Chapter 14

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"What are you doing!" I exclaimed watching Zayn on my Laptop screen. He had his friends in the background as they danced.

"I feel like dancing!" I laughed trying to not to cry of laughter. But he had moves.

"Your to cute!" I yelled. He stopped dancing and motioned his friends to leave. He was really red of embarrassment, and that made him look way cuter. "So, what did Mr. Malik do today?" I asked.

"Not much. I hung out with family and friends" he smiled pulling out his sketch pad. "What about you, babe?"

"Rehearsal, interview, and watching movies with the girls" he nodded and opened the sketch pad. "What do you have there?"

"A drawing" he said sarcastically. He chuckled before turning it over and revealing a rough sketch of what looks to be me. "Do you like it?"

"Is that me?" I tilted my head to the side looking at it in complete awe. Zayn was an amazing artist. So is Lauren.

"Yeah. I thought about you and thought I'd draw" I giggled kissing the camera lens. "Thanks babe. Well, I should let you go. Behave." He kissed the lens. I rolled my eyes waving before logging off.

Today was the day I will get to spent the whole day with Lauren. Her and the girls where leaving tomorrow, and this was the only day left I had with her. I have no clue what we're going to do, but I'm pretty excited.

I hopped off my bed and place my laptop on my desk before running down the stairs. The girls were making breakfast, well brunch, since everyone decided to sleep in today.

"Morning!" Yelled Normani. I waved at her and sat between her and Ally.

"Morning Mani. Morning Ally Cat" Ally smiled hugging me. "Have you talk to Demi?" I asked before thanking Dinah for my plate.

"Yup. We actually talked really well." I smiled hugging her again. "OK now, Dani. Eat. Don't let your pancakes get cold" she giggled pushing my plate next to me.

"We're all going out today we won't be back till tomorrow morning. Lauren, your staying, right?" Camila asked. Lauren nodded taking her seat a few chairs down. The girls still don't know about us. "You should totally come with us Dani!" I looked over at Lauren and watched her shake her head.

"I would love to, but I have to go to the studio and go over a couple things before I leave" The girls nodded and continued eating.

After breakfast, the girls went to their rooms and got ready for the day ahead of them. I, helped Lauren wash dishes and clean around the house, so we didn't have to do it later.

"Do you really have to go to the studio?" Lauren asked as we finally sat at the table.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, I have to go for a few hours and talk about places and things like that, but I'll be back before you know it" I kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna get ready" she nodded and I walked up the stairs.


I entered the house and notice it was dark, with candles going up the stairs. I followed the trail, that led me up to Lauren's room. Her door was opened wide with rose petals all around. Lauren stood there throwing the petals all over.

"Wow, who is this for?" Lauren snapped and threw the rest of the petals on the floor. She pouted walking over to me and walking me out of her room. She closed the door and walked me downstairs.

"This was supposed to be a surprise!" I laughed and turned around to stop her from pushing out the front door.

"Lo, just take me back up. I already seen it!" She took my hand and groaned as she led me back up. I smiled when she opened the door. It looked amazing when the lights were dim. "What is all this for anyways?"

"I want my last night with you to be special" she whispered. "I picked out a few good movies, and a couple of snacks for us to eat." I smiled and sat on the bed.

"This is beautiful Lolo. Thank you" she nodded. "What movies did you pick out?" She grabbed the stack and sat by me showing me one bye one.

"The Notebook, The Vow, Letters to Juliet, uh Fifty Shades of Grey, and Pitch Perfect 2" I picked the Fifty Shades one, considering I haven't seen it yet. "Alright then, I'll go get some drinks, and you can go into your pajamas" I nodded and walked into my room which was across from hers.

After I was done changing to some shorts and a tang top, I went back to Lauren's room to find her putting on the movie. She smiled and motioned me to get on the bed.

"Um, everything is on the dresser. So, if you need snacks or a drink, just ask me, and I'll come and get it for you" I nodded.


During the movie, I would take glances at Lauren who would once in a while drink from her water bottle. I would turn to her when anything sexual was happening. So, basically through out the whole movie.

"Stop looking at me" she turned and stared back with a look in her eyes. I smirked looking back at the movie. She kept staring though.

"Are you going to stop looking?" She shook her head with a smirk. I crawled over to her slowly and seductively. I don't know what was coming over me. I straddled her waist, as she moved her hands slowly up to my thighs and my lower back.

She pushed me lightly and kissed me slowly. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I gladly granted it without hesitation.
Her hands traveled up to my back, lifting my tang top in the process. This was slow, but so damn passionate. She turned us over so I was at the bottom and she was top. We were soon naked on top of each other and I was getting a bit embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" I did my best to hide my body. She grabbed my hands and pined them to my side. This was the fist time we have seen each other nude. She had an amazing body, while I had marks.

"Its the scars" I whispered. Even with the cream Demi had bought me to make my scars less viable, I knew they were there. She looked around my body. She lightly pecked each and everyone not caring how many I had.

I know I have worn a bikini and shorts, but the scars on my arms and legs were fading with the cream, so I didn't think to much about it. But now, I'm naked under Lauren and I couldn't help but think about them.

"You're still beautiful. Every inch of you, is perfect to me" she whispered. I smiled and kissed her. "Are you ready?" She said referring to what we were about to do. I nodded lightly. "If I start hurting you in anyway, just tell me and I'll stop. OK?" I nodded again. She left little kisses from my head, down to my stomach, and stopped when she reached my inner thighs. "Just breath"


A/n: so....:)

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