Chapter 15

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*Before Dani left to the studio

Val's POV-

"You should see her before she leaves" Ashely said as we were getting hair and makeup done.

"What about Troian?" Ashely sighed telling the hair and makeup crew to give us a few minutes.

"Look, as much as I love you and Troian, you don't seem to be that happy with her. Maybe as a friend, but that's it. You're only with her because you don't want to feel alone, or you're simply with her because you want to make Dinah Jealous. I'm I right?" I looked at myself in the mirror.

"I guess your right. Its just, I don't know what happened between us. We were good, but then our relationship went down hill. But believe me, I do still love her. She drives me crazy sometimes that I want to sack her" I fixed my blazer for today's shooting of Pretty Little Liars and stood up from my seat.

"You should still go see her. She leaves tomorrow morning. You only have a couple shots to shoot today. As soon as your done, go see her! You'll regret it!" I rolled my eyes and walked out of the dressing room.


"Val?" I looked at Camila and smiled. "What's up? Dani's room is down there" she pointed down the hall to where Dan's room was.

"I'm looking for Dinah actually" her eyes went wide. "She wasn't in her room, and I was wondering if you know where she went?" Camila nodded crossing her arms over her chest.

"She just left about ten minutes ago. Alfredo picked her up" I scoffed. "What?"

"I just can't believe I would think I still had a little bit of hope with her. I know Mila that we weren't the best couple, but I would be lying if I told you that I didn't love when she yelled at me, or cursed at me, or when she felt jealous of other people around me. I loved it because, no matter what, she cared about me. It sucks that I'm dating someone that I don't even like that much. I'm only with her to keep my mind away from Dinah, but that's not helping." I wiped my tears with my hand, and laughed at how dumb I might sound. "Thanks Mila. Just forget it" I walked away before I could even be stopped.


Selena's POV-

Justin was busying in the booth while I sat on the other side near his producers. I had stared at my phone waiting for a text from Camila, but one never came through.

"That was good!" Yelled one of the guys as Justin made his way through to where we were sitting.

"Thanks" Justin yelled back making his way to sit over by me. "Wanna get something to eat?" He asked placing a hand on my knee.

"No, I just wanna go home" he nodded taking my hand and leading me out the studio. "I'll go by myself" he nodded and kissed my cheek before I got into my car.

Getting to Mila's, I rushed up to the front door. I knocked repeatedly before the door was opened by Ally. She waved enormously before letting me in.

"Is Camila here?" She nodded and yelled for Camila as she went up the stairs.

Camila walked down the stairs and smiled a nervous smile. She motioned me to the couch, and made me sit on the seat in front of the lazy seat.


"I came to see you." I smiled. She didn't smile back. She played with her fingers looking at the blank TV screen.

"Selena, you know we can't happen. I'm not- I don't like- we just cant." She huffed. I nodded sinking into the couch. This was pretty embarrassing.

"That's not what I came here for, but OK" I lied. I stood up and headed for the door.

"Sel, wait!" Camila yelled.

"No, its fine. I have to go see Justin" I said softly as possible so she didn't hear how hurt I felt. "Bye, Camila"


*Dani and Lauren

Dani's POV-

"Lauren" I moaned out of breath. She came up from the blanket and looked at me worried.

"I'm I hurting you?" I shook my head cupping her cheeks. "OK, then" she kissed my stomach and slowly down my inner thighs again.

This was my first time, and it was also hers. This was special. Everything about this night was just amazing. I think I made a decision.


Lauren and I sat in the bath relaxing as she rubbed body wash on my shoulders and back. I was to relax to do it myself.

"I'm glad my first time was with you" she whispered. "I just want you to know, whoever you decide to pick, I respect your decision." I rested my back against her and kissed the side of her neck.

"I just don't want to hurt Zayn." She smiled lightly kissing my nose. She wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on top of mine. "I love you"

"And I love you" she kissed my neck, snuggling her lips between my ear. "Let's get out, and clean the room. We should go to bed." I nodded.


The next morning, I woke up wrapped around my blanket, and pillows at my back. I notice Lauren wasn't around and knew she was downstairs or in the restroom.

"Good morning" the door opened and in walked Lauren with breakfast. I smiled and sat up as she placed the tray on my laps. "Be careful. Everything is hot." She kissed the side of my head and sat by me, picking at the bacon.

"Smells good. So, is this the last time we'll see each other?" I asked trying not to look directly at her.

"U-uh, y-yeah" she whispered. I pushed the tray slowly off my laps, and straddled Lauren's laps. I wrapped my arms around her waist, and rested my head against her chest. "Don't do this please"

"Don't what" I whispered, scared to hear my voice crack.

"Don't act like this. I don't want to leave you the way you are." I didn't cry. I couldn't. I just wanted her to hold me like we weren't going to see each other ever again. I looked to find tears escape her eyes. She wiped them before she thought I didn't notice.

"Don't cry please. I don't want to have the last image of you in tears" I giggled, but my eyes began to water. "Where's my favorite smile" I poked at Lauren's cheeks, then went down to her stomach.

"Dani! Stop" she chuckled. I pinned her arms down and began to tickle her till she had enough.


A/n: sorry I haven't posted anything. School and work got me to stress and crazy lol. This was like a filler. Comment what you think the next chapter would be about!

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