Chapter 33

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Ray, sat on my lap as we watched the new Disney movie, The Descendants. He had been complaining that he had missed the premier showing and really wanted to see it. So me being the amazing aunt that I am, recorded it and waited to watch it with him.

"This movie is so cool!" He exclaimed jumping up and down. I smiled lightly and kissed his head.

Since Evan gave Demi and Ally custody papers for Ray, he has been with us since Christmas. Demi and Ally had started homeschooling him, so he was with us 24/7, and I was so thankful for that.

"Ugh!" I heard. I looked at Ray as he shrugged and stood up to let me pass. I walked slowly to the kitchen to watch someone climb their way to the window.

I should be freaking out about this, but something made me just want to laugh and watch them look like an idiot.

"I'm calling the cops?" I said as I notice the person was stuck. He instantly looked up at me and shook his head. "Zayn!? What the hell! If Demi, or my dad, or Lauren's dad, finds out your here, you're gonna get it!" I exclaimed helping him down the window.

"Please don't tell! I notice nobody was home, but I saw your truck and wanted to talk?" I rolled my eyes slapping his arm. "What was that for!?" He rubbed his arm with a chuckle.

"For climbing through the fucking window! Don't you know how to use the door!?" He looked at me serious before walking slowly to look into the living room.

"Look" he said walking back towards me. "Your nephew wants me dead to" he whispered. I giggled. "If he finds out I'm here, he's going to tell everyone, so please keep it down" I rolled my eyes.

"Your scared of a six year old?" I folded my arms over my chest trying my best to keep a straight face, but all I wanted to do was laugh. "Zayn? What the hell do you want?"

"I came to see how's everything. How's the baby?" He asked. He walked over to the fruit bowl and grabbed an apple.

"She's doing fine" I smiled. He smiled back with wide eyes.

"She?" I nodded. "Oh. She's going to be beautiful" I nodded in agreement. "Have you ladies thought of a name?"

"Not yet. Its in the progress." I heard the door open and I smacked Zayn to hide behind the counter. I walked over to be face with Lauren holding up bags. "Babe!"

"Hi baby. Hi Ray" she giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Zayn's in the kitchen!" I whispered so Ray didn't hear.

Lauren had looked at me funny before she made her way to the kitchen. She looked around and whispered Zayn's name till he jumped from back of the counter.

I had watched as Zayn and Lauren had a conversation about their daughter. I know the baby is now mine, but Zayn had every right to see her and know about her if he wanted to. He is the father after all. But something in me made me not want him to know anything about the baby. I don't know what is was, but that is how I felt.

When the conversation was over, Zayn had hugged me and I snapped out of my train of thought. He had sneaked out the window once again, trying his best not to get caught by any of the girls or Ray.

"You ok?" Lauren asked taking both my hands in hers. I shrugged with a nod and walked over to the living room to continue the movie with Ray.

Lauren had followed and sat next to me. She did her absolute best to try and hug me and kiss me on the cheek like she use to, but she couldn't. Her belly was just to big to let her do anything anymore.

"Here." I stood up and sat behind her wrapping my hands around her and resting my chin on her shoulder. When I knew I felt comfortable, I kissed her cheek repeatedly. "Why are you crying?" I whispered as I whipped a tear away.

"This was my job you know. I'm the one that suppose to hug you and kiss you, and now I can't even do that" she pouted. "I'm fat!" She exclaimed.

"Lauren. Please calm down! You're making Ray look at us funny." I exclaimed as Ray turned his head slowly to look at a crying Lauren. I stood up and sat in front of her and whipped her tears. "You're having a baby Lauren. Don't think of yourself like that." She sniffed resting her head on my shoulder.

"But I'm the one that always hugging you, and taking care of you. Its my job and I love it!" She whined.

I looked at her with a big smile, and then kissed her repeatedly. Lauren is such a cutie!

"Now, please stop crying. I hate when you cry. It makes me really sad!" I giggled. "What can I do to make Lauren stop crying?" I asked as she whipped her tears.

"Let me hold you" she whispered. I smiled before laying on her side carefully trying not to squish the baby. She wrapped an arm around me and held my hand as the other played with my red hair. "This is more like it!" She exclaimed as Ray climbed his way on top of me and laid himself on stomach.

"I can get use to this" I laughed and kiss Lauren's hand before continuing to watch the movie.

* * *

A/n: This is 5H_lovato hacking into my best friends story. I had to make sure this story looked finish before posting it without consent! Shh! Don't tell her. She's asleep right now lol.

I just want to wish my best friend a happy birthday! Thank you for so many years of your friendship, and many more to come. Love you babe so much! LOOK AT YOUR CONVERSATION BOARD!!

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