Chapter 52

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"I can't go. I'm far to busy right now." I told my parents as they asked about me going back to El Paso.

A little before Evan died, I began to write music for other artist to keep my mind going. I was also working on another album which doubled my time in the studio.

"Dan, you need time off. You haven't been up there since Evan. You need to feel-" I cut my dad off.

"Feel what? I'm perfectly fine. I don't need to cry. I need to work." I sighed and began to mess with the knobs on the panel.

"This is getting way out of hand. You're in here 24/7 and not out with your daughter and wife. I'm surprise Lauren hasn't said anything about it." My mom snapped. "Its been a year! You need to see him. Ray has to as well! That is your brother and his father." I placed my hands on the panel and stood up looking at my reflection on the glass.



"Hani! Put your underwear on, little boy!" Dinah yelled as I made my way into the house.

"Dani!" I heard as I seen a naked little boy run towards me. "Hide me!"

"Hani, put some clothes on. Your gonna get sick" I laughed softly and took his hand leading him towards Dinah. "I think this belongs to you"

"Thank you so much!" Dinah exclaimed picking up Hani and balancing him on her hip after she put his underwear and an undershirt on. "You ok?" I nodded softly and pinched slightly at Hani's cheeks.

"Is lauren home?" She shook her head.

"Everyone's here except for Lauren and Normani who went baby shopping. They took Billi along." I nodded and mentally sighed in relief.

"Alright. I have to do a couples things. I'll be home soon" Dinah nodded and walked up the stairs with Hani.


"What are you doing here?" I looked up to find Robert. A close friend of mine from El Paso who moved out here to LA almost a year ago.

I have been hanging out a lot with Robert, but Ricky seemed to not like it considering he was into drugs. But Val on the other hand hated that I hung with him because she use to date him.

"If Ricky finds out you're here, he'll have my head. He might get his boyfriend to kill me" I rolled my eyes.

Ricky's boyfriend, Josh was harmless. He looked scary, but could never hurt a fly. He loved working out, and drinking protein shakes. He was like my brother.

"Rob, shut up. You're acting to paranoid. Your my friend that I haven't seen in years." I waved him off and letting myself into his apartment in downtown LA.

"I know I'm sorry" he sighed. He closed the door and sat on his couch motioning me to do the same. "What's up? How's the little one? How's the wife?"

Robert was one of those people you can tell anything to. He was like a dairy with a pad lock. He was a genuine, selfless, honest, respectful person, but had a bad habit. That never stopped him from being a great person though. Just his appearance wasn't matching who he was. He had tattoos up and down his arms and had a freakishly cool Mohawk that could be four inches tall.

"Everyone's great" I sighed. "Just the littles ones stressing us out. She's the opposite of what I was in school." He giggled and leaned towards the table to grab his pipe that laid next to a bag of weed.

"Oh I remember you. You were always the good one from all of us, but when you had to, you stuck up for us and never once did you get in trouble" he shook his head and smiled before lighting up the bowl from the pipe that held his weed.

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