Chapter 44

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A/n: yay that I'm finally stating to write again. Also my best friend jonah is going to be taking one of my books. We decided for him to take 'Me and You'

Getting back to the house, I notice there was a car parked by the driveway and new the girls were home.

I rushed to unstrap Billi and set her down so she can walk to the door. She banged on the door trying to yell open for someone to open the door for her.

"Mamas! Hold on" I laughed walking to the door and opening the it. I picked her up and walked through the door to see Ray running towards me.

"AUNTY DANI! YOU'RE BACK!" He screamed and jumped on my free arm. He was bigger than I remembered.

"Hey buddy" I laughed and sat the kids down. "How have you been kiddo?" I asked and squated to his level.

"I'm good. I just got back from grandma and Grandpa from Texas! And then I went to visit dad! He says hi" He spoke really fast and seem to be jittery.

"Ally! Ray hit the candy stash!" I heard Demi yell. She walked down the stairs and ran towards me. Billi walked off and sat on the carpet in the living room with Ray. "Gosh" she smacked my head and held me tighter.

"Why did you hit me!?" I giggled.

"I as your sister demand to know how your doing on tour! I haven't heard anything from you. I was getting really worried" she smacked me again and pulled away to cup my cheeks.

"I have just been distracted with work and show after show. I'm sorry" I flinched scared she was going to whack me again, but she didn't. She just looked at me sadly and sighed.

"A text would have been nice though. How's tour?" Before I can answer her, Lauren walked downstairs and a look of sadness washed upon her face. She Walked down the stairs and passed Demi and I to the kitchen.

"I'll get everyone out" demi whispered. "I'm going to go get ice cream who wants to join?!" She yelled and next thing we heard were footsteps all over the house. The girls and Ray ran out the front door not acknowledging my exsitance. Demi walked over to Billi and picked her up. "Dont do anything stupid" she whispered and left.

I took a moment and slowly walked into the kitchen and found Lauren sitting in on a chair at the dinner table. She looked at a book in front of her and slowly pushed it towards me to grab.

"What's this?" I asked hestitently. She motioned me to read it. I leaned against the wall by her and carefully admired the title. I was terrified.

'I know you don't want me anymore' it was barely the first lyric and I was already feeling uneasy.

Reading through it, I couldn't help but cry at each word. I didn't mean to make her feel this way.

I closed the book and place it in front of her and wipped my face with the back of my hand.

"I came to talk" I sighed. Lauren didn't turn around. She stood still and quite, facing her book. Like I wasn't in the room. "Lauren?" I went on my knees and turned her around. "I didn't mean to do this to you"

"Tell me why I don't believe you?" She finally made eye contact with me. Her green eyes were dark, almost black. That stung my heart. "You should have told me, Dani that you didn't want to be with me. It world have saved the pain" she pushed my shoulder and ran up the stairs.

I followed behind her and grabbed her waist before she entered our room. I pulled her towards me trying not to get hit by her since she was wiggling so much to get out of my hold.

"Let me go, Dani!" She yelled trying her best to push me away. I held on to her tighter moving her her closer to my chest so I can hold her still.

"Lauren! Stop pushing me! You're hurting me!" She pushed at my chest harder.

"Like you didn't hurt me! My hearts in pieces, Dani, and it is all because of you!" She broke. She stopped fighting with me and stayed in my arms. "You hurt me" she whispered and began to cry.

"Lauren" I sighed as I cried silently. I tried my best to keep my voice at a minimum tone so it wouldn't break. "I never ment to hurt you, and its the truth. That was the last thing on my mind. I needed time to myself to think. I felt like we were moving to fast, and everything was coming down at me." She looked up at me.

"You could have talked to me about it"

"I know. I should have, but at the time, I thought it wasn't right. I felt like if I would have told you, you would take it the wrong way and leave me. I can't deal if you left me. I had a long day today and thought about it and talked to my parents. But a for sure thing though, Lo, I don't want to lose you. I want to be there for you and our daughter, but we have to take the engagement slow, I can't deal with it fast" she laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Like what?" She asked and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Can we not talk about the wedding or anything of that sort anytime soon at least? I want to take things slow" she smiled and pressed a soft kiss to my neck.

"Ok then" she whispered. "See? you should have just talked to me" I nodded kissing the top of her head. "Can ask I you something?"

"And for now on I will tell you everything, teddy bear" she giggled standing up and taking my hand to do the same. "Whats the question?"

"What did you think of the song? Can I put it on the album?" She asked.

"I loved it, but you know that I'm really sorry" she nodded looking intently at the floor. "But you shouldn't ask me. Its your song, its yours and the girls album. If you want the song in it. Then do it" she smiled at me and kissed me so passionately that I felt my knees start to buckle. Lauren wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me up.

"You can't live with out this" she smirked.

"Neither can you" I raised a brow and took a step back. I looked at her intently before lifting up my shirt and removing it, dropping it who knows where on the stairs.

"You're right" she whispered and mimicked my actions. "I can't" before I knew it, Lauren lifted me up and wrapping my legs around her waist. She kind of slammed my back against the wall. Instead of yelping I whimpered connecting our lips together.

"Someone's being rough" I mumbled against her lips.

"I haven't see you in months! I'm just being really impatient." Seeing how impatient she was, I climbed down from her and unbuckle my jean shorts looking at her seductively as much as I could. Lauren's eyes weren't sad anymore, but replaced with lust.

"I'll meet you in the room?" I smirked watching as Lauren couldn't keep her eyes away from my hands which were slowly sliding down my shorts.

"Oh fuck this" she grabbed my shorts and yanked them down and picking me up once again. I wrapped my legs around her and connected our lips as she walked us into our room.

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