Chapter 51

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A/n: I skipped a few years...

"Mom! Why did you leave? Stay!" Billi yelled through the other end of the phone.

Billi was now five and was pretty smart for her age. Yet, she was a bigger handful then before. She'll stay up watching tv or she'll grab mine or Lauren's phone and watch YouTube videos. She was a crazy little girl. She hated homework even if it was just coloring a page, and hated waking up early for school. It was always a hassle to get her up.

"I had to go to work. I'll be home in a bit" I sighed balancing my cell on my shoulder and my ear as I fumbled paper around my hands. I was currently in the studio. Where I spent most of my days. "Where's your mother?"

"Outside with Ray. Come home now!" She wailed.

"OK, ok. Let me go drop off uncle Ricky at his house and I'll go home, ok?" I heard her hum and knew she agreed. "Call Mom"

"MOM! ITS MOM!" I laughed softly at her sudden outburst and began to gather my things.

"Hello?" I half smiled as I heard her voice.

"Hi beautiful!" I heard her giggle and began to reminisce when we first met.

"Babe! Are you coming home soon? Demi and Ally went out so I'm babysitting Ray. Then your daughter is driving me insane. Then, Camz just left with Selena to the doctors. Normani and Diggy went out baby shopping. Dinah, Val, and Hani are nowhere to be seen!" I tried so hard not to laugh at how fast she was talking. "I have to pick up Captain and Batman from the groomers" she whined.

Demi and Ally are really great. They got closer then ever since Ray happened to them. They have been spending so much quality time together and are planning on having another baby. Demi still continues to do music though. So does Fifth Harmony.

Camila and Selena are expecting. We didn't find out till she was four months into her pregnancy when she began to ask Lauren and I a lot of questions. We found out that she and Selena had went to the sperm bank one day and just decided randomly. Selena is on a break from the world and stays home or follows where ever Camila goes.

Normani and Diggy are getting married in a couple months. We all expected it to happen sooner or later. They also are expecting a baby girl which they are naming her Alessa.

As for Dinah and Val. They're still not married. They're engaged though, but don't feel ready yet. They had a baby boy, name Hani, which means Happy in Hawaiian. He's two now. They say he made them happier after a down fall they had. Dinah and a friend got together in hawaii and yeah. Val didnt care though. She wanted a baby and stood with Dinah. 

"Ok, I'm on my way home. I'll drop off Ricky, then I'll go get the dogs. Want me to get you anything?" I asked motioning Ricky to let's get going.

"Tylonal and some  M I L K" she spelled. "Isabel is going to get crazy when she finds out there isn't any. I don't want to deal with it today" I sighed holding open the door for Ricky and walking to my car.

"Don't worry babe. I'll be home with it" we said our byes and I looked over at Ricky who opened the passenger door.

"How's Billi?" He laughed.

"A pain, I'm guessing. Lauren sounded like she's about to lose it." I said and got into the car.


"Aunt Dan!" Ray yelled running towards me. We been so much closer then before. Ray was now twelve and much taller. Just like his dad.

Evan had lost his battle with cancer last year. He had put up a great fight for almost five years but then he just couldn't handle anymore pain. He passed away in the hospital with Ray, Demi, Billi, and I by his side. Just like he wanted.

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