Chapter 63

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The water was warm as I decided to take a bath. I needed to relax and cry. I know I shouldn't, but just seeing Lauren with that girl and breaking down, was heartbreaking.

Dinah, Billi, and I are still in Miami. We actually are leaving later on tonight when Lauren decides what she really wants to do. The AA meeting that Clara discovered by our house in LA Or the rehab center. The decision was hers.

After my bath, I went downstairs to be met with everybody. Even Lauren's brother, Chris who was supposed to be at college.

"Here! Get some popcorn and take a seat wherever you like, Dan." Mike smiled giving me a big bowl of popcorn.

Before I can find a seat, I looked around the room for Billi. She was seated on Lauren's lap fast asleep as Lauren had her arms wrapped around Billi's small body. It made me want to smile.

"Hey. Sit with me?" I nodded at Dinah and slumped down beside her on the love seat. "How are you feeling?" She whispered.

"Not ok, but I'll survive." I sighed resting my head on her shoulder, and throwing popcorn into my mouth.

Getting home in LA, I laid in Dinah's and Val's room to rest while Lauren stayed in ours. She decided to go every two days out of every week for two months to the AA mettings. Its going to be a long process, but I just really hope she goes through with it.

"Mommy!" Billi jumped on the bed being careful not to land on my stomach.

When I told Billi about having another baby, she freaked out. She hated the idea of her not being the only child, but I think now she's excited. She always trying to talk to my belly.

"Hello?" She eyed my stomach poking at my side. "Are you still in there?" She asked. I giggled stroking her hair. "Can you say hi? Are you a boy or a girl?"

"He or she can't talk yet mamas, but they can hear you." I sighed.

Lauren came in view and rested her back against the door frame, staring at Billi with a soft smile.

"Are you ready to be a big sister, Is?" Lauren suddenly asked sitting on the edge of the bed near my legs.

"Oh yes I am. I'm going to be the best big sister ever!" She exclaimed standing up and jumping over my stomach to land on Lauren's laps.

"And you? How are you feeling." Lauren asked me as her laugh died down. She placed Billi on the bed and turned her body to face me.

"Ok. My back just hurts." She nodded.

"Do you want me to rub your back? I give a mean back rub." She chuckled cracking her knuckles.

"Uh, no thanks. I'll just sleep it off. " I turned on my side so my back was facing her.

"Dan, don't be like that. I know you want us to stay apart, and that is fine. I'll go along with your decision, but I would like to help you out. That is my kid you know, and I still care about you." I heard her as I felt the bed move, indicating she got up.

"Lauren, you can help with the baby stuff, I honestly don't care. But don't touch me. I'm OK. I can do things on my own." I sniffed.

"Hey" Demi ran inside the room jumping on the bed right by me. "I have been thinking lately, you can only fly so much on a plane while you're expecting, and once you hit a certain month you can't fly. So, I was wondering if you can stay already. You are expecting to deliver the baby here, right?" I nodded at Demi and stood up.

"I'll leave you girls alone." Lauren walked out of the room.

"What happened?" Demi whispered.

"Nothing. So, I think its a great idea, I'll just ask for a huge favor." She nodded. "Can you bring mine and Billi's clothes. Then go to the school that Ray went to, and tell them that Billi won't longer be there."

"Of course. Anything for you." She kissed my head and walked out of the room.


"So, am I sleeping in here?" I heard Lauren's voice as I fixed the bed.

"If you want" I mumbled.

"So, you don't care about being that close to me?" Her voice sounding happy.

"I can care less. Its your bed to." I sighed. "Is Billi in bed?" I asked since today she wanted to put her to bed.

"Yeah, I stayed with her till she fell asleep." I nodded and climbed in bed. "Can I ask you something?" I nodded again as she climbed in next to me. "Are you really going to divorce me?"

"I don't know, Lauren. Maybe." I answered her.

"Dan, we can work it out." She turned on her side to grab my hands which I pulled away.

"Lauren, I'm not going to do this with you right now. Be in my shoes. What would you have done?" I wanted to raise my voice but I didn't want to. I didn't want to swoop down to her level. "Plus you fucked another girl. Was she the only girl? Or were there more?" She stood quite. "Night, Lauren." I groaned turning on my side.

"Night" she turned over and turned off the night.

The next day I was the first to wake up in the house. I had to get ready and wake up Billi and Lauren for my doctors appointment today.

Today is a special appointment. Its the day they determine the gender of the baby. I'm really excited. I honestly don't care what I'm having.

"Are you excited to find out if you're having a little brother or little sister?" Lauren chirped strapping Billi in.

"YES!" Billi shouted throwing her hands in the air.

"Good!" I heard her laugh.

Getting to the clinic, it was just Lauren, Billi, and I. It was empty minus the nurses who worked in the front. So I had no choice but to listen to Lauren lecture Billi about being a big sister.

"You have to take care of him or her like your life depended on it. Got it?" Billi nodded at her mom. "Even if they annoy the crap out of you, you have to stick by there side and show them from right or wrong. You're going to be his or hers teacher, Is." Billi smiled widely and looked over at me.

"Are you excited, mommy?" I took her hand as she held it up for me to grab.

"I'm very excited, Baby" I whispered kissing Isabel on her little nose.


A/n: sorry for not posting in so long. A lot of things have happened since the last time I Posted on hereI have been writing quite a lot though! Enjoy.

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