Chapter 36

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Lauren and I have been fighting for the past weeks about me going back to work. I had gotten a call from Phil saying I had to. Believe me I don't want to go back to work just yet, but my album had been released and I had to get ready for interviews and a tour that I will be doing.

"What about Billi? She needs you!" Lauren exclaimed as I walked down the stairs and she trailed behind.

"I know that Lauren! Please don't make me feel bad than I already am" I walked to the kitchen and started to prepare Billi a bottle. Lauren had stood silent but cried to herself as she stared at me.

This was something I didn't want to do just yet. I wanted to stay and watch Billi grow at least to her first or second year before returning to work. But sadly I couldn't.

Lauren and I haven't been the same either now that we're parents. She's not that outgoing girl I fell in love with or that girl made me laugh like no tomorrow. She gets mad when I don't do things right, like changing Billi's dipper, or preparing a bottle, or even holding the baby some type of way. Plus, she doesn't want to do things with me anymore. Like I had gotten these two tickets to a Broadway show, and she told me no cause she didn't want to leave Billi all alone. So, I ended up taking Camila who actually was great company.

"Dani! Your supposed to use hot water to clean the bottle to sterilize it! Let me do it!" She yelled pushing me to the side and doing the bottle herself.

"Damn it Lauren! Why can't I do it!" I yelled, roughly drying my hands on a rag that was by the sink.

"Cause you're doing it wrong, Dani! If you didn't want to be a mom, you should have just said so" she snapped.

I looked at her in disbelief. How could she say such a thing.

"Are you fucking serious Lauren!? I never once said I didn't want to be a mom!" I yelled getting angry at her.

"Well, you act like you don't. You show no effort!" She yelled back.

"I can't show no effort or anything cause you correct me all the time and don't let me learn from my mistakes. You're not letting me even hold her anymore!" Angry tears fell from my face as I threw the rag at Lauren's feet. "I don't feel like a parent cause you don't let me try. But you know what? I'm glad I'm leaving, so I can get away from you!" I spat and walked out grabbing my keys and slamming the front door shut.

Before I can enter my truck, I let out the biggest cry I had felt in my throat and slammed my fist against the hood of my truck making the alarm go off.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I heard and felt someone grab on my wrist. They turned me over and stopped me from banging on my truck. "You're gonna damage the truck?" I looked at her blue eyes and scoffed.

"What do you care. You don't know me!" I rolled my eyes and snatched my arms away.

"But I do" she smirked. "I'm Ashely Benson" I nodded still not knowing who the hell this was. "I'm a close friend of Val. Is she here?" I shook my head.

"She's out with her mom who's visiting. She won't be back till tomorrow" she nodded and smiled lightly.

"Well then, I'll be back tomorrow. See you then" she smirked. She began to walk to her car that I didn't know was behind my truck, and turned and looked at me. "Beautiful girls like you don't have to damage things. Plus, you have a nice truck. Keep it nice" she said before climbing into the drivers seat of her car.

"What the f-?" I said.


Demi's POV-

"Go get Aunt Dan!" I yelled to Ray who ran up the stairs in a hurry. "Hey you!" I chirped as I saw Lauren putting dishes away and baby Billi asleep in the play pin.

"Hey" I heard a whisper. I walked over to peek at Billi then at Lauren who was crying but didn't want to make it obvious.

"What's wrong Lo?" She shook her head and dried her hands on the dish rag before walking to the freezer. She pulled out a tub of ice cream and sat on the table before grabbing a spoon. "Where's Dani?" She shrugged.

"She left." I tilted my head and sat beside her looking at her confused.

"What do you mean? Why did she leave?" I asked now worried about my sister.

"We had an argument. I didn't mean to upset her or anything. Its just were first time parents and I want everything to be ok with Billi." She cried a little harder than before and stuffed the spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"Did she say anything of where she was going?" Lauren shook her head before releasing a sob. "There, there Lo. I'll go see if I can find her"


"I want to say its over. But I can't. I love her to much to let her go. But we need a break. I can't do this anymore!" Dani yelled as she paced back and forth around the cabin.

"Just talk it out?" I suggested taking a sip of my water and trying not to laugh at my sister. "And take it easy. I don't want you fainting"

"There is no talking to that woman. I tried!" Dani stopped in mid step and sat down before grabbing a handful of m&ms that were in a bowl in the middle of the coffee table.

"And what are you gonna do? Leave her alone with Isabel?" She glared at me lightly and sighed.

"She doesn't even let me hold her, Demi. I'm staying here for awhile. I'll leave in a bit and go shopping for food" I shook my head and sighed.

"I hate myself for giving you this place, you know that?" She shrugged before throwing a handful of candy into her mouth. "So, what are you going to do with Lauren?"

"Well I love it! And about Lauren, and think its best if we take a break."


A/n: I posted a new story! Go vote on it so I can start posting some chapters!! Its called 'Unknown Number' its a Demi and Lauren Fan fiction. I'm really excited!!

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