Chapter 40

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Dinah's POV-

I walked to the nearest motel and found Val's room number. I knocked and heard muffling noises in the background.

"Val? Its me Dinah. I want to talk to you" I knocked again before the door was swung open to reveal Troian in a robe.

As much as I can't hate on Troian because she has never did anything wrong to me, I find that I absolutely hate her because she has Val.

"D. What are you doing here?" Val walked over from behind the door and threw on a shirt. I cringed slightly putting the fakest smile.

"I just need to talk to you." I looked between her and Troian. "Privately" Val nodded and kissed Troian's cheek before motioning her to take a walk.

"Come in" she said moving to the side and letting me in. "What's up?"

I looked around the motel room and noticed the bed was a mess and the floor was covered in clothing and chinese take out boxes.

"Are you telling Dani to date one of your friends?" Val nodded confidentiality sitting on the bed. "Why would you do that?"

"Look, I know Lauren is your friend, but look at how badly she has been treating Dani. You would do the same if it was Lauren or the girls or any of your siblings" I stood quite and looked at my feet. It was the truth. "I just want what's best for her. She's all I have here" I bit lightly at my bottom lip.

"Ok Valerie, but you have to realize that they love each other. No matter how much you try and convince Dani that her relationship with Lauren is toxic, she will continue to fall hopelessly in love with Lauren, and there is nothing we can do about it." This time she stood quite and looked at her hands. "Just like us" she looked up and her brown eyes met mine.

"What are you saying?"

"We can't keep doing this. You obviously are not going to break things off with Troian, and I don't want to be the one that makes you break things off with her to stay with me. We had our shot, Val. It didn't work" she stood up and grabbed my hand giving me a pleading.

"Don't do that. I'm trying to-" I cut her off giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'm not going to make you choose. I'm doing it for you" I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head between the crook of her neck, taking in the last I'll ever smell of her sent. "I love you ok. Make Troian happy" I pulled away and wiped the tears that managed to escape.
"Dinah, your being ridiculous" she wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, holding me close to her as possible.

"I might be" I shrugged. I pulled myself away and took a few steps back. "But, you can't have us both. It isn't right" I removed Val's sweater that she gave me for Christmas and handed it to her. "I'll see you around. Hopefully you and Dani make peace. Like you said, she's all you have." I looked at her from head to toe one last time before I walked out of the hotel room.


Lauren's POV-

After Dani and I took a shower, we went downstairs to find Camila walking holding some type of stuffed banna.

"What the hell is that?" Dani laughed as poked at the banana. Camila pulled it away and held it closely to her chest.

"What? Can't I come home late with a stuffed banana with a rasta hat on it. That isn't weird at all" Camila scratched her head causing Dani to laugh more and for me to look at her funny.

"First, we don't care what time you come home as long as you do come home. Second, what's with the banana? And third, why are you jumpy?" Camila shrugged and rocked herself by the balls of her feet.

"I thought about Selena these pass few days and decided to give her a chance. She's amazing. She won this for me" Camila admired the banana then hugged it tightly. "I really like her"

"FINALLY!" Dani shouted. "Do you know how long I have been waiting for you two to get together?" Dani walked towards Camila and engulfed her into a massive hug. I mimicked her actions and joined in.

"We're not anything yet. It was just like a date" we nodded and motioned Camila that she can go to her room.

"What do we do now?" I heard Dani whispered.

"Well, we can watch movies and relax while the girls have Isabel. We rarely get to do that know" I giggled. She nodded and picked me up throwing me on her shoulder. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I shouted trying my hardest not laugh.

"Taking my princess to the couch" Dani marched slapping my butt in the process like if they were drums.

"Dan! Stop slapping my butt!" I felt her shrug and next thing I notice, I was being thrown on to the couch. Dani jumped on top of me and devoured my face with kisses. "Stop it" I whined.

"Shut it, Jauregui and let me kiss your face" I laughed loudly hiding my face against a throw pillow. "Ok! Now you done it!" She climbed on top of me, roughly placing my arms at my sides, and holding them in place with her thighs.

"Ok, ok! I'll let you kiss me" I giggled trying my best wiggle her off.

"To late, Jauregui" she cupped my cheeks and slowly leaned towards my face. "I love you. You know that, right?" I nodded moving my face a bit to kiss the palm of her hand.

"Of course I do. I love you too" I whispered. She closed the gap kissing me passionately.

No one will ever know how much this girl means to me. I know we have our differences, but who doesn't? Damn, I love her so much.

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A/n: my Lani feels are really high rn!! What about you? What did you think of the chapter?

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