Chapter 7

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I had no clue where I was going, and I couldn't care less. The sky was this dark grey and I knew it would be raining soon. I just couldn't go back home. At least not now.

Thunder began to grumble all around, and I couldn't help but jump back a little. Lightening was also lighting the sky and even though it was dangerous to be out, it was quite beautiful and relaxing. I need this more than anything right now.

My Blood sugar was dropping and I couldn't walk any further. I had found myself at Demi's cabin and cursed myself for giving Val my keys, where I had a spare. So, I sat on the floor with my knees to my chest and tried my best to warm myself up.

Rain began to fall and soon after hail followed behind. The roof of Demi's cabin was a bit lager then the little house, so I was able to stay warm for awhile til it began to pour with heavy rain. It was falling super hard.

Hail was coming down hard and bigger than I have ever see them. Thunder was roaring loudly. A flood was already starting to form around the dirt that surrounded the cabin. I stood up and went on my tipy toes, leaning my back against the door as the water raised faster and faster. Shit! I was going to have a panic attack, which I haven't had one in a while.

If this was the way I was going to die, then I wasn't ready. I don't want to deal with death. I realized that I want to die at old age around my friends, or who I end up marrying. I wanna see my kids running after their kids yelling at them to behave. I don't want to die. The water was just about to my knees now.

Then the faint sound of a horn honked, and I snapped up to look for the sound. Everything was just a blur and barely visible. A light from the streets stopped in the middle of the road. A car door slammed and I think I heard my name.

Lauren. Lauren came for me. I'm pretty surprised, but I'm happy. I just want to go home. She ran down towards me and wrapped me into her sweater which she had removed. She pulled me to her side as she walked up the small hill into my truck. The rain was going down harder if it was possible.

"Breathe. Slow. Through your nose, out your mouth" I followed her instructions as she began to drive. The road was bumpy with the rocks that made there way to the street with the flood. "Shit! Hold on Dan" I heard as she jerked on the wheel making the truck turn around. "We're going to have to stay in the cabin. There's no way we're going back home. We won't make it" she drove down the hill and parked the car by the door, so it was easy for me to go in.

"T-the k-key is on my key c-chain" I stuttered from how cold I was. She took the keys and opened the door lightly pushing me in first. She locked the door and sat me by the unlit fireplace. " D-do y-you want your s-sweater back?" I said as I saw her shiver.

"No, I'm fine. You need it more than me." She walked over to the fire place and notice logs lying around. She positioned them into the fireplace and looked around for a match.

"There in the kitchen" I whispered. She nodded walking into the back.

My hands where hurting. Like little needles stabbing into it. I looked at my hands and notice splinters around my palms and fingers. I guess it was when I went on my tipy toes and held the wood door for support.

Lauren walked in, holding the matches. She sat in front of the fireplace and tried to turn it on. But it wouldn't turn on.

"You have to use fuel. There isn't any if you ask" I said below a whisper. She looked around and found my T-shirt that I had left when Demi and I fought and I wanted peace and quite. So I came here. Demi rarely comes up here anymore.

She took off her shirt. Her porcelain like skin amazing. Just like I remembered. She put on my shirt and and ripped hers into long strips.

"It won't work" I whispered again. She looked at me odd. "Your shirts wet. It won't work. I stood up and went to Demi's room and grabbed my favorite copy of 'Me Before You' by Jojo Moyes. "Here" she shook her head.

"Are you crazy. You love that book" I looked at her funny.

"How do you know? I got this book a week after we broke up?" She bit her lip and sighed.

"I saw your Instagram post" she looked down and played with her fingers.

"Oh" I sat by her side and started ripping out pages from the book. "Its OK. I'll get another" I placed them around, making sure the pages were everywhere. "Ow!" I flinched pulling out my hand from under one of the logs.

"Can I me see?" She said softly. I showed her my hands and she one by one started removing the splinters.

I stared at her as she held my hand. What was wrong with her? She called me a whore like an hour two ago, and now here she was saving me and removing splinters from my hands. I don't know if I should be angry with her, or what? She's confusing me now.

"Shit!" She yelled when the loudest thunder roared throughout the cabin making the power go out. "I'm almost done, just let me turn on the fire" I nodded and watched her intently.

When the fire was lit and she had finished my hand, we sat on the couch watching the fire in silence. The only noise was the loud thunder and the rain. It wasn't bothering us anymore. It was just, relaxing.

"Wanna sit by the fire so we can get dry?" She asked. I felt weak and couldn't even get up. I shook my head and removed her sweater and mine. "Dani? If this was because of what happen, I am really sorry. I didn't mean to call you that. I was just mad that you were talking to Jade. I guess I just wanted to talk to you to." She signed. "I should be calling myself the whore" she whispered.

"I'm saying no because I feel to week to move. But, don't call yourself that. Please, just don't. And if you want to talk, then talk" she sighed again, this time looking at me.

"Is there anything in the kitchen you can eat?" I shrugged not remembering what was in the refrigerator. "I'll go look for you something, OK?" I nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked a bit loudly so she was able to hear me from the kitchen.


"How did you know I was here?" She walked in holding a small container of cake icing that I was going to use for a cake.

"Can you eat this?" I nodded. "Good. There wasn't anything else." She took my hand and helped me by the fire. "To be honest, I don't know. I just kind of knew. I had a feeling, I guess you can say" She shrugged. She handed me a spoonful of icing and giggled before I licked it slowly.


The storm was beginning to die down, but it was to dangerous to drive home. Lauren and I sat by the fire as we told each other stories. As she told a random one, I couldn't help but place my head on her lap as she stroked my hair. This, was unbelievable, but I missed this.


A/n: I love this chapter for some reason. What do you guys think is gonna happen next?

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