Chapter 45

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A/n: comment what you think


"I missed you" I heard Lauren whisper as I laid my head on her chest. I grabbed the blanket from the side of her, and wrapped us up so the air wasn't hitting our nude bodies.

"I missed you" I whispered back and guided my fingertips along her arm.

Her skin was the definition of perfect. Soft, smooth, and just plain touchable. It was one of many million other things I loved about her.

"I was thinking" I said and lifted my head to meet her eyes.

"About?" She smiled warmly, tucking the strands of my hair that managed to get to my face behind my ear.

"Let's get away? At least for a bit. Away from the fans, away from the girls, away from the world. Just us three. A small, but a much needed get away" I looked at Lauren hopeful as her thinking face appeared.

"Where did you have in mind?" I grabbed the other blanket and sat up wrapping myself with it.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I was thinking of Hawaii?" I gave Lauren a nervous smile.

"Well, its sounds really nice" she giggled. "Ok then baby! We leave whenever you can" I climbed off the bed and walked over to my bags. I pulled out three folded papers and handed them to her. "What's this?" She asked. She opened one of them and smiled. "Did you know we were going to be ok?" She laughed.

"I had a feeling we were" I smiled. "We leave tonight if that's ok. I have a week off" Lauren sat up not caring if she was exposing skin and launched herself on top of me.

"I love you!" She yelled before kissing around my face.

"I love you more!" I yelled trying not to laugh at how Lauren was being.


"We haven't even seen you in months and your leaving!?" I heard Normani yell as I was fixing my suitcase with new different outfits for the occasion.

"I'm sorry, Moni. I just need to spend time with Lauren and Billi" I half smiled and faced her. I took her hands and pulled her towards me for a hug her.

"Dani and Normani are hugging without us!!" I heard Camila yell. Next thing I notice everyone joined the hug squeezing me tightly as possible against Normani.

"Guys! Can't breathe" Normani tried to laugh. The girls let go and looked at me.

"I promise when I get back, we can do something before I leave." I looked at the girls who pouted. Ray was on the verge of tears. "Hey" I picked him up and rested my forehead against his.

"Why are you leaving again. Don't you like us?" I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Camila threw a thumbs up.

"When I get back, its just Aunt Dan and Ray. No one else" I smirked and looked at Camila who had her mouth slightly open.

"Girls ready?" Demi asked looking at the time on her phone.

"Yeah, but babe can you get Isabel's pamper bag. I think I left it up stairs" I nodded at Lauren and raced up the stairs to the first door on my right, which was mine and Lauren's room.


"Just text me once. I need to know you landed safely, the rest of the time, spend it as much as you can with your family" Demi whispered as she pulled me into her embrace.

"You know I will" I smiled and kissed her cheek wrapping my arms around her. "I'm going to miss you, but it'll only be for a few days" I reminded her as I heard her sniff.

"Oh I know, I just haven't seen you in months, and you're leaving again." I sighed deeply and felt a tear roll down my cheek. "You know I love you right?"

"Of course, Demetria! I love you to. I love you so much" my voice cracked and I buried my face in her shoulder. "Don't worry. After tour, we'll have sister time. Dallas, Maddie, you, and me. Got it?" I pulled away and watched her nod. "Now, I have to go. Watch the girls and Ray for me. Please." She nodded again giving me another hug.

"Bye baby" Demi said over to Billi who was waddling over to us. She bent down and cupped her cheeks to give her a peck on the cheek. "Bye Lauren. Have a safe trip"

"Bye Demi! We'll see you in a couple of days" Lauren pulled Demi to a hug and smiled brightly.

"Ok, we should be going. I'll text you as soon as we land" I told Demi. She nodded and watched as we left.

The whole flight to Hawaii was relaxing. Billi was asleep the whole time and Lauren and I got to watch movies and admire little Billi. I won't get tired of saying this, but she's the splitting image of Lauren when she's asleep. Its too cute.

At the hotel, we slept for a few hours to regain our energy and went off to the beach.

"Look mamas! Let's make a castle!" Lauren said excitedly setting Billi down so she can lay a blanket on the sand.

"No" I looked at Billi who sat down and pointed at the ocean. I was pretty surprise. "Water"

"So, I'm guessing she wants to go to the water?" I shrugged with a slight giggle.

"I hate that word. Ever since she found out what it ment, she says it for everything" I laughed at a pouting looking Lauren.

"Water" we heard again and looked down to see Billi standing up throwing her little hat on the ground. "Water" she said again. Only this time she was stomping her little feet. I squated down to her level and picked up her hat.

"You don't want melon?" I said referring to the watermelon Lauren had bought. It was Isabel's favorite fruit along side with Mangos. Its cute though she couldn't say the whole word.

"No. Water mom. Water" I cracked up and looked at Lauren.
"Let's just go to the water" I laughed and put on my sun glasses. I went into Billi's pamper bag and pulled hers out, putting hers on.

"Fine" Lauren rolled her eyes. "I just hope people don't find out who we are. We haven't talked about what we'll say if anybody catches us. This is the first time were on a trip together, without the girls, with a baby that supposably is your brothers. What are we gonna say?" I never really thought about it.

"Let's not worry about it right now. No ones around and we don't look like ourselves. I mean you cut your hair, I re-dyed mine a dark red so it looks a bit darker" I shrugged. "Now come on beautiful. Someone's taken off" I said and started jogging to catch Billi.


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