you want. Lauren. Or Zayn. You can't have both." He patted my leg and stood up from the couch and joined the sea of people.

He's right. But do I really want Lauren back?


"Zayn talked to us" I looked up to see my dad, Ray, and Evan surrounding my view of everyone I was facing.

"Oh? About what?" I played dumb.

Zayn had asked me if he could ask my parents for permission so we can date. I don't know why considering I'll be twenty soon, but he said he felt like he should. I shrugged and told him to go for it. I was just scarred they would kill him.

"I hope he still alive" my dad rolled his eyes and looked down at Ray.

"He almost didn't make it" Ray mumbled crossing his arms in front of his chest. I rolled my eyes at the little boy and looked at Evan.

"What!? He has a mind of his own." I shook my head and looked back at my dad.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I guess, if he likes you enough to ask me, then its fine." I smiled and motioned my hand for him to keep talking. I wanted to hear him say it. "For you, and Him, to date" I laughed.

"For me and who?" He glared before saying Zayn's name. "Thanks dad!" I said before hugging him. "And thank you for not killing him" I told Ray before hugging him. "Thanks, Ev!" I kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah!" Ray yelled jumping into my arms. "Can you take me to my girlfriends now!?" I giggled before looking for Camila and Dinah.


A/n: I'm doing better updating in this book then in adopted lol. Anyways!

What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter?
Who do you guys think Dani would choose?

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