Chapter 64

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Getting home, Billi went to Demi's and Ally's room, and I went straight upstairs to my room. Lauren followed of course, but I didn't mind. After all it was and still is her room.

"Hey." I heard Dinah say. I looked up from my covers and saw Dinah and Hani walking in the room. "How did everything go?"

"Well, umm...everything's fine." Lauren smiled nervously. "Just the doctor is concern with her blood sugar. She can't have it high and she can't have it low. She has to try and keep it constant throughout the whole pregnancy." I pulled the covers over my head and sighed loud enough for Dinah to hear me.

"How's the baby? What would happen if its not constant?" Dinah asked.

"Low birth weight" I heard Lauren sigh.

"Well then, Dani don't you worry! We'll make sure your sugar is where it supposed to be everyday." Dinah's voice seemed louder and I knew she was by my side.

"I don't want anything happening to the baby." I uncovered my face and sat up to look at Dinah and Lauren. "I'm scared" I admitted.

"I know." Dinah sighed. Lauren began to cry and excused herself from the room. "Have you girls talked?" I nodded slowly rubbing my temples.

I told Dinah about how Lauren and I had a serious talk this morning at McDonalds, while Billi was at the playground. We talked about our relationship and things like that, and what we should do when the baby came.

Dinah had a straight face, but I knew deep down she was happy that Lauren and I came to terms about splitting. She's to protective about my health and didn't want me getting hurt again. Course lauren and I are not divorcing. We're just giving each other space to see if we actually want to stay together.

See, Billi had mentioned Zayn when Lauren brought up about taking Isabel to the zoo. At first Lauren was ok with it, but Billi told her how much fun we had at the zoo with him, and how amazing he was, and Zayn's stupid comment about me and him being together, and that we were a family. Lauren blew up and didn't speak to much to me after that till we were in the car. She said it was best we stay apart. I think she now thinks I'm in love with him again. Which is absurd. I'm not going to fight with her though cause I know we would if I brought up about the girl she was with in Miami. I don't have the energy to do it though.

Later on that day, I got everyone in the house together, expect Lauren who was at an AA meeting, and told them that the baby was a boy. I also told them about the issues and things and they said the same as Dinah, and promised to help me.

"Hey!" I looked up from my phone and looked at Lauren who had just entered the house with a McDonalds to-go bag in one hand and a large drink in the other.

"Hey. How was the meeting?" I asked and put my phone beside me to give her my full attention.

"Its was ok." She nodded sitting by me and resting her feet on the coffee table. She handed me the bag, and sipped at her drink before speaking again. "Can I tell you something?" She suddenly asked and lightly looked at me before putting her drink down.

"Ok. What's up?" I placed the McDonalds bag on the table and turned my body a bit so I can look at her fully.

"I haven't really told you this, but I'm sorry. Truly sorry. Not only for drinking and hitting you, but making you feel like shit and throwing beer bottles like it was fun." I let out a shaky breath and stared at her deeply trying my hardest not to cry. "I thought you should know, and that girl wasn't anything to me, she was just there for fun. She was nothing compared to you." Lauren shrugged. "I can't live with myself for what I did to you and it hurts so very much." I wiped the tears that managed to escape and looked away from her. "I just hope that we end up together again in the future. For now, I just want to get through the meetings." She sighed and wiped my tears before grabbing my hands and holding them tightly in hers.

I didn't know why I was crying, but I think it was because we were finally talking like adults, and that no matter were our relationship took us, we would still be there for one another and the kids.

"I hope so to."


"HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" Hani yelled running into the kitchen as everybody was there.

Since I was pregnant, nobody wanted me to do anything. Everybody was being to cautious and so the only job I had this year for thanksgiving, was to babysit Alessa and Kassidy. They didn't do much though. Lessa was a few months old so she only played in her play pin and watched her mother help with the dinner, and Kassidy only being a month old was asleep on a bouncer Selena had sat up by the table where I was seated for the entire time the girls cooked.

"Stir it mama!" I heard Lauren laugh and seen she was showing Billi how to cook the corn. Isabel really wanted to help with cooking this year.

"Where's the boys?" Ally asked I guess finally noticing Ray was out of the room.

"He's outside with Diggy. They're playing one-on-one basketball right now." Normani giggled sticking two pies into the oven. One Pumpkin and the other Apple.

Every year, Demi was the one who usually said grace. This year, Lauren did it and everyone got pretty emotional. I sat there and just looked at her, then at Billi, then at everybody else before I sighed in contentment that after so many years, we were all still together despite the many downfalls we had.

After dinner, we all sat in the livingroom and watched the thanksgiving parade that Demi had recorded this morning. We, or they, were to busy preparing for dinner to watch it, so it was a must to record it.

When night came, Lauren and I laid in the bed with Billi in the middle of us fast asleep. We had decided not to tell her about us splitting, and let her think like we were still a happy couple. She's little, so she wouldn't understand what's happening.

"Imagine when we have the baby, he's going to sleep right here with us, beside Billi." Lauren smiled sleepily caressing Isabel's cheek. "I think we'll need a bigger bed." I let out a laugh and looked at her and watched as she looked at Billi in awe. Her eyes were beginning to close, but she did her best to stay awake.

"Maybe we do." I answered stretching my arm behind me to turn off the nightstand lamp. "Go to sleep Lauren." I yawned and got under the covers. "Goodnight." I whispered and snaked my arm over Billi's small frame, and found Lauren's hand. I didn't hold it like how I use to, but I rested my hand top of hers, so she knew I was still there.


A/n: Hope you guys like the chapter!

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