Chapter 32

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I held in my breath and looked at the ring. Everything around me was gone. I didn't hear Lauren yelling my name, my parents smiling and shaking me, or the girls and their families cheering.

There's nothing I could do or say. I was a statue admiring the ring, but I was also thinking about this being to fast in our relationship.

Before I can answer, I swear I blanked out and fainted. I woke up in mine and Lauren's room with everyone hovering over me with anything sugary In hand.

"Hey there" I looked up and seen Lauren smiling down. She leaned in and kissed my forehead. "You were out quite awhile. Ray was having a meltdown, cause we told him to wait on the presents" she giggled as I sat up looking around at everyone. I rubbed my head and laid my head on Lauren's lap. "Can you guys give us a minute?" She asked everyone.

"I can't believe I did that" I giggled. Lauren laughed grabbing a pack of skittles from the bed and began to feed them to me.

"Well, I think I just overwhelmed you, with my question, that made your sugar drop. I'm sorry" I looked up to see a sad smile.

"Hey! Its ok. I mean, a lot of people go through that, not just me. I won't lie, I was pretty surprise." I sat up and kissed her forehead. "But, to answer your question, yes"

"Yes! As in yes you'll marry me!?" I wiggled my eyebrows before laughing and nodding pulling her gently to hug her.

"It means a hell yes" I whispered before I pressed my lips against hers.

We made out till we heard a knock on the door and a soft voice that belonged to Camila, telling us to hurry up. I groaned shaking my head at Lauren.

"Do we have to go?" Lauren creased my cheek before nodding and dragging me alongside her. I rubbed her belly as we walked down the stairs and smiled at everyone.

"I doubt you guys remember this, but do you girls remember when I said you girls were next to get married?" Mike said standing up from the couch. Lauren and I nodded taking each others hand. "So are you girls?"

"Yes. Dani said yes!" My parents instantly stood up running towards me for a hug. Demi and Evan did the same, then Maddie and Dallas.

* * *

After opening gifts and and watching the Christmas Story, Ray fall asleep in the middle of the living room next to Camila's little sister and Lauren's sister. The rest of us were in the kitchen talking to our parents as they did the Christmas Dinner.

"I'll get it!" I chirped as I heard the door bell. I raced out the kitchen and opened the door before they can ring the door bell again. "Sel!" I exclaimed softly since the kids were asleep. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you all presents, I hope you don't mind" I shook my head and stepped outside closing the door behind me.

"We got you something to, but I would like to know what's going on with you and Camila?" She shrugged chucking one hand in her pocket, as the other held the bags of gifts.

"I only talked to her once, and she used your phone to call me. That was the last time. I like Mila, don't get me wrong" she sat down on the step and I did the same sitting beside her. "But, I did some thinking and I don't want to be with someone who doesn't like me back. I went through that twice, I'm not going to do that again" I averted my eyes away from her.

"Again. I'm sorry for that" she giggled bumbing my shoulder against hers.

"No, its fine. It made me realize that my love will come when I least expected. So, I'm done looking" She sighed resting her head on my shoulder.

"So, does that mean you and Justin are over?" She nodded slightly wiping her eyes. We stood outside a while more so she can cry a bit. "There, don't cry. Let's go inside." She nodded taking my hand as I dragged her inside. I walked her to the kitchen while everyone was cooking.

"Selena!" I heard my mom. She ran over and hugged her tightly making stumble back a bit. I looked over at Camila who smiled lightly.

"I came to drop off presents" Sel said loud enough for everyone to hear. She placed the bag of gifts in the middle of the table and walked over to Lauren and I.

"Are you gonna stay?" Lauren asked her as she pulled Selena for a hug.

"I would like to, but you guys are with your families." I rolled my eyes at Sel taking her hand .

"Sel. Your practically family. So, I expect you to stay for Dinner" Sel smiled.



It was now a few days til my birthday, and of course I wasn't excited. I had to pretend to be excited around Lauren who was cranky up the ass, but I don't blame her. She is having a baby after all.

"So, kids! What did the doctor say?" Demi asked as I sat next to her.

Lauren and I just got back from another appointment, and this appointment was very important. It is when we find out the sex of the baby. I don't care what else have. I'm just to damn excited.

"We are having a little girl" Lauren chirped trying not to cry. I wrapped an arm around her rubbing her arm gently.

"Aw! Any name decision?" Ally asked carrying Ray to her laps. I smiled intently and shook my head.

"Not yet" I smiled as I looked at Lauren with the worlds biggest smile.

* * *

A/n: You guys should comment ideas for the baby's name. Also, I'm losing interest in the story. Any help? Kik or message me. I finally got my kik back, so its better to message me there.

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