Chapter 69

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"HAPPY ONE MONTH ANTHONY!" yelled Demi and Ally as they walked into the kitchen and straight towards the table where Anthony's bouncer stood.

Poor Anthony woke up and began to cry. I rushed over to his bouncer, and cradled him in my arms.

"They just got him to sleep!" Val whined covering her ears along with Hani. Dinah shook her head disapprovingly at them.

"Give him to me. I want to hold him!" Normani squealed setting Alessa in the bouncer. "Can't believe its been a month since you had him!" I laid Tony in her arms then walked over to Lauren and sat on her laps as she ate breakfast.

"How's Isabel with the whole new baby thing?" Demi asked raising a brow. Lauren snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her so I wouldn't fall off.

Ray and Billi were currently in school, so it was only Hani, who would be starting school in the next couple months, and Alessa who was about to hit a year.

"Well, she knows he's a baby and needs our attention. She doesn't say anything, but she just gets so moody." Lauren snarled. "Its like we're getting the old Billi again."

"She's just a kid. She was use to being the only child. Give her time." Ally sighed.

"She'll come around. Just watch." Dinah smiled throwing a piece of toast bread at Hani who was glaring at her for stealing his juice. I turned over slightly and looked at Tony who smiled at Normani. 

"How's Ray?" I suddenly asked Demi and Ally feeling the urge to know about my nephew. He's barely around anymore.

"He's just to himself." Ally sighed resting her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her palm.

"It isn't how it use to be." Demi shrugged. "He's growing up on us. He's almost fourteen now, and likes being in football practice and hanging out with his friends." Demi said with hint of annoyance in her voice.

"He's still hanging out with those friends you don't like I see." I giggled moving to an empty seat next to Lauren so she can eat comfortably.

"His so called 'friends' are idiots!" Ally spat. "One has been caught with drugs in his locker. The kids only 14!" Ally cried. "What kind of middle schoolers are these! They need Jesus!"

"Well, what do you expect. They're going to highschool next. Ray isn't going to stay little or innocent forever. He's going to grow, Allysus." I snapped my head at Val and glared harshly as she spoke. "What? Remember high school, Dan?" she smirked evily which cause Lauren to raise a brow at me.

"How was high School, Dan?" Lauren mimicked Val's tone. I shook my head motioning them I didn't want to talk about it.

"We know that, dofus!" Dinah rolled her eyes cleaning Hani's mouth with a napkin. "He's bound to grow up, but Ray's Ray. He's a good kid who still hasn't really grieved about his dad." It was true. Ray never really showed any emotion, and when we talked about Evan, he walked away or changed the subject.

"I'm just really hoping he's OK." I mumbled resting me head on Lauren's shoulder.

"Oh, and she isn't really Allysus. She kind of never was. She's more Allysin if you know what I mean!" Demi smirked wiggling her eyebrows at Ally.

"That just nasty" Normani laughed.

When the kids got home, Ray went to his room as usual and closed the door behind him, before saying hi to Demi and Ally. Billi on the other hand greeted everyone and slumped on the couch with her baby blue backpack still on.

"Tired?" I laughed removing her bag.

"Do you have homework? Don't forget, homework first then you could play." Lauren informed trying her best to burp Anthony.

"I just have to trace my name and last name with crayons. I will be done quick." Billi said in a determined tone. "Can you hand me my homework, please?" She asked me as I opened her backpack.

"how was school?" I asked her as she took her homework from my hands. "Anything interesting happen?"

"No. Just a new boy in my class. He's from a place called Zealand." Billi looked at me and smiled.

"You mean New Zealand?" Billi nodded at Lauren and began to trace the letter 'I' with the purple crayon. "What's his name?" Billi picked up the blue crayon an traced the letter 'S'.

"Calum. He's funny." I raised a brow at Lauren who seemed to pretend she had a heart attack or something. "He's my friend."

"Well, there goes my baby." I rolled my eyes at Lauren and took Tony away from her and sat him on my laps as he sucked on his fist. We watched Lauren make sad faces at Billi, which Billi ignored her.

"He's just her friend." I laughed. "Nothings going to happen." I rolled my eyes and placed Tony on the carpet so he could play with his baby toys.

"They all start like friends." She stated.

* * *

"Let's go Ray!" Demi yelled as she stood on her seat, waving her arms harshily around. Her right cheek painted with the schools colors, and a bold number ten painted in black on her left.

"Babe! Don't embarrass him!" Exclaimed Ally as she pulled Demi down beside us.

"I'm just cheering him on!" Demi yelled again raising a hand. "THAT'S MY SON!"

We were currently at Ray's middle school football game. Demi made all of us go to cheer him on, but I really didn't mind. It was just Anthony I was worried about.

"He's really good!" Lauren spoke over to me so I was able to hear her over the screaming people.

"Right!" I laughed smiling. "I'm so proud of him." She took my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Your brother would have been so proud." I looked over at her and smiled brightly. He would have been proud of him.  

After the game, we waited by the field for Ray. He walked over to us with shoulder pads in one hand and his halmet in the other. His gray football pants now looking greenish.

"Good job baby!" Demi exclaimed wrapping Ray into her arms. Ray smiled widely and dropped his things to hug Demi properly.

"You guys made it!" He yelled happily. He then motioned Ally to join the hug.

"Well, we wouldn't of missed it." Lauren smiled handing Tony over to me. I carefully balanced him on my arm, wiping milk from the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah! Are you playing out of town in the next game?" Dinah asked setting Hani down.

"Yeah, its our last game before the playoffs. It would mean a lot if you guys went." We nodded smiling over to the teenager.

"Hey Ray's Family!" We looked behind Ray to find a boy with a full smile and a weird look in his eyes made his way over to us with a fairly amount of football players following him. The boy was slightly muscular then Ray, and seemed taller.

"Hey Ivan." Ray smiled and doing that brotherly hand shake with him and then to the rest of the guys. "Everyone, this is Ivan. Ivan, this is my family. And some of the team." Ray smiled brightly taking Tony from my arms.

"Its nice to meet you." Ivan smiled. "Hey Ray, the team and I are going to get pizza. Are you in?"

"Mom?" Demi sighed and looked at Ally who just Shrugged. "Please?"

"Be careful please." Demi pulled Ray to another hug and kissed his cheek. He pulled away, handed her Tony, and went to hug Ally, then left with his friends.

"Was that the one they found drugs on?" Val chirped suddenly. "He looks like one." Ally nodded and rested her head on Demi's shoulder as they watched Ray leave.

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