Chapter 24

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** Please read A/n in the bottom.**

Lauren's POV-

"I screwed up this time" I whispered as I watched the waves crash with one another.

"No, we both screwed up" Zayn said throwing rocks into the ocean. "Did you talk to her?"

"No. She pretend like nothing ever happened. Then she blew up and threw her plate to the wall." I buried my toes in the sand and wrapped my arms around my legs. We stayed silent for about five minutes.

When Dani and Demi had gotten home and saw Zayn and I, I had kicked him out so I can talk to Dani. That never happened though. She pretended like nothing ever happened. So, I called Zayn and told him to come meet me at the beach to talk.

"Look, we can't just pretend like nothing ever happened either. We have to talk about it sooner or later" I said having enough of the silence.

"I know. I prefer later, but your right" He sighed sitting next to me. He released the rocks he didn't use to the sand and laid himself by my side. "Your a great girl, Lauren, but-"

"I don't want an us. What we did was a mistake" I said cutting him off.

"That is what I was going to say" he mumbled. "I don't know what to tell you" he said a bit louder.

"Same, I'm just gonna head home then. See you around, Malik?" He nodded. "I would hug you, but I think its best we just shake hands and leave it at that" he agreed extending his hand towards me.


Dani's POV-

Evan was driving home when Ray was telling me everything I had missed the past few months since the last I seen him. He went on about what he has learned in school and his favorite movies of this year.

"OK little man, leave aunt Dani alone for at least an hour. She needs to go get settled in" Evan said cutting Ray off. He parked the car in the side of the house and opened the garage. When I use to live here, mom hated opening the garage, she said that she always wanted to take it down. "Strange huh?" I nodded. "Ray has been playing basketball lately, so we built a basketball hoop. We go inside the house until he makes at least two shots. If he doesn't we stay until he does" I laughed and rubbed Ray's back.

"Let's see Ray" I said and walked over to my brother.

Almost an hour later, Ray had finally made the two shots he needed in order to go inside the house. He made both shots in pretty easily, but he mostly just stared at the hoop before shooting them.

"What would you like for Dinner?" Evan asked. I hadn't realize that the sun was going down.

"Your famous Chicken Alfredo!" I exclaimed missing my brothers dish. He chuckled and nodded as I walked around the den that was connected to the kitchens entrance.

"Why do you still have these up here?" I asked Evan as I looked at the many trophies. "I'd figured you put them away"

"I couldn't. Mom always loved looking at them." He yelled so I was able to hear him. "Come here" I did as told and and leaned against the refrigerator. "What's happening at home? How's the boy toy?" He looked at me expecting me to say say a comment or something, but I didn't.

"Home is great I guess" he raised a brow turning his body to fully face me.

"And boy toy?" I shrugged. "What happened? And you better tell me" he said sternly pointing a finger towards me.

"Nothing, you were right. I shouldn't have gone out with him" he looked at me to continue. "Do I have to tell you?"

"I'm your brother. You use tell me everything that was happening in your life" he looked at me with begging eyes. .

"Fine. He broke up with me because he thought I was still in love with Lauren. He wanted me to be happy with her." I sighed.

"And are you still in love with her?" I hesitantly looked at him before nodding and returning my gaze at the pasta he was boiling.

"Well, I don't know anymore" I whispered since I felt a lump in my throat.

"And why not?"

"Things happened between Lauren and I that I don't want to speak of" he nodded understandingly now draining the water from the pasta.

"I'm gonna go kill him. Dad! Give me my bat and a ticket to LA!" I hadn't even notice Ray was in the room with us. "No one breaks auntie Dani's heart. I'm gonna get Lolo to" He stomped towards me, and I lifted him to my arms.

"Your my favorite knight and shiny armor, you know that?" He nodded. "Thank you, but I think we should just leave them alone. Your not gonna solve the problem with violence"

"Dani is right. As much as I want to join you little man, I think its best we not make the problem bigger" Evan said with a shrug.

"Thank you" I whisper to my brother. He nodded continuing to cook. "Show me your room?" I asked Ray. He jumped from my arms to the floor and ran to the direction of my old room.

"This is my room." He said showing me the door. It was painted a light blue with pictures in the front. One was of him and Evan, another was him and I, my mom and him, him and the girls, Lauren and I, and the last two pictures of him with Camila and Dinah.

"I like your door" I smiled he nodded jumping up and taking Lauren's and I's picture down.

"Yeah, dad helped me tape the pictures" I nodded looking at his hands. "Aunt Lolo can't be up there, until she says she's sorry and makes you happy" I smiled lightly at my nephew and picked him up.

"Keep it in a safe place, OK?"



A/n: ok guys! There have been kiks and messages saying I should do a Demi/Lauren book. That one is in the process. Now I'm also getting asked to do a Camren book. Idk through, with the situation of Camren. Tell me what do y'all think. Yes or no on the Demi/Lauren, and Ideas of the Camren thing.

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