Chapter 16

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Music and laughter blared as I stepped onto the tour bus. I sighed and smiled when I seen my dancers, background singers, and Ricky all laughing at the twins, Brian and Scott, who were dancing like crazy people.

"There she is!" Scott yelled, stopping his dancing. He applaud, making everyone around him join. "I want to thank you on the behalf of myself and everyone, for taking us on tour. This is great" I smiled opening my arms. He walked towards them with everyone else joining in.

"Of course guys! Well, I'll be in the back of the bus" I half smiled and walked to the back, trying to squeeze myself around the group of people.

The back room was so amazing. It took away any possible noise when you closed the sliding door. This was my happy place.

I opened my laptop and tried getting Zayn to video chat. But, knowing him, he might still be asleep.

"Hey!" He exclaimed as his face appeared on my screen. I waved and sat on the couch, moving my laptop to my laps. "How are you doing baby" my chest began to hurt with guilt.

"I'm alright. Finally leaving on tour. I'm on the bus right now" he nodded. "How are you?" I sighed.

"Good, the guys and are working on the next album. What's wrong?" I swallowed hard not looking at the screen. My eyes began to water and I smiled trying to play it off. "Dani?"

"I nee-" I couldn't tell him. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. I promised that I was never gonna be like those people that would cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend, but look at me. I'm with Zayn doing Lauren, but I love Lauren. Damn, I probably sound like a whore. "I'm just having one of those days"

"I wish I was there!" I smiled nodding my head. We talked a bit more till I decided to end the conversation shortly. I was tired and wanted a bit a sleep before the first show tomorrow.


Zayn's POV-

"Are you sure you want to be with Dani?" Louis asked as we sat on the green grass at a park field. Louis and I thought it was a great day to play soccer.

"Why do you say that? Don't you like Dani?" I snapped my head towards him so I can look at him properly.

"Of course I do. She's like a little sister to me. Its just, I feel like she isn't over Lauren, and Lauren isn't either. They still love each other" I looked at my phone and looked at my background. The picture was me kissing Dani's cheek as she made a funny face. "I'm sorry to be telling you this"

"N-no. Its fine. I know she is, I just like telling myself she isn't. I just thought that she might forget her. But I know its hard to forget your first love." I chucked my phone into my pocket and looked at Louis. "I really like her. I really, really do" I sighed. "And because I really like her, I should just give her back to Lauren, huh?" Louis lightly shrug before placing his hand on my back.

"That's up to you mate. You do what feels is right."


"Zayn? Dani's not here" I raised a brown and nodded. "Then what's up?"

"I'm here to talk to you" She bit her bottom lip and nodded. She motioned me to follow and we made it to her bus. "Are you alone? Like, nobodys in the bus" she nodded. I nodded as well rubbing my chin.


"I told Dani that I didn't care if you and her hung out, cause you live with each other. But I was so wrong to tell her that." Lauren looked at her fingers that were rested on her laps. "I know you still love her" she looked up. "And I know she's still in love with you" I sighed and sat near her, running my long fingers through my hair. I lightly pulled on my hair like I was mad.

"I'm sorry Zayn" she whispered.

"I just want her happy, and if that is with you, then I will let her go" I looked at Lauren and watched as she looked at me like I just told her she won the lottery.

"Why are you telling me?"

"Because, I want you to know, if you what so ever hurt Dani, I'm going to hurt you, Lauren. I care about her why to much, but I can't keep someone who doesn't care the same amount. I swear Lauren, I know what you did to her, she told me everything, you hurt her, I hurt you" I stood up and gave her one last look before walking away. I went behind the tour bus and sat on the floor.


A/n: I know this one is short. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you. Last night was the best night of my life with my best friends. We went to the last US show for the honeymoon tour. Best show ever. I can't believe I got to see her, Ariana Grande, live and in person. She is so cute, amazing, and so down to earth. This show made me so emotional and her.

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