Chapter 46

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Dinah's POV-

"Aunt Dinah!" I looked out my door to my room and found Ray stomping in with his little hand balled into fist.

"Hi babe! What's wrong?" I picked him up and poked at his belly. He tried to laugh but swatted my hand away.

"Mom left to leave Aunt Dani, Lolo, and my Billi at the airport. Mommy went food shopping, there's no one to help me take Captain a bath. Can you help me please?" He pouted. I couldn't resist.

"Of course. Let's get the bucket and soap and get to the front yard. That water hose is always the warmest" Ray shouted with joy and jumped off me. I laughed and went to the hallway closet for some towels.

Getting outside, Ray was already waiting on the grass with Captain by his side. Those two were always by eachothers side. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. They're like the bestest of friends.

"You boys ready?" I asked placing the towels down on the grass and grabbing the water hose.


It was hard to wash Captain down. He always wanted to drink from the water, so he kept placing his mouth around the nozzle, which would spray the water all over the place, he kept jumping in and out of the bucket, and he'd run into the house. I'm pretty sure Camila fell.

"Do always have this much trouble when your mom washes him?" Ray shook his head drying his dog with the towels.

"Not really" he said nonchalantly. "He's scared of mommy"

"Why is he scared of Ally?" I asked grabbing a towel for myself.

"She yelled at him when we first took him a bath because he made a pool in the bathroom" I laughed lightly petting Captains head.

"Um, hey" Ray and I looked at the drive way to see Valerie. I haven't spoken to her or anything for months. She hasn't even gone by the house for her stuff. She sort of left it there and it makes me sad that I have to see it.

"Val!" Ray ran to her with Captain running behind.

"Kiddo!" She bent down and gave him a big hug. "I missed you!"

"Hey" I managed to say as I walked over to her.

She was still the same. Tall and thin. Her hair was lighter though and maybe a bit shorter, but in all, she looked absolutely the same.

"Hi" she stood up and half smiled. "I hear Dani is back. Is she home?" She asked hesitantly.

"You just missed her. Demi is dropping her off at the airport" I looked at my hands and played with my fingers. You can feel the tension.

"Shoot" she whispered. "Hey Ray? Want to do me a favor?" Ray nodded. "Go inside and look for something gray, but it has to be that nice gray color" Ray then took off.

Shit! I know what she's doing. She wants Ray to leave her and I alone. I don't want to. I'm still heartbroken with us finally not being together. I can't do this.

"So, how have you been?" She asked chucking her hands into her jean pockets. "You look good"

"Thanks. I'm great" I lied. "How are you? How is Troian?" She looked at me and sighed.

"We broke up." She asked surprised.

"Oh. I'm sorry" I leaned against Dani's truck and threw the towel to the bucket.

"Don't be. It didn't end up working out" I nodded at her not trying to look at her eyes or anywhere around her face. I just kept looking at the bracelet on her wrist that I had given her.

"How's the show going? I here its a big hit?" I changed the subject. I just couldn't hear about Troian or her relationship life.

"You haven't seen it?" She half smiled. My eyes couldn't help but wonder. "Its going great. Maybe one day I can bring you on set? It'll be fun?"

"Val? We can't just pretend that we didn't brake up" I sighed.

"I know" she held her head low. "That's why I came over. To talk to you. Troian and I broke up because I kept saying your name instead of hers. I kept saying, 'Well Dinah liked this, Dinah liked that, Dinah hated that'. I didn't even know I was doing it." I notice her lip began to quiver as her eyes watered. "I need to get something off ny chest. Bare with me." She breathed in deeply before talking again. "At first, I never was with Troian because I 'liked' or 'loved' her. I was with her to mess with you. To make you jealous. Then I did began to grow feelings for her, but they were never strong like my feelings towards you, but I couldn't brake her heart. I just couldn't. She isn't you, Dinah. You're still the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I go to bed. What I had with you, I never want with anyone else." I began to cry as I listen to her. Was she telling me the truth? She took my hands and held them tightly. "You leaving, was the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. It woke me up, Dinah. I can't imagine living my life without the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I'll never finish falling in love with you. So" I watched as she bent down and balanced herself on one knee still holding my hand. Was this really happening? "Dianh Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen? Will you do me the honors of marrying my crazy ass?" She pulled out a small box from her sweater pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring. "I can't be with out you. I know we all did fucked up things we regret we can't take back, but we have each other and that's all that really matters. So? What do you say?"


A/n: what do you guys think Dinah would say? Yes or no?

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