Chapter 57

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It had been a day since Lauren left, and she was nowhere to be found. I was worried for that fact Lauren might be drinking and driving and or snapping at people.

"I see your up early" Demi mumbled before yawning. "Did you get any sleep?" I clenched on the handle of my mug, shaking my head viciously.

"I think I got a few minutes. I think that's enough." Demi shook her head before grabbing herself a mug of coffee.

"Look, I love you and Lauren. I'd do anything for you guys, but lately, Lauren is heading towards an abusive state, and I only have enough patients with her." I looked at the window waiting patiently for Lauren's car to just appear in her parking space. "And the fact that she is doing all this crap in front of my niece." I blinked a few tears away exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding, and turned my head slightly to look at my older sister.
"Lauren is just going through a difficult time. She just lost her grandmother." I explained.

"Yeah, I understand that. You lost your brother. I lost my best friend. But I don't see either one of us yelling at anybody or drinking our lives away." I chewed lightly on lip. If only she knew I was smoking. "I just better not hear that she's hurting you guys."

"Lauren wouldn't dare hurt me or Billi that way." I defended.

"She's heading there. She's already yelling at you." Demi recalled in a disbelief tone to her voice. She sat her mug down and took an apple from the fruit bowl.

I left the conversation go. I didn't want to bother with it anymore, knowing that Demi could be right, but I knew Lauren. She would never do anything to hurt Billi and I.

It was 11:46 pm when I looked at the time on my phone. Lauren was stumbling into the room clutching onto a half empty bottle. Her hair in a messy bun and her sweater hanging on to her elbows.

"Dani!" Her eyebrows furrowed together and I knew she was mad. "The rooms a mess!" She snapped sitting on the edge of the bed, careful not to lose her balance. "You better clean everything!"

"I'm rearranging the room, Lauren." I mumbled. "I'm almost done."

"I hope so." She groaned. "Hurry up!" She yelled when she noticed I just stared at her.

"Why are you acting like this!" I yelled. I knew it was a mistake but I didn't care. I was completely tired of her shit.

"Don't yell at me, Dani!" She took a hold of my wrist throwing the glass bottle against the wall and shaking me viciously. Shards of glass flew around the room landing on the floor.

"What's going on?" I snatched my arm from Lauren and walked over to the door when I heard our daughters voice.

"Don't walk in here. There's glass everywhere." I quaked still in a terrified shock. I looked back at Lauren to find her still looking at me angrily.

"What happened, mommy?" I shook my head.

"Nothing mamas. The bottle just fell over." I lied.

"What the fucks going on!" Demi barked as she stood behind Billi.

"Nothing. Take Billi with you, please." She glared at me before picking up the little girl and walking off.

"Pick up the damn glass." Lauren mumbled before taking off her sweater.

Right before I thought about cleaning the mess, a queasy sensation, like the urge to throw up, suddleny hit my body. I placed a hand on my mouth like if it would help stop the feeling.

"What's with you?" Lauren questioned looking at me in disgust.

"I don't k-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I just bolted out of the room to the bathroom hurling my dinner of an hour ago to the toilet. I held my hair to the side before repeating the processes a few times.

"You ok?" A more concerning looking Lauren stood in the doorway. I shut the door not wanting to deal with her. I just wanted to be alone.


"Hey!" The girls chirped as I walked into the kitchen. I scanned around looking for Lauren, but I knew better. It was Saturday, so she was probably at the bar that opened around eleven.

"Hey" I sighed. "Demi? Can I talk to you?" Demi stopped making the French toast and handed the spatula to Camila.

"Do not, and I repeat, do not burn my breakfast!" Demi joked. She jogged her way towards me and furrowed her brows. "What's up. You ok?"

"Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed." I whined. "Can you go with me to the doctors?" Demi took a hold of my shoulders and carefully examined me.

"Did she cut you? Hit you?" I shook my head wiggling her hands off me.

"No. I'm just not feeling well. I threw up all last night, and some right now. I'm feeling nauseated like crazy." Demi looked at me concerning and nodded.

"Let me tell Ally that I'm running to the store with you, okay?" I nodded and went outside to wait for her.

When she came out, we went to her car, and drove to the nearest hospital. I signed in and waited patiently till a nurse called me in.
"Want me to follow?" Demi chirped up.

"Well yeah. That's the reason why I asked you to come!" I laughed. She threw her hands up in defense and walked closely behind.

The nurse checked my vitals and placed me to a room as we waited on the doctor to come.

"What are you doing?" I asked Demi who began to look around drawers and cabinets.

"Haven't you ever looked around the doctors office to see what they have? I do it all the time." She giggled placing a rubber glove on her hand.

"Well I don't, weirdo!" She rolled her eyes removing the glove and blowing air into it.

"Ok! Mrs. Lovato-Jauregui?" I nodded indicating him that was me. "Good morning. I'm Doctor Davidson." He stuck out his hand politely waiting for me to shake it.

"Hello. This is my sister Demi." He nodded shaking her hand.

"Now, Mrs. Lovato-Jauregui-" I stopped him.

"Just call me Dani." I smiled.

"Ok" he chuckled. "Dani? I was looking at your medical history and you have hypoglycemia, am I correct?" I nodded. "The symptoms you came in with today can be the hypoglycemia."

"But Doc, I had a coke this morning. I have been doing really well with it." I explained.

"Can this be symptoms of stress? Her wife is a raging bitch right now if you know what I mean, and shes tiring my sister out." Demi interfered.

"It could be, yes. But just to make sure I want to run two test. A blood test and a pregnancy test." I raised a brow.

"I'm not pregnant though. I checked a couple times."


"Like, almost a month or two ago. I have been trying to have a baby. The test all came out negative." I sighed.

"Store brand pregnancy test aren't always one hundred percent. We'll do one here and see the results." He smiled. "Your symptoms can be a lot of things, but the first thing we do in these cases, is take pregnancy test just to make sure it is or isn't positive." He explained.

"Ok then. Its fine. Can we do the pregnancy test first?" I requested.

"If that's your choice, then of course. I'll have the nurse come." He smiled before walking out the room.

"Oh my god! Imagine your pregnant!?" Demi whispered. "And since when did you want another baby?"

"Lauren and I decided to try and have another, but it hasn't been working, so we stopped." She nodded rubbing my back soothingly.

"Ok Mrs. Lovato-Jauregui! Are you ready?" A nurse walked in with a wide smile.

"Ready" I replied drawing in a deep breath and releasing it slowly.


A/n: the story is about to go crazy

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