Chapter 66

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Few days went by, and Lauren hasn't bothered me much about the Zayn thing. Hell, she hasn't even spoken to me at all. She only talks to me if it was about the baby and my health. I would lie to you and tell you it didn't bother me, but it did. It really did.

"Be careful Hani!" Dinah yelled as he climbed up the playground. Billi followed behind quickly and laughed happily. Dinah and I decided to take the kids out so they can play around.

"Lauren brought that girl the other day. You know...the one from Miami." I nodded and rubbed the side of my Belly.

"I know. I saw her." I sighed. "She was at the house helping Lauren move to the guest room." Dinah nodded and looked at me sympathetically. "I still do love Lauren. I'm trying to forget her. I just think its best to be away from her. Everything changed the moment she laid her hands on me. Its like I don't even know her anymore." I sighed and turned my body to face Dinah's.

"It still isn't right. She can't just bring some random hoe around you and Billi." I shrugged and looked around the playground till I found Billi and Hani.

"It doesn't matter I guess. If she's happy with her, then its for the best." I shrugged slightly and smiled lightly at Dinah. I'm trying so hard not to yell of frustration. I hated the fact that Lauren was with someone else, but there wasn't anything for me to do.

"She couldn't possibly be happy with her!" Dinah exclaimed. "All I'm going to tell you is, she better know where she stands in our house, or she'll learn what the hell a poly beat down is!" I couldn't help but erupt in laughter.

"Don't worry, D"


Going back home, Billi climbed in bed next to me and rested her head on my shoulder while taking my hand.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her resting my head on top of hers. Billi was acting a bit strange.

"What's happening with you and mom?" I looked at her sadly and ran my fingers through her long burnett hair. We tried so hard to keep this from her, but we knew we would slip up.

"Nothing baby. Mom and I are just taking a break." She nodded and sat up on her knees looking at me sadly.

"But she's kissing someone else. I don't like it." She sighed covering her face. I sat up and Brought her to my laps and cradled her.

"Want to know a secret?" Billi nodded looking up at me. "I don't like it very much either. It makes me sad." I smiled sadly and furrowed my eyebrows angrily. Not at her for asking, but at myself. At my secret.

"Then kick the girl out, mommy! I don't want her here!" I began to cry watching Isabel cry and yell. My arms tightened their grip around her trying my best to keep her calm.

"Shh. There, there" I whispered soothingly to Billi's ear. "Close your eyes"


"Listen! She's my daughter and I can take her out if I want!" Lauren yelled as I walked in. I noticed she was yelling at Normani and Ally who had a crying Billi behind them. Lauren's little girlfriend was there to right behind her.

"She doesn't want to, Lauren!" Normani yelled back. "You can't make her go anywhere that she doesn't want to go."

"What's going on?" I asked. Billi looked up and ran towards me like her life depended on it. She held on to my leg tightly, burying her face to my outter thigh.

"I'm taking Billi out today." Lauren said nonchalantly as her eyes slowly made their way towards me.

"Hey?" I bent down and peeled Billi off me so I can look at her. I wiped her cheeks and held on to her shoulders. "Why don't you want to go with mom?" I asked.

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