Chapter 58

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The drive was silent. A comfortable silence. The radio played softly in the background, Demi quietly singing to herself, and I looked out the window watching the buildings and people past rapidly by.

"Are you going to tell her?" Demi asked suddenly snapping me out of my daydream.

"No." I answered nonchalantly. "I would like to keep this from her, for as long as I can. I don't want to keep dealing with her."

"Then what are you planning on doing?"

"I was thinking about going to El Paso for a few days with Billi. Lauren won't miss us. She'll be busy drinking." I answered.

"Good! You need to be away from her. I love Lauren, but lately she isn't acting like Lauren, Lauren." I nodded agreeing with her. "You also need to move Evans stuff around. If you want, take Ray along to help with moving, and also to help with Billi. you know how much he cares about her." I nodded. 

Getting home, I went upstairs to get my things into a dufflebag as quickly as I could. I didn't want Lauren to see me. I went to Billi's room and gathered her things as Demi took Ray's stuff. Demi explained to Ally what was happening, so she went to pick up the kids early for me.

"I got the first flight that is leaving in about an hour or two. Ally should be here with the kids in a few minutes. Did you get everything?" I nodded at my older sister kicking my dufflebag down the stairs. 

"Yes. I just want to tell the girls I'm leaving before I go." I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where the girls and Diggy stood. "Hey everybody" 

"Hey Red! Selena chirped. 

"I need to tell everybody something." Everyone stopped immediately what they were doing and looked at me intently. "So everyone knows my relationship with Lauren the past two weeks have been rocky, right?" I heard some yeahs, and saw some nods. "Well, I'll be leaving for awhile to clear my head. I'm taking Billi and Ray along. I need you guys to keep two secrets though. One, don't tell Lauren where I am. And second" They nodded. "I'm pregnant." I smiled softly.

"What!?" Everyone said simultaneously.

"I just need you guys not to tell Lauren at all. I don't want her to know."

The girls and Diggy nodded before walking towards me and engulfing me into their embrace. I couldn't help but cry of happiness.

"So, you don't want Lauren to know?" I nodded at Dinah as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"If she's going to act the way she's acting, then I don't want her to know. I don't want the baby around that." The girls agreed.

"Well, now that I'm here all the time and I feel apart of this family, if you ever need help, I'm here." I smiled at Diggy before hugging him tightly.

"Thank you."


"Why are we in Texas?" Isabel chirped as we were in front of Evans house which he had given to me in his will.

The last time I was in El Paso was a year and a half ago when Evan had died. It was strange standing in front of the home I grew up in.

"Vacation." I simply replied taking her hand and motioning Ray to follow.

Inside was the same. Nothing seemed to be moved since my mom remodeled everything a year before I met my biological family. A nostalgic feeling washed over me as I slowly walked inside and saw my trophies and medals. I couldn't believe they were still up.

"Remember this!" Ray yelled as he ran inside the house towards the TV set. "Remember, I fell off the tree in the backyard, and lost a tooth!?" He laughed handing me a picture of him when he was about five.

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