Chapter 26

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Lauren's POV-

"Can you come with me?" I asked Ally as the nurse called my name. She nodded with a nervous smile and patted lightly at my knee before getting up.

"Right this way, Miss Jauregui" The nurse smiled and directed us to the room. "Let me take your blood pressure and temperature." After she checked everything, she asked the usual questions. 'Why was I here, and what was I feeling'. "The doctor will be in shortly."

"Thank you" Ally smiled.  The nurse nodded and closed the door to give us privacy. "I hope it isn't anything to serious. I just hope your OK" Ally grabbed my hand and sat on the rolling chair near the hospital bed.

"I hope so to" I whispered. I was actually feeling quite nervous. Not because I was throwing up each second( I'm being sarcastic), but I'm starting to feel like something is seriously wrong wrong with me other than a cold.

After a few minutes, the same nurse returned bringing some kind of machine behind her. She smiled as she plugged it in.

"Hello! You must be Miss Jauregui!!" I snapped my head from the nurse to the door. A nice young looking nurse stood by the door with a clipboard in hand and what looks to be a bottle of gel.

"Uh, yes?" I said, but it sounded more of a question of how nervous I was. He laughed and looked at Ally.

"I'm Dr. Williams" he shook Ally's then my hand. "Now, can you do me a favor and lift up her shirt and unbutton your pants. I did as told quickly. "Lay back and relax. This might be cold."

"May I ask what you think is wrong with her?" I heard Ally.

"Well, she described symptoms of pregnancy. I'm just going to do an ultrasound, if nothing shows up, then we'll run some blood test. How does that sound?" I looked over and watched Ally nod.

Oh my god... Was this really happening? I can't say I can't be pregnant because who knows what exactly happened between Zayn and I. I don't even know if he used protection or not. What the hell I'm I going to him about this, or anybody for that matter.

As I lay there not wanting to look at the monitor, I prayed and hope that i wasn't having a baby. I heard Ally gasp lightly. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to let the tears fall down my cheeks.

"Well congrats Miss Jauregui. Your about a month and a week or so" he smiled. "I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins."

"Are you sure she's" Ally motioned her eyes to my stomach.

"The monitor isn't going to lie. She's pregnant!" He exclaimed. "Also, do you drink?" He asked. I nodded still in shock to speak. "Your liver is inflamed just a slight. I'll give you something for that."

"What happens if I continue to drink?" I asked. Ally glared at me.

"Well, the baby can get fetal alcohol syndrome or known as FAS, a serious condition that can affect a child throughout life. You don't want that for your pride and joy, I'm I right?" I nodded slowly and began to cry. "Very well, you ladies are free to go"

"Thank you Dr." Ally took my hand and carefully dragged me to the parking lot. We stayed silent when we entered the car. When we slammed the door shut, is when I began to speak.

"Please, don't say anything. This is between you, me and Zayn. OK?" She nodded starting the car.

"Can I say something?" I nodded as she backed out of the parking space. "What are you gonna do about singing and stuff? You know you have to talk to Phil and your parents"

"I know, but I'll wait till I'm a bit noticeable" she shrugged and drove away from the hospital.


Dani's POV-

Today, I had helped Ray start packing for LA. He had literally threw one of his drawers full of just his pants in a suit case not caring about underwear, shirts, or socks. He zipped it up and threw it across his bed.

"Ray! Calm down" I giggled. "Let me help you" I grabbed his suit case and and reopened throwing all his pants out. "I'll do this for you, you go and answer the door for Clarissa. OK?" He nodded dashing out of the room.

"Aunt Dani!! Clarissa is here!" Ray yelled running in his room and holding Clarissa's hand. I smiled and waved as she walked over to me.

"I see he has you in the palm of his hands once again" she joked. "I swear, even before you left, he had you right at his finger tips" I giggled pulling her to a hug.

"Whatever. Can you blame me. His my little baby" I said pinching his cheek.

"Yeah. A baby with two girlfriends" she joked again. I lightly slapped her arm. "What? He told me! He said I'm going to meet them"

"So does that mean you can go!?" I yelled enthusiastically. She nodded as I hugged her tightly with Ray following behind me.

"Yay!! Were going to have alot of fun" Ray yelled jumping on his bed.

"Did you see what your gonna take and stuff?" I asked Clarissa.

"Well, that's why I came a bit earlier. Can you go shopping with me to see what I should take?" I smiled clapping my hands.


A/n: These past few days I have been sick with the stomach flu. This was the first time I have ever got it, so I was scared. But I'm better now!!! What do you think gonna happen next chapter?

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