Chapter 11

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It was now the day Demi was leaving. I had taken her to go get some breakfast, so we can just have me and her time. Even though we fight all the time, we are sisters.

"Your eating pretty slow today. What's wrong" Demi asked. "Is it because I'm leaving?" She said in a baby voice.

"Yes!" I mimicked her. "Who I'm I going to bother when you leave?" Her smile faded and looked at me seriously. "Kidding! Damn Dem." I giggled. "So, did you and Ally makeup?"

"No. It's just different between us now. I think we got married to young. Let's see what happens when I get back." I choked on my water and looked at her sadly.

"But you guys always find a way to make up. Don't say that! Makeup now" she chuckled placing her fork down.

"Dan, calm down. I didn't say we were breaking up. But I do think I have to talk to Ally." I nodded agreeing. "Well finish up. We have to go see the parents."


Everyone was here at our house saying their goodbyes to Demi. The girls were also downstairs for the small get together, and I stood in my room writing for the studio tomorrow. I hate saying goodbyes.

Lauren and I haven't talked since she kissed me. It's been days. Its not that I don't want to talk to her, I just don't have anything to say. My mind goes blank whenever were together.

"Hey! Come down. Somebody is downstairs!" Val yelled as she bursted inside my room. I placed my book down on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror. "You look good! Come on" Val grabbed my hand and yanked me out my room.

"Why can't I just stay in my-" I stopped when I noticed Zayn by the front door. He was talking to Ally holding a bouquet of different kinds of flowers. "Hey" he looked over and smiled at me. He ran up the stairs and kissed me softly.

"I got you these. But there's more Daisys if anything. I know there your favorite" After I smelled them, I kissed his cheek with a giggle.

"Thank you! Want to come with to put them in a vase?" He nodded.

We walked into the kitchen to be met with Lauren and Louis. They laughed about something and looked over at us, when Zayn decided to cough.

"We're just gonna put these in water" Lauren looked at Zayn then at our fingers that were entwined together. She had a blank expression. She could have fooled everybody with that face, but not me. I knew she was hurt by the way her eyes darkened a bit.

"Sure, go ahead love birds" Louis chirped. I let go of Zayn's hand, and rummaged through cabinets, till I found the right vase.

"Lo, can I talk to you?" Her eyes shifted from me to Zayn. Like she was asking for consent. She nodded and followed me to my room. "I know we haven't talked in a few days, and I blame myself. I just don't know what to tell you. I just wanted to wait till I had something great to tell you, but I don't." I breathed in deeply before continuing. "Lauren, when you kissed me, old feelings that I remembered and miss so dearly are coming back." She stood up grabbing my hands.

"Then let's go runaway. Me and You. We can move to London or Hawaii. Let's just go and forget about everything. We can start all over" I smiled at Lauren caressing her cheek gently.

"First of all, Zayn lives in London. Second, don't tempt me about Hawaii, cause I just might go. And Third, we can't just get up and go Lauren, no matter how much we want to. We have jobs. People know us and they'll go crazy."

"We can change identitys. Change our names. Dan, I just want to be with you again. I want to be with you and kiss you till you know that I'm sorry for what I did. It eats at me everyday cause I lost the most amazing thing in my life." Fuck! I wrapped her in my arms as she began to cry.

"Give me a few days to think about things. I want to know if I'm making the right choice. I don't want to get hurt, and I don't want to see you or Zayn hurt either." I pulled away from her and cupped her cheeks. I looked around her face and smiled. I missed this face. "Lo?" She hummed. "Can I have a kiss?" she cupped my cheeks.

"Of course" before I knew it, her lips rested on mines.


"Can you pass the pizza please babe?" Zayn asked elbowing me lightly.

"Pepperoni or Cheese?" I asked heading for the pepperoni first.

"Is there any bacon left?" I looked around and noticed it was by the BBQ where Lauren was at.

"You want one or two?" He held up two fingers. I smiled and walked over to Lauren opening one of many boxes of pizza. "Hey" I whispered. Everyone was busy being loud, so nobody was paying attention to us.

"Hey" she smirked. "Do you want to watch a movie later? We can finish that movie" I bit my lip lightly and placed the pizzas on Zayn's plate.

"Yes, but can I have some of your ice cream?" I pouted. She nodded. "Mkay then. I'll see later"

"Thanks babe" Zayn kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly.

I'm feeling so guilty right now. I don't know what to do. I do really really like Zayn, but the feelings I had for Lauren were returning and they're pretty damn strong. I just need to hurry up and choose. But the longer I think about who, the stronger my feelings will be for the both. Why does life have to be so complicated!?


A/n: I was going to upload in the morning but totally forgot!! What did you think about the chapter?? I thought the Lauren want to run away with Dani was so Fucking cute!!!!

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