Chapter 23

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Dani's POV-

"Isn't nice being home again." Demi asked me. I shrugged closing the door from the car. I looked around the house not feeling excited about being home.

"I don't know. I think I liked being on tour" I shrugged. She shook her head walking around and wrapping me into a headlock. "Ow, Demetria!" I laughed. She walked us to the front of the door and released me from her hold.

"Shut up and open the door" She laughed pushing me lightly. I opened the door to be met with the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls. "Omg, it smells so good!" She yelled. I laughed at Demi's out burst and hugged her. She wrapped an arm around me and closed the door.

"Dani" I heard a panic and looked up to find Zayn halfway down the stairs, and Lauren at the top of the stairs putting on Sweats.

The girls walked in and smiled but then looked at Zayn and Lauren with disappointed looks. I raised a brow and looked at Demi.

"Dan, its not what it looks like?" Zayn said. He threw on his shirt and walked towards me grabbing my hands.

"Um, I don't care how it looks like. We're not together, right?" I might have said that like whatever, but that hurt like hell. Watching both your exes doing what looks to be like hooking up. "I mean you guys are free to do whatever you want. Be together for all I care" I smiled my fakest smile. "Now I'm staving! What's for breakfast!" I giggled chucking my hands into my sweater pocket and skipping to the kitchen.

"What the fuck!" I heard Demi whisper. "What the hell is going on?"

"Guys? I'm hungry! Come on" I whined. Ally was the first to walk to the kitchen. She prepared me a plate then poured me a glass of orange juice. "Looks Delicious" I smiled sticking my fork to the French toast.

"Uh, yeah?" She said sounding confused. The girls walked in with Demi behind. Lauren walked in last and sat across from me with a perplexed look. I smiled at her before continuing to eat.

"What? I'm hungry" I giggled at Lauren.

Everyone had looked at me like I was crazy. Like an alien had abducted me and replace me with some weirdo that didn't care about seeing their ex. But, I did care. Just didn't want to show it. I was done being sad and hurt in front of people. Even though that hurt like a bitch, I couldn't do anything about it. It had already happened.

"Can everyone stop looking at me like I have something crawling out of my ears please. I would like to eat in peace" I rolled my eyes.

"Baby girl you can say whatever you want about the situation-" I cut Demi off throwing my plate across the room. If I didn't want to say anything about it, it was for a reason.


"Dan, stop yelling-"

"Well, you don't get it! I obviously don't want to talk about the situation! Just drop it! When I'm ready, then I'm ready! I could care less what they do with each other!" I yelled and walked out of the kitchen and up to my room. I slammed the door and decided to call Evan.

"Its going to 'snow in California' today" he joked because I called him out of the blue. "What's up sis"

"Are you guys doing anything? I'm going on a flight in a bit to El Paso, and its only a two hour flight." I said while replacing my dirty clothes, with my clean ones from my suit case.

"I'll pick you up. Why are you coming to El Paso?" He asked.

"Why can't I. I did live there half my life" I giggled.

"Its just, you haven't visited since mom died. Are you sure you want to come. I mean I don't mind" wow, can't believe its been so long.

"I know, but I really want to go home" I haven't called El Paso my home in almost two years. So saying it, made me miss my old life. Before Zayn, my career Lauren, Demi, the girls. I just missed home.

"Then your welcome home" he chuckled. "I'm going to pickup Ray in an hour from school, then I'll go to the airport from there, ok?"

"Ok then. See you soon" I smiled and hung up grabbing my duffle bag. I kicked it down the stairs and followed behind it.
"Where are you going?" I heard someone asked. I looked in the living room and notice all the girls minus Lauren there.

"Going to go visit my brother for a few days. Is that OK, Demi?" She nodded standing up and taking me to the kitchen. "I'm sorry about my outburst. I just think its best if I leave for awhile." Demi nodded.

"I understand. You needed to yell. I would have done something way worse if I was in your position." She said hugging me.

"I want to leave before I do something I'll regret." I mumbled into her shoulder. "Why is life so difficult? I just wish sometimes my life was back to normal, but then I think about it and if my life went back to normal, I wouldn't have met you or the family or have this amazing career." Demi smiled kissing my forehead.

"Take as long as you want with Evan. While your over there, don't think about what's happening. Just have as much fun as you can. When you come back, I'll be here waiting if you want to talk, OK?" I nodded my head at my big sister before hugging the daylights out of her.

"I love you, Dems" I whispered.

"I love you too. Now, let me drive you to the airport" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room, so she can carry my luggage. "I'll be back girls, unless you guys want to go?" Demi looked at me for reassurance. I nodded with a light smile before getting dragged to my truck.


"Text me when you land please!" Dinah said as she pulled me to a hug. She was the last on for a hug.

"I will!" I chuckled. "Do me a favor?" I whispered.


"Take care of Lauren for me, please. Just, keep an eye on her. I don't want her doing anything more stupid then she already did, like going to the hospital or jail." Dinah nodded pulling away from the hug.

"Im guessing you saw the news?" I nodded. "You have a big heart, Red! That's why your so damn lovable!" She said enthusiastically pitching slightly hard on both my cheeks.

"That hurts, D." I giggled slapping her hands away. "I'll be back soon girls" I said waving to them as the lady on the intercom said my flight was ready.


A/n: That was something huh?

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