Chapter 56

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A week after our visit to the pumpkin patch, lauren had gotten a call from her mother that her grandmother passed away. At first, Lauren didn't seem to show any emotion, which pretty scared me. Just like I did when Evan died. She went about her days, till the day of the funeral. She had cried so much. More than I have ever seen her shed. It broke me in ways you can ever imagine.

"Babe? Can I have that, please" I asked Lauren, motioning her to give me the bottle of whisky she held tightly around her hand. It was now an everyday thing.

"H-hold on. I'mm almost d-done" she slurred slowly lifting the bottle to her slightly dry lips.

"Come on. We have to take Billi shopping for her Halloween costume. You promised her." I persuaded. She just waved me off placing the almost gone whisky down on the counter.

"Damn Dani, you take her! I'm busy!" Lauren yelled, taking the bottle to her lips once again. "O-on your way home, b-bring another bottle. W-will ya?" I gave up on asking her to come and nodded to her request. I wasn't going to do it though. By the time I came back, I was sure Lauren would be passed out.

"And Lauren?" Asked Dinah as I opened the back door to strap Billi to her booster seat.

"She's not feeling up to it." I muttered. I slid myself in the back seat beside Billi as Val took the passenger.

"Dan? She needs help" I heard Val sigh. I took a glance at the house noticing Lauren in the window of our room.

"I know. I tried helping her" I looked behind and notice, Demi's car, and Diggy's weren't parked anymore. I guess they were meeting us at the Halloween store.

Getting to the store, Billi followed Demi and Ally around as I stayed behind to talk to Ray. He was way more distant then before, and decided not participate in Halloween this year. It was one of his favorite holidays.

"What's going on, buddy?" I looked at the soon to be thirteen year old and smiled lightly as memories clouded my mind. I couldn't help but reminisce of the four year old that sung along with me to the radio and gave me his teddy bear when I left to live with Demi. I still have his teddy bear by the way.

"Nothing." He replied nonchalantly.

"Halloween is your favorite holiday. Aren't you going to pick a costume?" He shook his head stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

"I don't feel like doing it this year. It isn't the same without dad." He sighed. "Plus, I'm going out with some friends." I nodded.

"So, your birthdays coming up. Want to give me ideas on what to get you?" He chuckled lightly. His deep laughter filling my ears. I couldn't believe he was now hitting puberty.

"Nah, it fine aunt Dan. I guess maybe one thing I do want is to visit dad." I mentally sighed.

"Ok then. For you, I'll go." A smile spread across his face before he engulfed me into his small muscular arms. Football was doing him well. "You just have to promise me to at least take a picture with the kiddos before you leave that day." He took out his hand holding it up like he was taking an oath.

"I promise"


"Mommy? Is mom ok?" Billi asked as I laid her on her bed, getting her ready to sleep.

"To be honest baby, I don't know." I said truthfully. "But you shouldn't worry about that. Get some sleep." I whispered and pressed my lips against her forehead.

"Goodnight, mommy!" She exclaimed. I stood up and walked over to turn off the light, and leaving her star nightlight on.

"Goodnight, mamas."

I quietly made my way to my room and took in the scene that I had been seeing for a week and a half now. Lauren sprawled out on the bed. A bottle by the television set, another two by the nightstand, and another still firmly in Lauren's grasp.

The first time I had seen this, was after the funeral. Lauren had disappeared for hours, leaving Isabel and I in her parents home, where her family had gathered after the service. Clara, had gotten a call from a local bar, that Lauren was passed out in the bathroom, in the same position she was now in, just on a hard tiled floor.

I  held in my tears the best I could as I pushed and pull Lauren to what I felt like was a comfortable position. I wrapped her usual blanket on her and kissed her cheek. The smell of alcohol radiating off of her. I took the bottles carefully not to make noise, and slowly walked downstairs to find two more on the counter.

"Great" I sighed to myself taking them and walking outside the house to dump them into the trash bin.

I wasn't feeling like going back inside just yet. I just sat on the step and silently cried to myself. I cried to the point I had no more tears to cry. Then I talked silently to myself as if I had someone sitting near me.

Next morning, Lauren stumbled into the kitchen as I made the kids breakfast and Dinah and Demi did the kids lunch. Ally was getting the kids backpack ready, signing things and fumbling around with papers.

"Hi mom" Billi chirped when she seen Lauren.

"Hi baby" Lauren Yawned ruffling Billi's hair. "Hi everybody" she smiled earning hellos, from everyone. I turned around not bothering on saying anything. "Hey baby" I heard a sigh behind me and felt Laurens arms snake their way around my waist. I tensed up feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Hi" I mumbled.

"I'll see you in a bit. Ok?" I turned around quickly shaking my head.
"Where?" I asked, taking a hold of her arm.

"Out. I need to pick up a few things." I shook my head again giving her a whiny look, knowing all to well where she was going. "Don't do this now in front of everybody" she said sternly.

"But you can't go. Just relax today"

"Dani! Stop acting like my mom! I'm going out, and you can't tell me shit!" She snapped barking at my face. It was something I had begun to get use to. It was still pretty scary to me, but it was the first time she was doing it in front of the girls. In front of the kids. In front of our daughter.

"Hey! Don't yell at my sister!" Demi yelled walking aggressively towards Lauren and I.

"No, Demi. Its ok." My voice was shaky and tears were threatening to spill.

"Listen to Dani, Demi." Lauren cooed throwing a wink at Demi. "Don't wait up, Dan!" She smirked grabbing the keys to her car and walking gracefully out of the kitchen.

"You can't let her do that!" Demi said sternly at me with Dinah agreeing in the background. "Defend yourself!"

"You don't understand." I sighed taking a seat by Billi who stared intently at her empty plate. I knew she was scared.

"Don't understand what!? That Lauren went psycho!?" Dinah interfered.

"HEY!" Billi screamed. "That's my mom!"

"Isabel, its ok. Let's get you ready for the bus" she jumped off and gave Dinah a small glare before stomping out of the kitchen. "Let's drop the situation. I'm not going to talk about this anymore in front of Isabel." I said before walking out of the kitchen.


A/n: I'm pretty happy that I got a few chapters done. What do you thinks going to happen?

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