Chapter 72

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Lauren walked out of the morgue and lightly smiled softly over to Demi and then at me. She bent down along with Ally who was by her side.

"It wasn't him. Our last chance before they start searching for him again, is to identify the kids that are undergoing surgery." Demi and I hugged each other happily that none of the kids weren't Him, but the thought of the kids parents coming to identify them in a morgue was heartbreaking.

"Ok ladies. We can head back up stairs and see if any of the young men are out of surgery." Detective Miller announced as he excited the morgue.

Upstairs, Miller went to the front desk to get information about the kids. If they were out of surgery or not. It was just a pain to have to wait.

"You ok?" Lauren asked resting her chin on top of my head as she held me closely towards her chest.

"No." I answered truthfully.

"Don't worry. We'll find him." I laid my head on her shoulder taking in the scent of her black t-shirt.

Everything didn't seem real. Like I was in a movie.

"All right. We can go to the first one." We nodded at Detective Miller and walked closely behind him. I could smell his cologne waft up my nostrils. It was strong.

I held on to Lauren's hand tightly as we came to view with a door. Room 314.

Detective Miller opened the door slowly and peaked his head to see if any nurses or doctors where inside attending the patient. The door was fully open now and Ray was laying on the bed as if he was sleeping.

Demi let out a hard sob rushing over to his right side as Ally followed along taking Ray's left side. Lauren's hand released mine and pulled me into what seemed to be a comforting embrace. I heard her small cries And I immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"It's him!" Lauren smiled at Detective Miller as tears rolled down her cheeks. She pulled away from me and cupped my cheeks gently rubbing the pad of her thumb across my bottom lip. "It's him." She repeated.

"I'll go get a doctor." Miller smiled extending his arm and patting my back then Lauren's.

"Hi baby." I heard Demi whisper. I peaked my head over Lauren's shoulder and watched Demi talk to Ray as his eyes fluttered open softly. Ally just stared at the two giving Ray's hand small pecks here and there. "Mom and I are here." I looked at Lauren giving her a sad smile.

When the doctor came into the room, he explained everything to us. How the bullet did hit him, but missed all major organs. I smiled content knowing my brother was looking after him.

"I'm recommending therapy to get you back on your feet. It'll take you awhile before your back to walking and things like that." The doctor said giving Ray a light smile. "Are you in any sports?" Ally nodded her head answering. "Its most likely he won't play for a while. His health is before anything." He said before walking out.

When the doctor left, Ray looked around before he started to cry. He tried to sit up but failed as a sharp pain escalated through his side. He just slumped over not caring to move anymore.

"Just don't move." Ally whispered fixing the thin white sheet on him. She gave him a quick peck on his forehead and sat near her wife.

"So, what happened?" I asked as Ray's light sky blue eyes found there way towards me. He shrugged and scratched his head.

"I don't know honestly. Everything happened so fast. The team and I went for pizza for our win. Little by little the team began to leave. I stood with Ivan cause he said was going to give me a ride home." I looked over at Demi and Ally who shared the same expression of disappointment. They of course tried to hide it from him. "But right when we were going to leave, someone came looking for Ivan and started shooting." He sighed.

"Babe? Why didn't you call us though? We could have gone to pick you up." I walked over to Ray and ran my fingers through his light brown hair. "You know I would be there in a heart beat." I smiled at him which he returned instantly.

"I know. I just didn't want to be so much of a bother. I'm the oldest kid in the house. I just feel like you guys forget about me sometimes." I pouted slightly at Lauren who shook her head.

"Dude! You're everything to your aunty Dani! Dont forget your moms! They love you more than anything. You're their baby, Ray." Lauren walked over and rested her hand on top of his. "Don't forget us. We love you little Ray. Always have, always will!" Lauren bend down, swept his hair away from his eyes, and kissed his forehead.

"I love you guys." His voice began to quiver, and a small smile appeared.

As Demi, Ally, and Ray spoke to the detective of what happened last night, Lauren and I went to the waiting room to let everyone know that we found him and that he was Ok. 

After, we were all soon in the room with Ray. The kids on the bed with him as we talked amongst ourselves on what we'll do When he is release from the hospital.

"For sure I'll stay today with him." Demi whispered over to us so Ray couldn't hear. "The kids seem to miss him." We looked at the kids as they sat around Ray on the hospital bed. Ray laughed and talked to the them about how much he loved and missed them.

"What do you expect? They look up to him. Whenever the little kids need help, they go to Ray for anything." I looked at Selena who looked at the kids sadly. Kassidy was seated on Ray's left lap, while Alessa took his right. Hani and Billi sat infront of him, and Anthony was in Lauren's arms sucking on a pacifier.

"Yeah. He's a great kid." Camila sighed resting her head on my shoulder.

This was the first time in a month, that we were all in the same room like a big ole family.


A/n: Sorry for being rrreeeaaallllyyyy slow on the updates. I had stopped coming on here, but decided that I should come back. Sorry for the lame chapter also. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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