Chapter 5

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"Congrats!" I heard a squeal and watched as Camila ran towards me. The rest of the girls were behind her, minus Lauren of course, who stood with the fans and Ally, who was with my sister. "I'm still kinda sad about it in a way. But if that's what you want, then I'm happy for you" Camila whispered leaning towards my ear, so only I heard.

"Thanks Mila" I smiled before engulfing her to a big hug. "I should get to Val. Do you guys want to join?" I asked. I saw Dinah tense from the corner of my eye. I had totally forgot about her and Val.

"Its fine. We can go" Dinah looked uneasy, but tried to hide it. She smiled and followed behind me. I also notice Lauren walking behind.

"Hey!" Zayn chirped when he notice the girls. He laid another blanket down, and motioned the girls to take a seat. "How are you girls. Isn't it beautiful today?" Zayn seems out of it.

"Are you okay?" I asked with confusion. He stood up, knelt down in front of me, and took my hands.

"Never been better" he leaned in and pecked my forehead. "I'm going into the water, see you girls in a bit" I nodded and watched as he ran to the water.


"We need to do this more often, Dano!!" Dinah yelled at me as she pulled me into one of her tightest hugs. After awhile, she didn't care if Val was there, and she acted like the Dinah I know and loved.

"OK, we will" I smiled hugging her just as tight.

The beach day was over, and surprisingly, I had a blast. Yes, there were times were I would feel awkward about Lauren being there, but then I got use to it.

"We should continue this at home. What do y'all say?" Val asked as she helped Zayn fold blankets. I grabbed the ice cooler and started to drag it to the direction of my truck. I know, a small girl like myself having a truck, but I love it. It's my baby.

"Babe! Don't hurt yourself. Let me get the cooler, and you get the blankets." I rolled my eyes and dropped the handle on the side. I walked back to the girls and grabbed the blankets.

"I think we should. But, we should have the gang back together, so sorry Zayn. No boys aloud!" I gave Camila a little glare before shrugging my shoulders at Val.

"Its fine. I have a meeting remember?"

"Oh yeah! I have to get you home! Liam is going to kill me!" I exclaimed before hurrying everybody to the parking lot. "I'll just meet you guys at home." I said. "Hurry in Val!" Val ran with Troian running by her side.

After driving Zayn home, and going junk food shopping like Dinah texted me to do, I was home sitting in my shower. I just replayed everything that happened in my head again and again. The way Lauren looked at me when I said yes to Zayn. The hurt and sadness just rushed to her eyes. I'm glad I'm in the shower. Nobody could see me cry or ask questions.

"Hey babe! Are you OK? You been there quite awhile." I heard Ricky. I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around my body before I opened the bathroom door.

Ricky was standing there with a worry look. He had his Ninja Turtles onsie and his weird looking bear slippers. I laughed at him before closing my door and locking it so I can change. He sat on my bed grabbing a magazine from my night stand. Yes, he's gay before you ask.

"You didn't answer my question?" He mumbled. "You took awhile. Are you OK?"

"Yes, Ricky" I said annoyed. "I'm just tired. But I'm OK" He looked at me like he didn't believe me. "I'm serious."

"Then why are your eyes red? Don't say drugs either!" He warned. I joked around with him one time, where I said I did drugs. He got scared that he made his dad make me do a drug test.

"Cause maybe its one of the signs that my blood sugar is low?" Even though it wasn't. He had a panic look in his eye. He asked if I needed anything. "No, I'm fine. But, I am done changing, so I can meet the girls downstairs" He nodded.

"OK then! Call me tomorrow, babe?" I nodded. He hugged me and left home.


Surprisingly, Selena was here without Justin. The whole gang was back together. Even Little Mix who was in town, and wanted to hangout. You couldn't Imagine how I felt between Jade and Lauren. Like literally. I was seated between them as the other girls talked to one another.

The movie was playing, and that was the only thing that kept my mind away from the girls who I was seated with. But somehow, I couldn't help but feeling someone was staring at me. My stomach turned and knotted at the thought of looking up, but something made me look at Lauren.

Her green eyes stared at my brown ones. She looked around my face and tugged a small smile on her lips before turning and looking at the movie.

I couldn't really see Lauren the someway like I use to. Maybe not right now, but with everything, its now just different but I still like her. How is this possible. The feelings I had were slowly coming back, and I haven't even talked to her. It somehow made me nervous, that my sugar was dropping. I scrambled to my feet, and walked into the kitchen sitting on top of the counter. I opened the freezer and took out the almond pistachio tub of ice cream, that had a note on it's side, that read don't touch. I crumpled it and grabbed a clean spoon.

"Rough night?" Demi joked walking into the kitchen. She grabbed a spoon and joined me. "You know, Lauren is going to kill us" She took a spoonful of the ice cream in her mouth before unfolding the note. She turned it over, where Lauren's name was clearly visible.

"Shit!" I spit the ice cream out and grabbed the spoons from the tub. Demi laughed and shook her head finding me freaking out amusing to her.

"Uhm? What's going on?" The raspiness of her voice was still the same. Nothing about it has changed. I haven't heard her voice in a Year and a half and it still gives me the chills.

"I-I'm s-sorry. My b-blood sugar went down, a-and I didn't-" She cut me off.

"Its fine. I can just buy another one" She smiled leaning against the door frame. Demi smirked before turning herself around and washing her sticky hands in the sink.

"No, that's OK. I'm going to my room anyways." I said before running up the stairs.


A/n: Here's chapter 5 and think chapter 6 or 7 made me really mad. What do you guys think will happen?

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