Chapter 37

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Dani's POV-

"So, Ashely told me she saw you hitting a truck. Can I ask why?" Val asked as we walked around the store.

"First of all it was my truck so it was OK. Second, what did she exactly tell you?" She shrugged pushing the shopping cart as I placed things inside.

"Nothing really. Just that she saw you hitting a truck. She also asked if you were seeing anybody?" I stopped in mid step and looked at Val.

"Why?" She shrugged again with a small giggle. "Doesn't she know I'm with Lauren?"

"You and Lauren have never announced it to the public so nobody really knows about you guys." She scoffed. "And I thought you weren't with Lauren?"

"I am. We're just taking a break" I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply.

"I say just make the break permanent. Go with Ashely. She's amazing with an amazing heart. She would never do you so dirty like Lauren has." I stopped and looked at Valerie.

"Valerie. You realize I have a child with Lauren right? I am not what so ever leaving her alone" I said calmly as possible.

"That baby isn't even yours! She fucked you're ex boyfriend and now has his child. You have to seriously open your eyes and move on from her!" My eyes widen. "Get over her!"

"I can't believe you fucking said that. Did you forget that your chasing Dinah's ass right now. That your cheating on Troian with Dinah. You're just as bad as Lauren. So don't come at me that I can't get over someone, when you clearly can't." I threw the bag of chips to the cart and walked away from Val.

This is probably the end of our friendship, but clearly I didn't care one bit. She crossed the line big time.

* * *

Getting home after spending my morning and somewhat of the afternoon at the beach, just sitting there and thinking, I went home, well actually everyone's house, and checked up on Billi.

"Hello?" I called out as I entered the house. "Is anybody home?" I yelled and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Hey?" I heard a raspy voice. I turned and found Lauren leaning against the door frame.

"Hey. Where's Isabel?" I chugged a cup of water and placed the cup into the sink before leaning against it. "I came to see her"

"She's with Zayn." I mentally groaned rolling my eyes. "I know you hate him having her but she is his"

"I know" I sighed. "But she has my last name, so I'm just being protective" Lauren smiled lightly and walked closer to me trying to grab my hand.

"I understand" I looked at our hands and sighed. I held Lauren's hands tighter and thought about what Val had said, but I clearly can't see my life with out this green eyed freak. I simply can't. She's the only one that I ever dated that I love.

"Lauren?" We heard. I looked up from our hands and saw Zayn walking in the kitchen with a crying Billi. "I think she's hungry"

"Oh, I'll make her a bottle" she said and lets go of my hand.

Zayn smiled and stood next to me. He smiled lightly and gave me a side hug which I returned. I won't lie, Zayn still had a special place in my heart but not in that way anymore.

"Dan? Would you like to feed her?" I looked at Lauren shockingly and crossed my arms.

"Seriously?" Lauren nodded and handed me the bottle. Zayn gently laid Isabel in my arms and kissed her head.

"I'll see you Ladies in a month. I'll be in the UK." We nodded not really caring. "I should go before anybody gets home. Bye" he waved.

"Billi" I whispered before kissing her on the cheek. "I love you" I began to feed her walking slowly to the living room and sitting on the couch.

"Dan, I'm sorry for the way I treated you and what I yelled at you. I didn't mean it. Its just she's our first daughter and I'm a first time m-" I stopped Lauren with a kiss and rested my head on her shoulder as I stared at Billi.

"Lauren, shut up" she giggled and rested her head on top of mine.

As the hour went, Lauren and I watched Billi sleep. Like I said, she was exactly Lauren when she slept. She was a splitting image. Beautiful.

"I'll get it" Lauren whispered as we heard the doorbell. I nodded and rubbed Billi's back gently. "Dan? Someone's at the door for you" I looked at the door strangely and stood carefully resting Billi on her playpin.

"Who is it?" Lauren shrugged with a small glare.

"Who ever it is, brought flowers." Lauren frowned and sat on the couch grabbing the remote. I walked over to the door to find Ashely.

"Hey!" She chirped. "These are for you" she handed me the flowers and smiled enormously.

"Thanks but, uh why?" I raised a brow and looked at the flowers.

"Just cause. I was talking to Val and was wondering if you would like to go for lunch or dinner" I sighed and groaned at the mention of Val. I looked back and watched as Lauren raced up stairs.

"Ashely, I would love to but, I'm engaged and I have a daughter." She raised both her eye brows and looked at me embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. Val said-" I cut her off and smiled.

"Val's being stupid right now. Its fine" she nodded and scratched the back of her head.

"Well, this is embarrassing. I should go and kill Val" I giggled nodding. "Keep the flowers" I nodded and watched as she walked to her car.

When Ashely's car was out of our drive way, I placed the flowers on the coffee table and raced up stairs to mine and Lauren's room.

Lauren was seated at the window seat just staring at the sky. Her green eyes seemed dull and her skin was paler then usual.

"So, when's your date?" She sounded sarcastic but I shrugged it and sat next to her taking her hand.

"Tonight" I whispered. She looked at me and frowned.

"We really are over, huh?" I giggled slightly and pulled her towards me so she can lay on me as we looked out the window.

"My date with you is tonight. How can you say we're over?"

"You told Demi you wanted a brake" I nodded.

"But I thought it over. Its hard being away from you Lauren. You're my drug. You're the only person that can keep me sane. I love you Lauren, and I'll never stop loving you" I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. "Get ready. We leave as soon as the girls get here" she nodded and began to rummage through her clothes.


A/n: so I began to watch the 100 and instantly was hooked. I finished the seasons on Netflix and now I'm pretty sad. What else do you guys recommend to watch on Netflix?

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