Chapter 71

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"What's going on?" I asked looking between the older man who sat on the couch in front of Demi, to Selena who was on the first step of the stairs, and then Camila who bounced baby Kassidy in her arms by the kitchen entrance.

"We don't know. This is Detective Miller. He just got here and was just about to tell us some news." Normani sighed trying to smile. "Hopefully its good?" She asked directly to the older man with a hopeful tone.

"I want to get straight to the point so, there was a shooting by downtown a few hours ago." I instantly began to breath heavily. "It had a thing to do with drugs and personal issues from the looks of it. Some kids were rushed to the hospital and we would like for you to confirm if any of the young men are yours. If not we can continue with the search."

"H-has any kids d-died?" I asked loud enough for the detective to hear me. He looked over at me and contemplated whether to tell me or not.

"Yes ma'am. Two died at the scene and another died getting to the hospital." He said. "About four are still alive and are undergoing through surgery." My eyes began to water.

What if one of those three were Ray? I don't think I could live with myself if he left to.

Ally tried her best to hold herself together for Demi as she didn't take it well. After all, Ray was a huge part of Demi's life. He was all she had of my brother. Evan and Demi where best friends. Demi began to cry and hide her face into her hands.

"Can we go confirm If any of the kids are him now?" Camila suddenly piped up handing Kassidy to Selena.

"Yes. We would have to check the morgue. If he's not Any of the young Men there, we would have to see if he's in surgery. After, you can see if any of the kids are Mr. Lovato Hernandez, after I would have to ask him some questions." Detective Miller answered.

The screeching halt of a bus stopped in front of the house and I knew Isabel was home. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up from the couch.

"Want me to go get her?" Lauren asked taking a hold of my wrist. I shook my head and went to the door.

Billi rushed off the bus and ran towards me with a huge smile on her face. I couldn't dare tell her about Ray, it would break her heart considering how much she loved him. He was like her big brother.

"Hi mommy!" She exclaimed. The bus drove away leaving Billi and I on the sidewalk.

"Hi beautiful." I said hoping it was cheerful. "How was school?"

"It was OK." She shrugged. I picked her up balancing her on my hip and kissed her cheek. "Mommy? Why are you sad?" I shook my head. She cupped my cheek and examined my face. "Are you crying?" She asked.

"No baby. Let's go inside and get you out of your uniform. We have to go somewhere in a bit." I informed her. She wiggled out of my grasp and shook her head.

"I am not going inside until you are happy?" She sighed. "Why are you sad?" She asked again.

"OK. I'll make you a deal." Billi nodded indicating for me to go on. "I'll make ice cream shakes for us, which you know makes me happy, if you get inside and take off your uniform." She lifted her pointing finger and tapped lightly at her chin.

"You're good. Fine I'll go inside." She smiled and motioned me to bend down which I did. She pressed her lips to my cheek and jumped up the steps to get inside the house. "Auntie Mila! Auntie Sel!" Billi exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey baby!" Camila smiled opening her arms as Billi ran to them.

"I missed you guys! Where's Kassidy?" As Billi talked to them, I looked at Demi and Ally who talked to Detective Miller. I sat by Lauren on the couch looking at the baby in her laps play with his pacifier.

"I'm guessing you didn't tell her." Lauren whispered over to me. I picked up Anthony from her lap and sat him on mine, ruffling his dark brown hair.

"I couldn't" I sighed.

"That's good. We shouldn't tell her if we don't know what's exactly going on." I nodded agreeing with her. "I'm going to get Billi out of her uniform and then we can leave. Come on mamas! Let's get you out of your uniform." Lauren Called to Billi.

Getting to the hospital, there were a bunch of security guards to Police officers running around in a frantic. Some people were crying at the front desk yelling in hysterics and others looking nervous around the hallways.

"Val and I will take the kids to the waiting room. You guys go and check." Dinah said taking a hold of Hani's hand in one hand and Billi's in another. Selena walked over to me and carefully took Anthony in her arms.

"Lauren, we'll stay in the waiting room. You go and be there for Dani." I heard Camila whispered. "She needs you." I heard Lauren faintly thank her and took my hand as we followed Detective Miller, Demi, and Ally to the elevators.

In the Elevators, I leaned my body against Lauren's as she wrapped her arms around me rubbing my back. I kept looking at my reflection in the elevator doors, thinking and hoping that Ray was OK.

"Right this way." The Elevator doors open and we were way down of the hospital. It was like the basement.

We went through some black double doors and found a doctor looking through papers at a desk.

"Hello, were here to Identify the young men." The doctor nodded and pushed up his glasses. He stood up and grabbed some folders from the desk leading us to another set of double doors.

"Another poor young boy died." The doctor sighed before opening the door. "Three remain."

"I can't do this." Demi groaned letting a sob escape as the doctor opened the door to reveal four tables with body's laying on them and a white blanket covered each one of them.

"You don't have to do it." Ally whispered taking Demi to the side. "I'll do it." Ally's voice quaked and I knew she tried her hardest not to cry.

"OK, first one." The doctor pulled one of the white sheets slowly so only the face was visable. Thankfully it wasn't Ray but one of Ray's friends.

"No. Its not him." Lauren spoke up taking my hand. The next kid wasn't either and so on and so on till we where in front of the Last body. "Before you pull it back, Dani? Go stand with Demi." I shook my head. "Just go." I looked at Ally who nodded agreeing with Lauren.

"Ok." I mumbled and walked outside to see Demi.

"Was any of them him?" She asked as her eyes began welling up with tears again.

"So far no. Lauren didn't want me to see the last body." She nodded and began to cry sitting on the floor. I sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

A/n: I'm changing Dani's name to Danielle. Dani is still her name, its now just her nickname.

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