Chapter 4

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"So, I hear the girls leave next week or what?" My mom and Dad asked as we ate breakfast. They made me have breakfast at their house, and of course I didn't mind, I just had to cancel with Zayn, who said it was fine.

"Uh, I guess so? I don't know when" i shrugged. I don't really pay attention to the girls that much. "Why?" 

"We should throw a going away party. But not just for them, but for you and Demi as well! Can we?" Maddie asked our parents. I looked over at Dallas, who laughed as she ate.

"I don't-" I was cut off.

"Its a great idea!" Of Course my dad would say yes. I rolled my eyes with a huff and looked at my mom.

"Whatever, sure. But I'm inviting the boys" I smirked. My dad went from a happy dad, to a serious one. "It is a going away party, and I'm one of the people that this party is for, so its only right if I invite the boys. Or I'm not coming"

"Your good" Dallas whispered. I smiled evily at my parents waiting for dad's answer.

"So is that a yes?" I raised a brow and tapped my fingers.

"Fine, whatever. But your going to have to talk to your brother about Zayn" I looked at them confused.

"Evan? What about him?"

Evan, my big brother. Well, he isn't my real brother, but I still no matter what consider him as my biological. We keep in touch here and there, only because Ray wants to talk to me. Evan, almost tried to kill Zayn when they first met. It was kind of horrible. Zayn did his best not to fight back, because he was afraid to hurt him, since he was my brother.

"He wants to come and visit" my parents say Evan is like their long lost son they never had, so they talk to him quite alot, and ask him to come over whenever he wants. "He should be here tomorrow" I groaned. "Are you still thinking about inviting the boys?" My dad teased. My parents don't know why exactly Lauren and I broke up, so they think there's a chance we'er getting back together.

"When are you guys going to get it through your heads. Zayn and I are just friends, nothing more. The least you guys can do for me, is leave him alone and stop treating him the way you guys do" I huffed. I stood up from the table, and grabbed the not-even-half-eaten plate walking to the sink. "I'll see you guys later. I'm still inviting the boys" I said and walked out of my parents house.


"So, I'm guessing it went bad?" Zayn said as he opened the door to his and the boys house. I went through and huffed loudly taking a seat on the couch near Niall and Liam. "I was supposed to be at your house in about, two hours?" He said looking at the clock on his phone.

"It was whatever. Have you ate?" I asked with my best cute smile. He smiled and shook his head.

"I thought you have?"

"I didn't finish, so can we go eat? My treat?" I said, before lightly chewing on my bottom lip. A new habit i picked up a few months ago when I feel stress. He stared at me before nodding lightly, and motioned that he was going to go change.

"Take care of our little boy. We want him back no later than two. We have a meeting" Liam laughed. I patted his back giving him a thumbs up.

"Don't worry. He'll be back before you know it" Louis laughed at Liam's childish act, before walking off into the kitchen with Niall.

"Have you talk to Mila yet?" Asked Harry who stumbled down the stairs, trying to throw on a white T-shirt. I looked at him with an amazed look that he hasn't tripped or hurt himself while walking down the stairs, and answered with a simple 'not yet'

"Let's go!" Zayn yelled running down the stairs, and throwing Harry over his shoulders. When Zayn was near the couch I was seated on, he threw Harry and motioned me to hurry out the door.


I buried my feets into the hot sand and removed my shirt, so I was just left in my bikini top and shorts. Today was the perfect weather to just go to the beach and lay on the sand. So, here was Zayn, Ricky, Troian, Val and I soaking up the amazing New Port beach sun. Its was about an hour away from where Val and I lived, but it was worth the little trip.

"So girls and Ricky, want anything to drink?" Asked Zayn as he stood up dusting off his swim shorts.

"Ice tea please!" Troian and Val said together. I looked at them with a small smile before returning my gaze to Zayn.

"I'll have an Infused water. Make sure it has a lot of watermelon though" I looked the sassy Ricky today and patted his leg.

"I'll go with you" Val smirked at me before telling Zayn and I to play safe. "We're just going to get drinks" I rolled my eyes and walked away with Zayn trailing behind.

"Slow down. You don't want to leave me behind, do you?" I stopped in mid step and waited for Zayn to catch up. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and lightly pushed me to continue walking. "I have been doing a lot of thinking lately?" I looked up at him.
"What about?" I asked still annoyed about what Val had said. Zayn sighed taking my hand. People began to notice who we were and formed a circle around us. "Zayn? Everyone's staring" I whispered, wanting him to hurry. "I'm getting uncomfortable" I whispered. But the caused him to chuckle.

"Well, since people are staring" he began to smirk pulling me closer to him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" My breath hitched and I stared at him, not believing what he had just said. "Dani?" He didn't ask how I expected him to ask. It was just pretty straight forward. But, he did ask!

"Yeah. I will" I bite my lip as he wrapped his muscular arms around me. I went on my tipy toes. I tried my best to look for Val or Ricky, but the first thing I saw when I looked over Zayn's shoulder was these hard dark green eyes. I pulled away from Zayn lightly and smiled at him like I didn't just see my ex in the crowd.


A/n: shout out to who ever makes these cute pictures!!! Here's chapter 4. Comment for the next chapter!

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